How long until we get a trans romance movie? With the flood of political correctness and push for trans acceptance...

How long until we get a trans romance movie? With the flood of political correctness and push for trans acceptance, you'd think it would've happened by now

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Can I see your vaxx passport?

it's surprising there isn't one
i hope the transwoman is really submissive and her love is a right wing balding manlet and he dominates her boipucci so fucking hard


Imagine her getting BLACKED

Becouse the money needed to make a trans person passable is more then any studio would be willing to apend

will it be titled LOVE, ACK!!TUALLY

Chinese moment


there is no "romance" in homosexual "relationships"

You mean a gay movie? Fk off trannie.

Cute trans tummies...

Trans relationships aren't based on romance. Sexual degeneracy.

They all have less than 3 years of life ahead anyway, they'll all rope themselves when Trump wins again.

>How long
do you faggots even watch movies? let me guess, this doesn't count because hes ugly and manly (lol. lmao even). god I hate this place so much

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never because trannies are incapable of experiencing love

goddamn i just want to breed this thing
how long until SCIENCE can repurpose a segment of their large intestine as a womb and reroute their anus to it

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I'm not sure this appeals to a wide enough demographic. Maybe the government should subsidize it with taxpayer money too since trans rights are american rights

death to all degenerates

trans girls are beautiful

>I am terrified of women and have given up on getting laid


What is the Crying Game

I want to suck its nipples

two dicks and no chicks,, don't mix - biggie smalls
how will they solve htis dilemama,?

maybe bototm surgeru
very cute

>bottom surgery

>goddamn i just want to breed this thing
The fact that traps can't get pregnant is a huge bonus for me. And it still amazingly great to empty your balls inside their assholes

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"She's not a tart"
"She's not a lady either"

Already happened

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you still have a biological impulse due to evolution

cumming inside and taking contraceptives or even abortion is the sex equivalent of bulemics gorging and throwing up

thats a girl

I am trying to turn a new leaf here user. Why do you tempt me?

OP here, I meant a passing tranny.

>you still have a biological impulse due to evolution
Sure, I have that instinct to blow my load in a tight hole. But I'm cognitively aware enough to realize why I don't want kids and I agree with you that contraceptives cause a lot of problems.

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There's probably been handfuls, you've just not heard of them because you are like little baby needing to be spoonfed.

It’s a flood?

I'm a /pol/bro, but I'm tired of pretending some trans bitches aren't hot as fuck. If you wouldn't fuck this bitch you're the real faggot.

More like a tidal wave of globalist social pressure and left wing "tolerance" aka rebranded corporate Marxism. They've found a way to monetize wholeness and you're all dumb enough to think its organic lmao

I am also /pol/ bro. Think of the smell, atleast for the 20+ monsters.

Also it's sin, remember sodom and gommorah. Reject and die to lusts every day so you no longer will be a habitual coomer.

Colossians 3:5
>Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.

There will be tons of trannies in now, since the new generation started hrt from early age. Alot of perversions will be norm.

This is from "Los Roldan" a TV Series from early 2000 in Argentina.

It’s called The Crying Game and it was released 30 years ago. It was a legit art house hit, and widespread cultural talking point.

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That depends
If you’re talking about gnyophilic tranny ””””””””””lesbian”””””””””””” romance then it has been done (Euphoria) and will continue to be done
If you’re talking about a masc on femboy romance it’ll (unfortunately) never happen

but 95% of trannies are so ugly nobody would ever love them it's unrealistic

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Biggie Smalls sucked Tupac’s dick in the White House and there’s nothing you can do about it

Most romance movies are unrealistic. No way an attractive, successful male would settle down with a childless mid-30s female

I'm a /pol/ bro too. I would let a couple of hot ones with big fat meaty cocks spitroast me and flood my stomach with jets of warm semen from both directions over and over and make me pleasure them both with my mouth every morning when we wake up together.

>masc on femboy
isn't that movie with Timmy Chalamet and Armie Hammer pretty much that?

gay men have actually developed reproductive organs inside of their area, and a new generation of children are born from inside gay men

doesnt that prove the point
2 dicks and no chicks,,, didnt mix
both end up dead,m coincidence?

trannies are too small of a market to pander to

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twinks aren't femboys
its just a normal gay movie

this guy has really nice nipples tbqh

they are called orcs, and sarumon leads them

You mean a trans character? He have that already in the Netflix show Another Life, it sucks and it's just some ugly tranny that can't pass

Never, No one loves troons. There are faggots in denial who tell themselves they aren't gay because the guy fucking them in the ass has tits. That's not love, that's a fetish.

Then there's morbid curiosity. Some straight guys might treat them like a crash on the highway. Something to look at and wonder what the fuck happened, but that's not love either.

fuck off with your psyop, this is a 1 in 100 occurrence, every other tranny will still look like an ogre in dress.

>isn't that movie with Timmy Chalamet and Armie Hammer pretty much that?
Chalamet is a twink, not a femboy. Femboy is more pic related. But Call Me By Your Name is a fantastic film.

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Lol they won't do it outside of niche bs and we all know why.

the cute ones will still exist and thrive over the ogres though

>hot as fuck
In photographs taken in certain lighting, tastefully filtered, at the right angles, yes. In real life they radiate maleness; the bone structure, the smell, the mannerisms, all 'tell'
t. degenerate whoremonger