Farscape or Stargate?
Farscape or Stargate?
Stargate always looked kinda weird with that black buzz lightyear lookin fucker.
SG-1 stayed good until s6 wheras Farscape only had 2 good seasons, so i'm gonna have to give it to SG-1 overall
farscape was kino every season your opinion is bad and you should be ashamed for having it.
I watch Farscape for he.
SG-1 S1-5. People say its good up to S7/8 but the rot started long before Fat Jack or General Bland and his daughterwhore Shankswife. S6 Daniel comes back and never dies again properly and they start fucking about in ships all the fucking time like discount Star Trek.
Atlantis S1, peaks with The Siege which is the best multi episode battle in teevee scifi ever shown. Rainbow Six Francis>Jason Momoo.
Stargate, to drive out some of that söy you wussies are inundated in.
Farscape is just a weird hand puppet show, when you boil it down.
>Farscape only had 2 good seasons
Even S4 which is objectively the worst season is still a solid 8/10
Stargate is best in the first 6 seasons when it is grounded in reality
When the replicating robots become the main antagonist turn back.the best is behind you
why not both?
always felt Farscape did a lot more with its budget, had better characters and character interaction, and individually much better episodes, villains, and story lines
still like Stargate though
ultimately what it comes down to is Farscape was willing to do weird stuff and SG1 was pretty tame and episodic
Farscape, and it isn't even close.
>Farscape was willing to do weird stuff
Definitely SOUL. Can't think of anything else apart from the Star Wars prequels that pushed the boat out in terms of design and imagination.
I thought she was a Leaf...
based gooldposter
Why can’t we have both?
Farscape. I don't know if Stargate was ever more than mediocre. A fun kind of mediocre at times, but mediocre all the same.
Did she just let out a big loud one?
kek amanda tapping nailed it
Farscape had D'argo getting cucked by his own son. That was pretty funny.
His own fault for thinking the biggest slut in the galaxy would settle down on a farm
Farscape and your gif is the reason why.
True that
The funniest thing is the holier-than-thou priestwhore being the only one who was actually guilty
Jesus fucking christ SHE CAN GET IT
hands off, she's my space jew-fu
Get what?
I'd go vegan if you know what I mean :^)
I'd like to be tapping Amanda, if you are picking up what I cam putting down
I think he is referring to the process of sexual intercourse
As in coitus?
I'd like a man to be tapping, wanna come over?
what are you talking about man? stargate's tonal morality is just a few steps from star trek
Wish I could have my mind erased so I could watch both again for the first time.
Farscape was great but it was pretty obvious the writers were running out of ideas by season 4. They at least allowed it to die off on a good note rather than dragging it out with several bad seasons like SG1.
tits mcgee
Farscape is The Love boat in space. It makes for lazy writing. People just show up on the ship - like the just board it.
it's a space whale
w-what... the series ended in literal cliffhanger and had to get a movie to wrap things up
don't be mad, that poster is trans.
shipping ie relation-ship drama is a big part of its appeal
>black buzz lightyear
I haven't seen either, but Claudia Black is my waifu, so whichever one she was in must surely be superior.
He is very shiny
she looks really hot as a blonde
man i wish both these shows were actually good and not just memories blinded by nostalgia
they have some highs but there are way too many lows for me to enjoy them properly
>when a homosexual needs attention and comments in a thread
>when user with shit taste thinks his opinion is worth a damn
i c wut u did thar
also; checked
Farscape spoiled me for Stargate - after watching that dark twisted universe, where nuanced characters dealt with real tragedy and threat, i couldn't deal with the more simplistic goodies v. baddies of stargate
iirc the next step was the nebari arc, they were going to invade after activating their virus presumably. would have been great esp if they had a triple threat war PK v Scar v Nebs