Why aren't there any good movies on the crusades?

Why aren't there any good movies on the crusades?

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Because you'd have to make the Christians the villains

There are very few good movies about Middle Ages in general

noooo not the heckin horse

are there any contemporary first hand accounts of an old-timey hack and slash battle?
like you'd just swing your sword for 20 minutes and then get tired and take a break or what?

They should make a wacky comedy about the Fourth crusade. It would fit.

>Swing your swords
Spears, you moron. They used spears.

We'd need serious historians to work with historic based directors like Eggers, using primary sources and a lot of money. Sadly nobody would finance this project as the average goy doesn't care about medieval history. It would be kino from the Byzantine emperor writing a letter to the Pope, to the Pope conducting speeches and marshalling lords for war, to the journey by foot across Europe into Constantinople, to the Crusaders meeting the emperor, to them sieging and taking multiple cities along the way to Jerusalem, then the final siege and takeover of the Holy Land. Maybe an end scene where most of the Crusaders return home with a few men remaining to defend the cities.

You could have a second part with the beginning of the end of the crusader states and the final retreat to Cyprus and the loss of Antioch. It would be an ambitious project depending on how kuch of the story you want to tell especially since these states existed for three centuries.

Kingdom of heaven


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there are at least 5 swords in that jpg image friend

retarded zoomzoom

Kingdom of heaven directors cut is kino stfu

Kingdom of heaven is pretty good

They're boring as fuck
>walk long way
>pick random big city
>siege city for 10 years
>lose castle
>walk back home with 2/3 army dead
>rinse repeat until dead from gout

>im not saying it’s aliens

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It's really, REALLY mediocre movie. At best

Better than modern trash about a whore trying to pick between 2 chads, some retarded commentary about le oppressed minority people or muh superpowered humans in capes and cgi suits cracking le ebin jokes and blowing everything up.

ok but theres no way these battles had thousands of people. maybe a couple hundred, tops

Kingdom of Heaven was great
The Last Duel too

You form your opinon after consulting "IMDB" and Californian media? Not my problem..

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i heard it was mostly a couple of dozen people hacking each other up and everyone else kind of stood around waiting to see what happens
over and over again

No. Those are all way better than the crusades.

Also, literally everything you mention happens during the crusade.

sounds like a monty python bit or something

kek dumbass

The issue is that of course, America/the kikes control Hollywood, so only certain kinds of topics/wars are covered. If Hollywood wasn't so insanely kiked, we could have some seriously kino war movies. Just imagine:

>Franco Prussian war drama/romance about a German man and French woman who meet for the first time in mid 19th century Alscase, both of which are staunch nationalists, fall in love admist worsening tensions between the two countries, and they must decide if their loyalty to their country or to each other is more important
>Crimean War kino about a young Greek Muslim Janissary who while fighting in the caucus, realizes he is fighting against his brothers, and switches sides
>tv series about the waning days of Muslim Sicily or Crete, places where the polar opposite Byzantine, Latin, and Muslim cultures combined into a new and distinct culture, where people spoke a bastardized version of Latin/Greek/Arabic
>alternate history kino in which the venitians don't betray the east in the 4th crusade, and the combined forces of Christianity are strong enough to beat out Muslim forces, resulting in a peace treaty that affirms the existence of the crusader states, where they're still a regional power today
>police movie about a day in the life of two Roman legionaires patrolling and keeping the peace in Roman Britain, shot and edited to seem like it was filmed in one continuous take. Think 'End of Watch' but with Romans as the cops and Britons as the niggers; they spend the day alternating in helping with violent rebellions, helping Roman citizens get their cats out of trees, and investigating a brutal new cult that kidnaps people for human sacrafice

I could go on for days on cool, historical/war kinos. But the problem is Bobby Boomer, Jamal the peaceful protester, and the rest of the retards who watch movies nowadays don't wanna see it, and kikes cater to them and their purchasing power. Historical kinos don't sell plushies and theme parks.

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No none of those are better than the Crusades zoomer and no none of that happened during the Crusades either it was a congregation of God fearing devoted men heading into battle against the m*slim hordes that would've wiped their culture out of they hadn't banded together to fight. You owe a lot of your modern lifestyle to your crusader ancestors who bled in the sand killing filthy pisslamists, or else you would be little more than a slave peasant in a sharia infested Europe today.

>and no none of that happened during the Crusades
Yes, all of it did. Especially the minorities.

>it was a congregation of God fearing devoted men heading into battle against the m*slim hordes that would've wiped their culture out of they hadn't banded together to fight
Literally no event did more to allow Muslims to push into Europe than the crusades. They basically handed the Balkans, and later Hungary, to the Turks

>You owe a lot of your modern lifestyle
1: That's a downside, not a positive. 2: I own more to Poland. Which, fuck Poland.

>or else you would be little more than a slave peasant in a sharia infested Europe today.
No. But the Balkans would be way less of a mess and the Roman empire would still be around.

You're both retarded, but especially

No, mostly him.

Explain to me what the crusades actually did to stop Muslims. They openly unified the various sultans, destroyed Byzantium, and ultimately all failed spectacularly to achieve anything. Even the likes of the Spanish reconquest and the Baltic crusades ended up backfiring.

>Spanish reconquest backfired
that's why muslims still rule spain

why would you want more excuses for christians le bad movies

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another thread, another 70iq ESL

It's why Barbary pirating continued to be a issue for centuries and let's not even talk about the mess created by Spain itself. Who basically did everything wrong and eventually ended up dragging down Catholicism with them as a actual political force. Unironically, it would have been better if Granada was still occupied by Muslims.

I would say you are projecting, but that would imply you have above 70 iq.

Nah, Spain's mistake was allowing the moriscos to live instead of massacring all of them.

>i would say you have 70 IQ but that would imply you have above 70 IQ
lmao retarded ESL roasted himself (again)
fuck off gypsy, you're officially too dumb for 4chinz lol

No actually I'm in the right. Thanks to the Crusades Muslim expansion into Europe was halted, and your argument about crusades uniting muslims is false cause the Arabs were already pretty unified except for maybe 2 other kingdoms further south by Egypt and would have stretched deep into Europe if the first crusade hadn't kicked their ass and halted that advance. The following ones failed to recapture lost territories, but the first one literally saved Europe

Bracaleone 2

>Thalatta! Thalatta!

Should be a movie about the 10,000 Greeks marching out of Turkey

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I feel like I know what you look like IRL. You would shit your pants and die instantly user, stick to your capeshit and anime.

You now remember when leftoids/atheists tried making the crusades into a new slavery/holocaust in the 00s but completely failed.

I'm literally 6'1 I would thump your skull, also I've had sex with 3 women so the incel argument doesn't make sense. Cope.

Impossible to make today - especially without glossing over the fact that Muslims almost invaded Western Europe at Tours. Kingdom of Heaven is the best you'll get.

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The Catholic Church won’t allow it because the crusades literally prove Orthodoxy was correct

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Jews laugh hysterically at you every time you try to make christianity political, because they are fully aware you will bow to them.

t. Seething anglogermcuck

>police movie about a day in the life of two Roman legionaires patrolling and keeping the peace in Roman Britain, shot and edited to seem like it was filmed in one continuous take

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I'd rather have Sharia and be able to legally kill trannies

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You are short

>Allowing them to live
Yeah, no.

My bad. I meant 7 iq.

>Thanks to the Crusades Muslim expansion into Europe was halted,
Tell that to Serbia and Hungary.

>and your argument about crusades uniting muslims is false cause the Arabs were already pretty unified
1: No, they were not. 2: The Turks sure as fuck were not.

>and would have stretched deep into Europe
Like, say, reach Hungary?

>The following ones failed to recapture lost territories, but the first one literally saved Europe
They didn't even save Byzantium. Which, again, they ended up destroying. Meanwhile, expansion into Italy and Spain had ended centuries ago. You fail at history, brainlet.

>Almost invaded western europe
Yeah, in 732. Literally centuries before the first crusade.

This is like claiming you can't make a movie about world war 2 without pointing out the French role in the thirty year war.

It's off-topic but go watch The Deluge (1974)


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>Reddit spacing
Not reading

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>Literally nothing but overly romanticized ahistorical crap.
This is literally all history we actually get. Give me a Crimea war story that correctly shows the mass incompetence and stupidity on all sides and the insane media frenzy to demonize Russia.

Of course, if you were capable of reading you wouldn't be making insanely stupid claims like this.

>mfw there's no kino about this absolute madlad brutally stomping Saladin at Jaffa with a battle axe and sea boots.

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Well, yeah. It's hard to write fun stories about a guy that got fucking owned.