
Thread for the discussion of arthouse films and classic cinema.

daisies edition

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>but user, how do I make webms with MPV?


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It's over

We need a discord

what kino tonight, bros?

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the OP pic will save the thread

Hard to say. I's some Jewish mysticism. Read some analysis. Maybe the book too.
Bad rip, great film. All Stroheim films are worth watching.
>excellent take
More like plebeian take. It's the normie reddit take.


>Hard to say. I's some Jewish mysticism. Read some analysis. Maybe the book too.

I already know this movie is gonna filter me so hard but fuck it. I'm planning on watching it next week

pity bump


han ye status?

Watch Nie Yin Niang

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am i still shadowbanned in these generals

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Now, I'm pretty new to /film/-core, but I think Masaki Kobayashi might be my favorite filmmaker. Got any recommendations based on that?

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Rewatched Inland empire for the 4th time or so
what drags the movie down the most is the interrogation(?) scenes where Dern is swearing and talking all tough to that rat looking dude with the glasses. those are so boring and unexciting compared to the other shit going around
also the Rabbits sequences, although being the most visually interesting parts, add frustrating confusion to the story
>inb4 "there's no story"

also I wish that based Theroux would've had more screentime in the later acts

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watch Clean, shaven
especially for the boogerguys who relate to schizoid and unstable recluse-characters

if you like Angst, give this movie a chance

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Can someone an anime movie that I would enjoy please?

Ideally something that is quite dark but uplifting, dealing with existential issues.

I've seen:

>Your Name
>Neon Genesis
>Spirited Away
>Perfect Blue

wake up, you're sleeping.

Off-topic, you know what to do.

le samourai for me

4 more years of Macron lmao

Surfaced & Unsubtitled

Three Outlaw Samurai
The Sword of Doom
Revenge 1964

Night on The Galactic Railroad (1985)

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Did a double feature of An Autmn Afternoon and Drive My Car. Both were better than I remembered.
Any other films like those two? Already watched plenty of Ozu's work.

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Reccomend me some movies with this aesthetic PLEASE youtube.com/watch?v=1jaRA6nGyUg

Have you seen Still Walking? Sort of like a modern day Ozu.

Show us yer tits, luv

>Still Walking
cmon dude, nu/film/ can recommend better

Oh, yeah, forgot about checking that one. I remember loving Air Doll and Our Little Sister. Will watch it tonight, maybe.

Recommend something, then.

There's nothing similar to Ozu that's anywhere near as good as Ozu.

An Inn at Osaka, Flowing by naruse too.
Not the most similar in style to ozu but much better than anything koreeda ever put out.

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Based. Fuck Tarr's endless masturbation and specially fuck muh slow cinema fags

>woman reveals she's pregnant
>guy drowns himself immediately
make way bresson, there is a new sheriff in town and hes called besson

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What's right of Kikujiro?

Like Grains of Sand 1995

What are some good post-1970s Scandinavian movies?

I've seen Another Round, Oslo August 31st, and A Swedish Love Story.

what are your unironic picks for a movie to put on if a female comes over and wants to watch a movie?

i've already strategized that these would be my options
>Eraserhead (odd, but comedic and not too long, can be enjoyed without getting too caught up in the plot)
>Wild at heart (visually funny, self-aware, fast-tempo entertainment)
>Mysterious skin (touching, darker, females love gay stuff, arthoes will love the soundtrack)
>Mister Lonely (touching aspects, not too odd, vibrant color palette, simple linear story)
>Fallen angels (fun, aesthetic suitable for the modern attention span, sexy characters)

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Fucking Åmål 1998
Portraits of Women 1970
Tree of Knowledge 1981

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Depends. Is she your mom? Your sister? Your date?

please be gone bots, no one likes you

Knight of Cups

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i mean date

If you're not banging her after 10 minutes you're doing it wrong. Movie doesn't matter.

I'd put on some Tsai, of course.

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Shin Godzilla or some other monster film. Girls nowadays seem to be into that.
The Young Girls of Rochefort might be a good pick depending on how is she.

>user, is it romantic?
What do I say?

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Just pick a 'normal' movie. Obviouly anything arthouse, old or foreign isn't the right choice.

if you're gonna bang, don't put on a movie period. ugly people have to rely on movies to spark the imagination and mood, for some a movie date and a bang are two totally different things, my dear neanderthal

also i know that autism means a lack of situational awareness, but regardless just try to keep in mind where you're posting about "banging"
it's like you're walking into a retirement home in aviator sunglasses and a leather jacket to show how much more badass you are then anyone else
hard second hand embarrasment from your post

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idk a foreign movie could work, lots of girls watch korean and turkish dramas

PLEASE help me find Les Rendez-vous d'Anna The Meetings of Anna) by Chantal Akerman. My usual sites don't have it

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>Well... You'll see.

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It's on any decent site. Don't tell me you're not a private tracker Chad.

What Dogme 95 films would you recommend besides Festen and Julien Donkey-Boy?

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I watched Memoria tonight, is my 2nd favorite Weerasethakul film now. Uncle is first still.

That's pretty much it. What a joke of a movement.

>user, are you gay?
What do I do now bros?

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What did you think of the spaceship ending?


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I'd suggest Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise (1987)

It's a little surface level, but it's got a real nice existential theme throughout that makes it worth pondering, plus some really gorgeous animation.

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Drive My Car is horrid.
Naruse and Shimizu
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
Late Roy Andersson's filmography, Everlasting Moments