Why did people prefer The Descent over As Above So Below when the latter was so much more interesting...

Why did people prefer The Descent over As Above So Below when the latter was so much more interesting? It actually had a mythological reason for the scary shit happening.

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descent is better. It's 2/10 unwatchable crap while as above is literally 1/10 unwatchable crap

>either of them being unwatchable

Opinion discarded

>STILL posting this thread
How many years has it been now?

Because it had fucking random ghost and vision scenes that are never in any way scary or immersive? Descent was carnal and basically had animals living inside mountains

One was also found footage French trash while Descent had decent filmmaking

Kill yourself

Why does it trigger you so much? Just ignore it and continue on to the next thread.

Just go away you moron, stop posting

The Descent had good build up but it went to shit with the monsters.

Having a reason for the monsters would have made them less shit (maybe)

I liked as abobe so below. But it was a clusterfuck of old ideas

The Descent was somehow an original idea

Decent is fucking garbage. Anyone who disagrees is pleb.

>The Descent was somehow an original idea
No it wasn't you brainless fucking cunt. Its a shit cookie cutter horror flick. Setting it underground doesn't make it original. It makes it just another shit horror flick in a different wrapper than usual is all.

Catacombs > some cave

based opinion, you should post more often instead of just lurking

Thanks, man you too!

>It actually had a mythological reason for the scary shit happening
Why would that make it better? Random cave goblins are much scarier, and fit in line with one of the spookiest /x/ tropes

I found as above boring, descent was entertaining

I agree, As Above So Below was a much better movie.

who was in the wrong?

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what happened to the found footage generals?

I liked AASB a lot, but it was definitely the weaker horror film. It would have been better if they leaned more on the Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider elements.

I didn't know there was one. You guys should advertise more.

I think they simply ran out of found footage movies to talk about. After a while they were just repeating Bad Ben memes ad nauseum without even talking about movies.

They've come and gone for years. And found footage movies generally suck and it's not like there are so many of them to talk about, so it's not a long-living thread, at least until a few new ones come out.
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descent is easier to say than as above so below. not even kidding. if something is easier and quicker to understand for us we'll go for it. generally

yes because there werent any other slahers movies set underground. that is why its original. Dont be stupid user. The fact that you like AASB more doenst hide the fact that the other movie is objectively better

I don't see how these two can be compared.

"The Descent" should be compared to "Hills Have Eyes" while "As Above So Below" should be compared to "Catacombs"


Did you like Pandorum? It reminded me of Descent

Never seen it, but going to add it to my list. Thanks fren.

Saw it twice, an okay movie with pretty hilarious FX at times

The Descent is awful from a cinematographic perspective and also as a horror. It’s just way too predictable and boring. As Above So Below is stylish and has a way better cinematography and horror rhythm.

As Above So Below also got me into Scratch Massive. Communion and Nuit de mes Reves is a kino album.

A good, creepy movie thats not scary but ff nonetheless is Leaving D.C. Really lovely what the guy did on a shoestring budget.

Found footage is a shit genre and I'm glad it's dead

as above's ending is fucking horrible

this. its pretty spooky until after they cross into the other world. then the ending completely shits itself. the descent was still a decent slasher flick at the second half but as above just falls apart and becomes unenjoyable.

Chad Catacombs vs Virgin Cave

>imagine desiring a large loose hole over a tight unpenetrated virgin orifice

There should be more claustrophic kinos.

there's no new found footage and everything of note has been talked about

The Descent is actually a fucking great movie. Kinda like the modern Tomb Raider games in movie form. Still holds up all these years later.
As Above So Below was garbage and still is.


The funny thing is the streets of Paris are far more frightening with all of the mudslimes that yurop worships.

>x is better than y because it is that's why
not an argument. descent is bottom of the barrrel cookie cutter trash. the second managed to be even worse.

The Descent came first and didn't have the stigma of found footage.

Because being completely out of your element is terrifying. Couple that with something otherworldly and with an environmental upper-hand actively trying to kill you.
>explain where they came from

I haven't seen Ass Above So Blow, but The Descent was kino. No mythological reason needed; just Hills Have Eyes underground.

As Above So Below is a "found footage student film" kinda like Blair Witch but really bad.
The Descent is legit kino as fuck. I had an ex show it to me a few Christamses ago, thinking it was some stronk woman movie, but I finished it just floored at the quality, and then even moreso when I realized how old it was. Mandatory kino viewing.

as above is shaky cam amateur acting found footage garbage like blair witch project and the descent looked so mid i never watched it and completely forgot the movie existed until i saw this thread

I love this movie. It's basically the best "Tomb Raider" movie we ever got. The gilr is cute and mystical aura add thay suspense. I don't even like found footage genre but this one is just sweet.

there wasn't any moments in the descent where i was laughing out loud. as above so below, when the guy burst on fire, i started laughing my ass off. i was on board until that moment. it reminded me of grave encounters where the special effects just sucked any enjoyment out of the movie, and the camera shaking telegraphed the jump scares too much. plus it has the jew from mad men in it, i can't stand that guy.

>plus it has the jew from mad men in it, i can't stand that guy.
But he suffers a lot in that movie

I am not going to write you another response cunt. Why don't you just read the last thread you made on this topic again.

Is this faggot the as above so below director? Why are you defending the movie so passionate after asking the opinion of people posting on this board

not good enough, he doesn't die

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They are two wildly different movies. One is supernatural and one is a cave exploration movie with non-supernatural monsters. Both are pretty good.

There’s that one about crawling in the vent maze thing

Literally nobody thinks this.

As Above So Below had some amazing horror and scares in the first half but once they get to hell it falls apart. All the suspense and fear is gone over "ZOMG RUN LOADS OF GHOSTS AND MONSTERS"

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This. I don't see what is even common between these. As Above So Below should be faced against pic-related. Both movies focus on exploration of old catacombs with eerie elements.


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