>Casts a black woman born in Ireland instead
What did Rafe mean by it?
>Casts a black woman born in Ireland instead
What did Rafe mean by it?
Liberals literally worship niggers
Looks redheaded.
>black woman born in Ireland
So a redhead?
She's an Irish redhead, what the fuck is wrong with you chuds?
w-what does elayne look like?
I am so tired of it, anons. Just let tv and film end already.
she looks 100% irish
>people catch on that kikes blackwash redheads
>scour the earth to find mutts with red hair
>give them acting careers regardless of how terribly they act
>"see she's still a redhead, just like the source material"
>"source material never flat out stated the exact shade of skin colour therefore clearly its always been a nig"
>stop noticing patterns.jpeg
show was doa from the start
"Jordan said the Aiel are Irish and have red/light hair, what's the blackest we can go within these parameters?"
That's it, that's the entire thought process.
>"source material never flat out stated the exact shade of skin colour therefore clearly its always been a nig"
Except it does. There's a mention of the Aiel being pale skinned where they have not tanned.
It doesn't you lying piece of chud garbage, you've never read the books you're just a /pol/tard with an agenda.
It does. Read the books, redditor.
how flat is her ass?
this is critical.
an actual hot redhead, bizarrely
"she a lightskinned tho" *finger snaps*
Niggers appropriating "light skin" to mean slightly less nigger niggers will never not be funny.
Seek help, lying to push a right wing agenda is unhealthy. Actually just go back to /pol/.
I don't need to lie, the truth is on my side.
>She stood in one smooth motion, surprisingly pale where the sun had not touched her, slender and hard-muscled, yet with roundnesses and softnesses that haunted his dreams.
The Fires of Heaven, ch 52
People would be fine with immigration if they weren't so damn ugly
she just ashy
Literally nothing about that passage suggests the person is in fact "white". Whiteness doesn't even have a real definition anyways. I bet you can't even define what it means to be white, did you know that centuries ago the Irish were not considered white?
why do they do it? Why redheads? it just makes no sense
Have sex incel.
It's not exclusive to redheads, it's just the most noticeable because it's so ridiculous.
Why do they hate gingers bros?
Rarest and most vulnerable white features.
they're the whitest of whites
>British bants now means irish were not just figuratively but also literally niggers
disingenuous cunt
Look at how badly the Northman bombed with its 100% white cast
You need diversity to make money
I bet mommy had a great time while she grew up a mutant.
zoomers are like 50%+ mutt
its over whitebros
Why are people arguing with a troll in this thread for a shitty show nobody watches?
Mass repliers need to be executed in the streets.
WoT is a very diverse series, they're just doing it wrong.
It's just an excuse to have a /wot/ thread again.
>executed in the streets
will be
Norfman overperformed at the box office. ~25 million for an independent movie on opening weekend is great. It's on track to make money.
You all complaining
You all still watching
Why can't you guys just leave niggers alone? How will we ever collectively raise their IQs and lower their crime rates with all this chuddery?
I know nobody saw it but it happened in the Hellboy reboot too
i remember when they were comfy longer before the show was greenlit, now its all libcucks pretending the two rivers were always 100% black, fuckers dont even like the show themselves they just hate whites(ironically that includes themselves)
God I wish we could just leave them alone but no, Hollywood insists on lifting them up and forcing them into white stories even though it never works.
The two rivers were always black. You never read the books, you're a piece of shit /pol/ chud who has never had sex.
Nah the threads here are some of the last bastions of people who actually read the books who are not silenced. Everywhere else has banned everyone who dares to criticize the "adaptation".
By me and men like me bleaching top tier black women. It's more moral and efficient than any other alternative.
>a half Aiel can blend in for years and was only pointed out as not being a real Two Rivers man when his shirt is lifted and his non-suntanned skin is shown to be extra pale
>we wuz alwayz niggas
inb4 whites dont tan
Why would you doom your future sons to be low IQ mutts, though?
The quotes you keep shitting out don't say anything about someone being white, just stop embarrassing yourself.
Not to mention Egwene was normally paler than a tanned Aiel and only after spending time in the Waste she started to somewhat resemble one. So regular Two Rivers folk are normally paler than tanned Irish. Sure doesn't sound like niggers now does it?
Read the books, shill.
I've it all figured out chud
1 I said top tier, like Ella. Or more so precisely Ella
2 Secretly I will fund a eugenics compound somewhere in south america in case my plans go south in Africa and where there is african migration
3 If sons are born I can use them to bait and switch other black chicks and mudsharks thus alleviating their overall detrimental effect on the human genome
>I said top tier
What is regression to the mean? Your "top tier" black women will just doom your offspring to be low IQ mutts.
Reminder if you're white and struggling to tan, it may seem gross but you can just skip showers or take colder showers even though that will still remove many of the necessary natural oils. But yeah just skank it up for an uncomfortably long time and get some sunlight every day, you can basically become a darker Med. There is some kind of genetic trigger in us all.
t. day walker ginger who did this one time in Florida
>What is regression to the mean?
I accept that it will take a lot of coom, but I'm just the man for the job
independent movies dont cost as much as that did. No matter how you try to copespin
~ 60 million is a huge budget but it will make money this year. And there's not a god damn thing trannies can do about it
Good casting for a trolloc.
Aginor up to his old tricks
good one
why do they cast ugly people now?
i mean i would nut on her face but I'm not in the pictures industry
Yikes moment.