/BCS/hifters general

previous Thread question: Predict cameos

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You better believe Gus' plan apologists ITT WILL be GASSED

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no but seriously why didnt the salamancas use sleeping gas

Gould and Vince are going to make a cameo and it's going to take us months to spot it. Screenshot this

>Thread question: Predict cameos
Walter Jr beats Skyler with his crutch for once again purchasing Raisin Bran instead of Raisin Bran Crunch.

This timeshift theory is the most retarded thing I've seen on this general in years. Even if they are just joking.
Now, for the serious predictions, there is only one way in which Gould can explain what happens to Kim in a way that Saul's character in Breaking Bad makes sense.
Brain swap. We've all noticed that Kim is a cunning, machiavellian lawyer, that thinks that the ends justify the means in those past episodes, while Jimmy is a good guy, who just want to help people, he doesn't like Kim's plan, he doesn't really want to destroy Howard's life. How can he become somebody completely different in a short span of time? The simple answer is: he doesn't.
My theory is: in the future episodes something bad happens to Kim. Maybe cartel will want to kill her, but more propable answer is that her plot on Howard will fail and she will be threatened with imprisonment, it doesn't really matter though. Then Jimmy, the sweet, kind, brilliant men we once knew will offer her a brain swap, and then he will let himself be killed or he'll go into prison instead of her. They will use Caldera's services to do that. Kim liked Jimmy but didn't really loved him that much, we can see it throughout the series, so that's understandable that she forgot about him after couple of years. It's also obvious why she doesn't mention herself in Breaking Bad, it explains this change of Saul's character, it explains why she uses hookers and flirts with Francesca (something Jimmy would never do, because of his love to Kim), it explains Saul's cold relation with Mike in BB (she didn't went through the desert with him), there is literally no weak point in this theory.
Who knows, maybe the number she gives Francesca in that one flashforward scene in season 4 is the number to the state prison in which real Jimmy is.

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the question is, why are they shifting time?

and to answer this question, why are there ants in better call saul when there are no ants in breaking bad?

>Kim and Jimmy's chicanery goes to far.
>Howard loses everything and he kills himself.
>Kim left evidence and is charged for his death.
>Penultimate episode is a full hour long court episode with Jimmy desperately trying to clear her name.
>It fails and shes sentenced to life, episode ends with Walt and Jesse pulling up to his office for the first time.
>Final episode is a full on hour long Gene episode.

You heard it here first.

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The tarantulas killed them all

Daily reminder that the Gisele & Viktor scenes are from a yet-unexplored 5th timeline.

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There hasn't been a lot of court drama for a show about lawyers, I do hope they have another one like Chicanery

I went on my boyfriends phone and he had this picture as his background, when I asked him why he looked really embarrassed and yanked it out of my hands while refusing to answer my question. Can anyone explain?

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Did you even watch the show?

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why don't the twins simply eat nacho?

I'd give her a swallowship to the university of my dick, if you know what I mean.


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BrButtholes have been real quiet on this one

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can you make a version with greenscreen in the mirror

how the FUCK did a total beta like craig land this babe?

You're quick user

Why couldn't Lalo figure out Mike is the guy who set up Tuco to go to prison? Like Hector and his goons knew who he was and where he lives, Lalo meets him face to face even.

I'm surprised she didn't leave him after he lost is job and their life went to shit

you think she cheats on him?

craig is pure

>When he tries to congratulate Jimmy and Kim on getting married

>1 day 5 hours
What do I watch until then?

First, I presume Mike didn't give his real name to the law enforcement. So the only one who could pace him would be Tuco.

There was one line on it in s05e06. When Nacho (After being inducted by Gus), sees Mike and learns that his name is Mike for the first time, and is the same Mike that Lalo is searching for. He says something like "If Hector or the cousins ever find out (you're the guy who put Tuco away)"
Mike just responds with a short, angry "They're not gonna find out."

So I assume Gus and Mike have a plan. I think this also came up when Gus first talked about hiring him.

i dont think lalo would go out on a limb for tuco

The most believable theory is that “Jimmy”, “Saul” and “Gene” are all manifestations of Charlie Hustle’s multiple personalities. Charlie room has absolutely no familial relation to Charles Mcgill, he is simply an ordinary mail room worker who aspires to be a great lawyer and lives through his personalities to vicariously live through his fantasies.
Jimmy is not real, that is his “denialism” personality where he believes he can be a good lawyer and pretends he is Chuck’s brother. Over the next couple years of working in the mail room his mental illness has worsened and was reflective of Chuck’s “mental illness” that he simply imagined to make himself feel more relatable to himself. Chuck in reality had suffered cancer which is why he stopped going to work and secluded himself out of depression which is why we hear “lung cancer” being mentioned in Chicanery. His “Saul” personality develops after Chuck tragically passes away from the cancer and Charlie’s mental illness worsens considerably. His “Jimmy” personality becomes less in control.

edit with amber feet please

And now for the bombshell: Kim does not exist. Charlie has imagined her the whole time. Kim is in a way another personality of Charlie but an external personality like a tulpa and is less controlled by Charlie (as we have seen in season 5/6).
Once we arrive in the breaking bad timeline Charlie is on the verge of having a completely mental freak out. He has now let his Saul personality completely dominate over Charlie (the host personality) and Jimmy. The “real” Saul is simply a mail room worker and nothing more. The office of Saul is nothing but a dark alleyway where he associates with the homeless. The Gene timeline is Charlie when he finally gets institutionalized. He spends his days in a white cell imagining himself as Gene Takovic - a man of regret and fear. Charlie Hustle, a once ordinary yet solitary mail room worker, is not a shell of a man hijacked by a neurotic personality that will never latch off.
This is the true theory and any theory about ghosts, time travel, and face/off are silly at best

>Jimmy loses his oneitis
>Immediately after is the Saul Goodman we see in BrBa
Shit bait

That's not the issue. It would make it look like Gus is sabotaging the salamancas.

which he is.

rewatch ep 1 and 2

>So the only one who could pace him would be Tuco
Except for the fact that Hector confronted Mike offering him money to change his testimony and had more of his men, including the twins intimidate him afterwards

Oh right, Hector too at the least.

there is your answer

Why does BCS keeps recasting people without even attempting to use makeup to make them look younger?

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So all Lalo needs to do is find the cousins, ask them if they know a "Mike", bam, all the proof he needs.

go to bed Grant Morrison

Hector knew he was an ex-cop and where he lived when he sent his goons to his house and cousins to his daughter in-law place. I am pretty sure he used his real name when pressing charges. I just think its odd Lalo is wondering about a guy named Mike, and doesn't investigate about the guy who sent Tuco to prison and threatened Hector.

Cliff isn't in BrBa, it doesn't matter

choose one. no choice is not available.

a) dr cruz licks your asshole, then stabs you in your left foot with a knife.
b) you fuck dr cruz, but you die in 10 days.

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The only winning move is not to play
She's not tha thot

c) meet her at a party through friends. after some awkward but wholesome chatting, ask for her number, not thinking she would actually go for it, but she does. you go on a few dates, just normal stuff, dinner, walking around the city. and then before you can seal the deal, she ghosts you. you never figure out why but know that she was out of your league and feel sorry for yourself.

based realistanon

What if I lick her asshole

aaaa tetas BOOBA

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Where can I get one of these?

I got mine at Costco

You win

why did mike leave a note with the motels phone number in nachos safe?

i'm sure you can pick up a retro blackberry in many places


If that were true then Saul would be hung up enough about Kim to mention her in BCS. The only theory that makes sense with the information we have right now is that Kim screws over Jimmy considerably, Jimmy dumps her and forgets about her which is why she isn't mentioned in BCS.

To set up that nacho was behind it all.It was a bank statement with funds being transferred to hire the mercenaries and the hotel was a rendezvous point I think

Why do Kim and Jimmy hate putting a note in Nacho's safe?

Hector is too stubborn to call it quits and leave north of the border free for Gus to absorb completely. He wants a Salamanca in the US to watch over their turf. Tuco was too hot headed to run things without oversight, and the twins refuse to stay north for whatever reason. It looked like Lalo was eyeing Nacho to be an honorary Salamanca and take things over for a while but that all went to shit with the assassination attempt. With Lalo most likely dead by the BrBa era, that means Hector is the only Salamanca left to run things.

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In that image at least he has a nice chicken meal deal

I hope Nacho dies

Luigi Salamanca

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God I'd fucking devour Los Pollos Hermanos.

Nacho is alright..I kinda feel sorry for him.

On the one hand he's a scummy drung dealer, but he genuinely wants what's best for his dad and a few times he seemed to go easy on his drug dealers and only got messy when he needed to. The idiot selling the meds, he also advised him to stop being stupid I think

now this doctor was hot, god i wish she shat on my face

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I want her to make me worship her sweat-soaked feet while she tells me I have to become her slave or else she's going to make me go to prison.
Objectively and undeniably best waifu.

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What exactly is Saul doing right now day to day work wise? Is he just full time on the scam? He has all that cash ai he's fine money wise but what's he doing now? Is he just Saul Goodman lite at the moment?