Who was the better penguin?

Who was the better penguin?

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it doesn't matter because the Penguin is fucking gay.

DeVito's penguin has the better look.

t. Not a zoomer

The Batman’s penguin doesn’t look like the Penguin at all, same with the Riddler.

Everything about Batman Returns is more interesting than The Batman.


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>boomer delusions.

none of the characters even resemble the source material. batman, alfred, catwoman, penguin, riddler. they're all shit.

Farrell looks ten times better. The cartoon beak-nose ruins Devito's.

I like them both, though we'll obviously see much more of the new Penguin as he gets a more prominent role in a sequel.

Farrell's is just a stupid gangster, Devito's was a hilarious sex pest. Devito is better by a huge margin

pure kino

DeVito was kino
they are ashamed of making comic book movies

he was deformed retard like you synapse

Devito. Ultra-realism doesn't work with batman because its about a guy in a bat suit. You need some fantasy elements or he'll look stupid. like why is he wearing that stupid costume..

oh no, the sacred comic texts!

>they are ashamed of making comic book movies
this thats why they make them le john wick with DC slapped on the opening credits.
the original batman franchise was the best

Colin looks like Tony with more face scars.

In this thread regular Yea Forums denizens pretend that the visual abortion that was DeVito penguin is better than an actual interesting portrait of the character because they’re still seething over a throwaway line about white people that was clearly presented as a shallow, ignorante oversimplification of the problem at hand.

speaking of Colin Farrell

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>visual abortion that was DeVito penguin
zoomerkins detected

>because they’re still seething over a throwaway line about white people that was clearly presented as a shallow, ignorante oversimplification of the problem at hand.
and cringe

nor did Nolan's versions

Did you meme yourself into thinking the film is realistic or are you just retarded?

Button so autistic it’s hilarious. He takes everything literally. Gotham City. Must mean it’s all gothic looking. The Penguin? Must literally look like a Penguin

Its clearly what they were going for with all those shitty designs

Shut up that movie gave us a vixen Michelle Pfeiffer in a leather skin tight suit.

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>shut up and talk about this other character


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Burgess Meredith will always be THE Penguin.

DeVito, because he was autistic enough to write a comic book where he gets to fuck Catwoman.

I like them both for different reasons.

>oh no, the sacred comic texts!

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Neither did DeVito's. Penguin was never portrayed as a freak with mutant hands before

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he is the the cartoon

Which was after Batman Returns

oh i’m a retarded zoomer sorry

Why didn't they let him smoke a fucking cigar?

"It will inspire kids to smoke, Collin"

So what will the Riddler inspire kids to do, then? Fucking surreal decision making.

The character designs change in the comics all the fucking time. Get over yourself

>seething over a throwaway line about white people
what was the line? I don’t remember it

>actual interesting portrait of the character
In this thread, user pretends a generic italian mobster is interesting.

>can I do it naked?

Nice vague argument.

You don't think it's vague to cite source material when the material in question spans nearly a century of comics where characters have changed in both appearance and personality over time?

character designs change but they still bare a resemblance to each other.

DeVito sucked and the movie was terrible


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gotham is unwatchable, but they have the best pengen.

I guess if Batman complained about how black people commit all the violent crime and he was never challenged on it, leftists would all shrug it off as being "clearly presented as a shallow, ignorante oversimplification of the problem at hand".

He is best penguin. I loved the gritty noir feel of the first season or two. Watching him go from busboy to kingpin was fun. And he’s just a cooler, more interesting penguin in my opinion.


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he was the only good part in that movie

Umm yikes sweaty that is NOT ok. Here's why: That's not it, chief

Literally who gives a shit about the Penguin whose only discernment is that he fucks penguins and is fat.

Colin truly channeled the essence of a character that is supposed to be called OSWALD CHESTERFIELD COBBLEPOT.

>Devito wrote a comic book about his character fucking Catwoman
>It's fucking real


He is adorable in Arkham Knight.

Man all i want is:
David tenant as psycho Riddler
William Dafoe as Joker
Karl Urban as batman
Sam Rockwell as The Question
Mads Mikkelson as Mr. Freeze
Sydney Sweeney as Black Canary

I'll never be happy bros

Always Sunny Penguin was the best