Attached: bald.jpg (558x602, 114.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>praising a country literally at war with yidsrael
>b-b-but he's a jew!!!

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yep we fucking back baldbros

he looks like a sex pest

he is white so of course he is one.

It's he still shilling hohol propaganda?

is he a sex tourist


Are you still shilling that ESL meme?

Rape kino

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Rapist bros...we won.

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I hope Assad gave this man an underage harem for his services to Syria and the World.

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this is just third worlders coping and seething over chad anglobros

Russia is cauldroning the hohols in eastern Ukraine

>tfw you spot an unaccompanied village girl

Attached: Bald_with_baldr.jpg (250x250, 10.55K)

He literally gave up his daughter
if that based to you?

of course you cant, all sex outside of marriage is degenerate and cause of societal destruction.

Reddit incels

You're not a true Chad if you haven't gotten at least one rape charge

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>jokes about covid and people using masks
>almost died of covid. Only saved his life because he had connections

Attached: Screen_Shot_2020-07-10_at_10.40.04_AM.png (2876x1295, 2.83M)

>bald must go


>shitskins are too stupid to consent to sex
Wow, that's hardcore

I was greatly disappointed when Simon showed up, and also realized he's another youtuber going for the government-sanctioned Syrian tour crap where they have to have a guide with them at all times. Some guy made a video about youtubers in Syria and their trip is all managed by the government. Even the hotel bald is staying at has been visited by other youtubers.

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Yes, why not? She would grow up to be a whore anyway.

He got so BTFO that he memoryholed this video

yeah he should go alone and get beheaded by terrorists

He never had covid at all, retard. That's why he scrubbed all the posts about it. Harold and Simon make fun if it and talk about it in their Mexican trip videos

He always goes to based places, except Bolivia, that was an utter shithole.

He almost did just that in Bolivia

He glows hard

North Korea next

>he’s sold out and started shilling for advertisers
I wonder how much Surfshark paid him for that plug.

I'd like to see that

>youtuber thread on Yea Forums
>it's 99% nothing but drama and gossip posting

What the fuck happened to this place? I understand most of you are in your 30s now but you talk like fucking grandmas at a coffee klatsch.

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It's worse. He joked about Covid and masks, went to a former Yugo country, caught Covid, hogged resources in a poor nation torn up by war not that long ago, used his connections to get special attention at the hospital, bailed the country using said connections, shat on the initial treatment he received, kept on traveling despite knowing Covid is real. I also recall him removing the "apology" video and it had to be republished by someone else, but that part is hazy. I know I found the unedited vid through some other channel. Dude is basically everything the chans hate traditional celebs for, including being pedos and rapists.

>tour guide

Damn he’s officially jumped the shark

>sucking off putin's lapdog
what a fucking retard

>frogposter assblasted over babushkaposting


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>Covid is real.

It's not, and he never had it

He's always had suspicious ties to russian... businessmen

kek this place seems to be Seethe HQ

Attached: seethe.png (736x197, 54.26K)

Fuck off you loony go rant about how kochs postulates haven't been met to your garage door or something

>is Jewish
>says fuck you to ZOG and makes an Assad propaganda video
how based can one man be

go get your next booster, noob

No you're just a schizo moron

>It's not real
>but russia is invading the biolabs where they made it!
The cognitive dissonance of you chuds is disconcerting.

> pls go back to harassing /trv/ you useless fuck
pls go back to harassing /trv/ you useless fuck

Yea Forums has been shit for 10 years now. I mean just look at these soulless trashy memes.

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What booster shot you on champ

the biolabs are engineering modified anthrax, retard. covid came from fort detrick. do your research, clown.

Couldn't you get the inference from the previous post?
None of course I'm a shitposter but thankfully I have still have a grasp of reality unlike your poor soul.

>covid is so real that Bald, Baldr and Simon were all making fun of it in the very next set of videos after Bald supposedly 'died' from it

>Still like his stuff.
>LOLOLOL then you're okay with a literal rapist?!
Why are redditors so fucking dramatic? Can't stand gossipy moralfags.

So it IS real then

So is this your first or second booster shot?

>three questionable characters are unequivocal proof that it's been fabricated based on their travel vlog entries

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yeah it's just the flu, the narrative is what's fake. death tolls are fake. overcrowded hospitals were fake news. the fud is 100% manufactured.

wrong un

Are you retarded or a bot?
Why are you asking the same question over and over again despite being answered?


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If it's just the flu why was it manufactured in fort detrick?

Had a huge liberal neighbor live in Chicago btw. Told him not to get the vaxx and booster. He just treats me like crazy person. Get this him and his boss get booster same day and both lose their voice for a week.

He got scared cause he realized it was the vaccine and told me I was right all along lol. Another lib neighbor complained how strong and shit the booster is. The reason is why covid is over because all these small cases that are never reported in the news among the democrat base woke them up.

influenza was invented by USAMRIID, scooter. try and keep up
>b-b-but it's been around forever
fake news and historical revisionism. kind of like how feds try and pretend that AIDS and prion diseases existed before the 80s

>3 guys who traveled the world during the height of covid never got it. One of them had to pretend to get it to syphon more donations from his followers then immediately deleted all the videos mentioning it

I found it weird how few people made the connection between his serious Covid reaction and his numerous past trips to the Chernobyl zone. He’s fried his immune system trekking through radiated forests, eating food in the homes of the people that live there.

One then? Alright one thanks

woman have casual sex with strangers
>*cheering and clapping*
>*awarded nobel peace prize*
>*given key to city*
>*streets named after her*
man have casual sex with strangers
>*jeers and hissing*
>*rocks thrown*
>*put in manacles*
>*erecting gallows*

0 is less than 1 please see someone about your disability

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He probably just drank too much, got an STD or two, and needed a day to rest in a hospital. He most certainly did not have covid

>grifter grifts
>PROOF!!!!!!! PROOFFF!!!!
Quick stop the presses you've solved the whole damn thing

Losing your hair is a fucking disgrace
Poor guy

i still cant believe vagrant holiday is dead...

QRD if not a shitpost?

I can't even tell if you're sarcastic, but yes. That's what happened.


You think they would ever go into permawar muslim hell otherwise?

he is one