>$7 million opening weekend vs $200 million for black Panther
Lmao why is this movie box office poison?
The Bombsman
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>$7 million opening weekend vs $200 million for black Panther
I'm not sure why you're comparing this film to a blockbuster franchise film by a mega corporation.
Because it's a global pandemic, Karen!
It made 23.5 million
$12 million opening weekend
HAHAHAHAHA. Viral marketers got their buddy Harriot Johnston to post a fake inciting article. These retards are counting on streisand effect controversy to pump the box office of the Northman (currently $8 million gross on a $90 million budget. but dont worry--the a list cast and nonstop viral marketing all claim The Northman wasn't made to make money). Now they are pushing that their own film is neo nazi with direct quotes from this forum.
>24/7 nonstop viral marketing of the Northman on Yea Forums and /pol/ for months, fails.
>now the viral marketers recruit their buddy Harriet Johnston to write this article.
>now the article is spammed on /pol/ and Yea Forums as a real article to rally white majority audience.
This is unbelievably desperate and utterly pathetic. This is clearly all done by Robert Eggers, his BROTHER and their viral marketing PR firm what a piece of shit b
The white female demographic clearly went to black panther
ah the, the northman wasn't made to make money argument. makes perfect sense.
the marketing budget was way lower
I know right. The $90 million budget and cast stacked with a list stars mean it was a total pro bono, just for reddit movie. makes absolute sense.
>boards collectively mocked the paper thin facade, quite based [agreeable]
No they didnt lol
The viral marketers of the Northman have been here 24/7 for months. They failed spectacularly creating a potentially studio killing flop. They have to gaslight to save their own skin on this sinking ship. Maybe just maybe the white majority population will see it if they astroturf another fake article using their own Yea Forums quotes.
why are shitskins so uppity today
No one likes blacks
Why are americans so obsessed with this movie about my people? Your browness doesn’t stop existing because of ONE movie that isn’t centered around you.
Does it really not make you want to kill yourself when you go to bed and all the stimuli end and you realize you have dedicated your whole life to making the movie section of an anime forum marginally more unreadable?
there aren't as many people in the world as you think there are
nothing in this article is wrong. /pol/ has 24/7 threads about this film, calling it a "white men" movie while also talking about killing kikes and niggers.
>Good day
>Same again tomorrow?
>You know it
Yes they did. Women don't really pirate. Blacks don't pay, they sneak into the cinema. Black panther crushed it due to white women seeing it in cinema
doubt it, /pol/ gives no shits about film or vidya
I haven't gone to /pol/ at all since it was destroyed in 2016, but I take it troons like you just monitor that shithole "24/7" then? Why not get a job or a hobby instead?
The movie flopped in cinemas. The white female demographic is the most profitable demographic hence the capeshit. White women flocked to see Black Panther but didn't care for Vikings.
Lol no the demographics for black panther was niggers and basedboy, no women has even seen that shit
That's fine but does it make your penis bigger or less yellow?
Blockbuster kid friendly capeshit shilled by all of media v dark, adult themed film barely advertised
Where do you think Pol gets all its memes from? It's all the blue boards
>The movie flopped in cinemas
It's literally overperforming right now and this thread is just a seething response to this thread with the actual box office numbers
$23 million, not 7
You faggots. The movie didn't flop because of anything pertaining to race. These days people just want quips, the multiverse, and post credit scenes telling you to get excited for the next movie, basically the MCU and capeshit in general.
>Being this naive
Rian actually writes for an audience. Eggers writes for 13 year old capeshitters on reddit.
This movie trialed bad with white women early, it was never expected to do well in the box office.
Remember, /pol/ is always wrong!
Yes not enough blacks or having sex with dogs
The only 2 things white women lkke
>65% of the Audience was non- white
Kill yourself you pathetic buck
Black people specifically paid to see this movie. They came together to support it.
>Guys, Robert here. I have new talking points for our viral marketers today. We need to desperately get away from the perception The Northman flopped. Lets claim it overperformed so the perception is its not a flop but a sleeper success. Come on guys lets do this. Its not finished.
>$12 million on $90 million budget gross
>$35 million marketing budget
>VIRAL MARKETERS: "The Northman is overperforming at the box office!!!"
>doubt it, /pol/ gives no shits about film or vidya
lmao, lurk more. the moment a black person plays a white capeshit character, you'll find a thread on /pol/
If you like /pol/ so much go back there shitskin
Cool idea to have an all WHITE cast in a period piece but far too late. I saw 2 seconds of the trailer and it is still Hollywood volks. Try harder next time.
him sleepy
rent free
I can't explain why, but I have zero interest in seeing this movie.
>white women are literally the most loyal women
>more loyal than white men
apologize you fucking incel scumbags
Probably because you are a marvel cum slurping nigger
I will say this though, I will see it even less now seeing how mad it makes you.
and 90% of the replies will be to fuck off since /pol/ isn't going to fight over jewish capeshit
>Another discord trannoid thread
/pol/ is full of pic related they’re barely sentient
much of the international box office was earned before this weekend user.
given that it's been demonstrated that you are throwing away money by trying to market movies on Yea Forums, is there a chance that the shills will fuck off soon?
Trump lost
These have been the worst threads on this board that I've seen in years and it's not even particularly close
Incels reacting badly to black Panther dabbing on flopsman
it is like the whole russia v chinese bots shit. corporates use it for their stupid ass movies too.
yeah its really weird. I unironically think that leftist shills are coming here after those articles were written in the daily mail and the guardian.
intial reports were that it only made $2 million, $12 million is SIX TIMES MORE than we were expecting it to make!
ignoring the fact the comparison is retarded as said, there were numerous articles about how the movie was gonna tackle toxic masculinity or some shit
The film could make $1,000 and it would still be 10x better than anything else that gets shit out of Hollywood.
>Macho aggression
>Fair-haired loyal women
>Committed mothers
Are they implying these are bad things?
/pol/ has been infighting over the ukraine conflict for fucking months now and hasn't given a shit about this movie at all
that implies a significant fall-off in returns over time, not legs, or it would have more than 1x the US box office. looks like it's going to reach at most $50 million.