Now that the dust has settled, was he in the wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, was he in the wrong?

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does anal sex really makes you murder your wife and kids bros?

>kills his innocent children
The fact that he wasn't publically flayed alive is proof that our justice system is a failure.

nigga was ass drunk he cant help it

>anal sex
It's overhyped

Yes, he was a retarded cumbrain that thought the answer to being able to run off with some roastie that would let him blast her in the asshole was to kill his wife and kids

it's the bugs user


Why did he kill his kids?

Did he kill them though?


The why of it doesn't matter. The fact that he still breathes is the greater crime here.

Is a man no longer allowed to defend himself from chicken nuggies in this day and age?

>wife was fucking ugly
>wife was a diabetic
>wife didn’t allow anal
>wife was a social media whore and shoved cameras in his face all the time and always had a camera pointed on him
>kids were ugly as sin
>kids would misbehave and throw nuggets at him

He did nothing wrong.

This was never funny.

yes it was

also he was completely ass drunk

It's really fucking good user, always tight and no pregnancy worries

They threw chicken nuggets at him and he snapped

It surely isn't funny. Have you ever taken a nugget to the face? They're lucky their death was swift.

>always tight

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Wrong to kill the kids, but not to kill his wife

user, if I pelted you with chicken mcnuggets all day, every day, you'd kill me too. And rightfully so.

yes I got memed into trying anal and it made me want to murder people
I dont like faeces lads I'm stick to a pusy from now on

A good anus will always retain its tightness, obviously if you're going to be fucked by a 12 inch lovely BBC every day then it might have an affect

>wife was fucking ugly

so what do you call this hairline?

>A good anus will always retain its tightness
lmao faggots have to wear diapers you dipshit

King of Yea Forums

Okay let's at least be honest here. They were throwing nuggets. Those kids were no angles.

You think every gay person goes around wearing diapers? Only the sick freaks who get fisted every night have those issues, nobody is going to wear diapers because of your 5 inch cock user lmao

Just post her rump

You're adorably clueless, stay innocent.

A nugget can't kill you, its not funny. A man killed two defenseless children and you continue to make shitty jokes. At least make them clever or funny

>kids would misbehave and throw nuggets at him

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So are you, you clearly don't seem to understand how the human body works. You do shit every day right user?

>nooo you can't kill your heckin kiderinos
would love to hear a defense of this that doesn't boil down to "god said not to". animals kill their own kids all the time

Anal sex is fucking disgusting. I couldn't even do at least 4 pumps before I said nope.

Did he mention nuggets during his interviews as an excuse?

On one hand you get to squirt your load deep into her and maximize ball drainage.
On the other hand you are sticking your dick into a filthy hole without a condom.

Sometimes in life you just have to go for it

A mother is the only person allowed to kill her kids

Society was at fault for not allowing him to leave his family without terrible financial and social repercussions, which results in bottled up frustration and anguish that eventually led to his mental snap. Same thing with school shooters desu. You think they would do that shit if they could just leave like in the 1940s? No, it's stress resulting from being forced to endure an environment that you are not mentally suited for. Humans are not adjusted to this hyper-connected society. It's like a cage, most don't mind but others feel the walls closing in.

>oh shit they're using the Nuggets Defense

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>So are you, you clearly don't seem to understand how the human body works.
Says the guy who thinks it's magic
> You do shit every day right user?
No once every few weeks we make a festival of it

magneto's helmet

Should've hidden them in her booty. Rookie mistake

They were the only thing standing between Chris and an all you can eat ass buffet. What was he supposed to do?

Were the nuggets greasy?

well you oughta know, sweetie


the real question is does the room smell like poop during anal

she has crazy eyes

All kids misbehave.

He wife was a straight up retard who should've been institutionalized. He shouldn't have killed the kids though.

Calm down, woman. Have some nuggets.

i never really thought about it like that

meds. now.

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They were dripping with molten hot grease.

Realistically speaking, you are Chris, you just snapped and killed wife and kids. It's 2 am. You made a lot of noise and have thin wooden walls and proximity to neighbors. What do you do?

This ass has caused the murder of 4 human souls and ruined the lives of at least a dozen others.

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I drive


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Don't take a polygraph?

You'd like it more if you weren't on the receiving end.

No offense, but if a girl ever threw a nuggie at me, I'd fucking punch her in the gut (no bruises), pull her sweatpants down, and rape her but not not the nice kinda rape that she brags about to her friends, no I give Hayden that yachting oil baron rape where we do watersports. NOBODY NUGGIES ME!!!

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Bros I had a gf once and despite both being virgins she floated the idea of anal... didn't realize at the time what kind of jackpot I hit and let her slip through my fingers.

Good lad! I had anal once and the next thing I knew I was knee deep in viscera. I killed 20 before they took me in. I get one hour Internet before they put me back on the cage

Damn you're offended

Nuggies don't hurt. Why you pretending they are like knives?

God's gift or Satan's master plan, hard to say

imagine killing your wife and daughters for a random whore that watches interracial porn

The daughters violated the NAP by throwing the nuggets at him, he was completely in the right to respond with lethal force

>a nugget can't kill you

Had no idea he wrestled

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Overcooked nuggies will most definitely break the skin

I kind of feel bad for him, how it is it possible to be this unlucky? His wife was dead for barely a few hours and her fat friend already got suspicious because she wasn't posting shit on facebook in the 2 hours she had last seen her and his neighbor was exactly the right kind of boomer to have that CCTV set up

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He could have been allergic

If he kept his mouth shut how likely was he gonna get away with it?

So this guy is a gen xer right? I feel like every dude that sort of age I know, has a fucking nightmarish wife/family. It just seems like a constant, these guys I know who are this age either have a ugly bitchy wife or fuck trashy 28+ yos

Kill the neighbours too. It's the only way.

He was jolly good desu.

He was always going to be fucked, but agreeing to the polygraph was the dumbest thing he could have done, not doing it would only have bought him a couple of months though


>I kind of feel bad for him
he murdered his family...

>buries them a mile or so away from his workplace
>calls up the preschool the older daughter attended and says that she won't be attending anymore, then asks if she's there
>"Yeah, officer, my social-media addict wife and my daughters just disappeared off the face of the Earth without telling anyone where they went...I miss them kids tho"
He was doomed from the start

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Yeah there's no excuse for that, I mean if it was just his wife I could understand but not those poor kids

Anal is never tight, virgin. It feels like nothing at all

You cannot be prosecuted for a crime unless you admit to it

almost zero especially since he dumped the bodies near(at) a place he worked. maybe there's the tiniest chance if he left the bodies where he killed them in the house, left for work like normal, left a couple doors unlocked and when the cops got called to check on her he told them to enter the home.

wtf lol that's not even close to accurate

GenX is literally the suicide generation; has been since the fucking 1980s.
Our self-loathing leads us to settle for the worst women or else to be incels right here.

>Anal is never tight
lmao what bed shitting man have you fucked

the sphinxter is tight but the cavity isn't

if you have a choice of woman or no woman, you cannot be an "involuntary" celibate by definition, you made a choice to not have woman

You've clearly never fucked a cat

wtf is "ass drunk"?

Can we finally settle on the fact that Shannan was at least slightly more attractive in the face? Obviously the side pieces body mogs Shannans

>would love to hear a defense of this
it's a bit rude innit

So if most can adjust just fine why is society to blame? Isn't it the fault of the, by your own admission, few who can't adapt to be left behind.

It's not about the pain, it's about the disrespect.

Whats the story here?

what do you think femanons think of us making jokes about this man and him killing his family?

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