Meme Twins

Based or Cringe?

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Mexican'ts are inherently cringe


Vince is overplaying his hand. They were cool at first but that scene where they dodged Nacho's car like matadors was pure reddit soi-guzzling manchild BS.

Breaking Bad: Based.
Better Call Saul: Cringe.

Who wins?

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They're less intimidating now that you know they get humbled by an overweight bald dea agent

every scene with them is silly in a bad way, it just looks bad and low budget

Probably the worst aspect of BCS. They're basically cartoon villains.

this they were way more intimdating in breaking bad. now they are 15 years older but playing younger characters? they get way too much screen time

i liked the scene in BB where they decapitate Tortuga after Bolsa lures him to the back

Cringe on a surface level. Based for those of us in the know.

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i just take them as comedy relief at this point

It's hilarious what they get away with in BCS. It's like the characters were written with self awareness of their plot armour. Goading Nacho in to shooting/running them over was hilarious

it was overplayed 5 appearances ago
you could argue at this point this thing defeated its purpose of anchoring the show as a serious drama, i roll my eyes and check my phone when i hear their little synchronized ropers clacking, whether or not i can get that piss out of the way in the 50 seconds it's gonna take before throw at each other that gay glance so that the world can move on

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>dea agent
lmao a dea agent how embarassing

what the fuck is this
never watched BCS

lurk more, the general, idiot


why do men shave such ridiculous shapes and patterns into their facial hair?

Fargo is a better show than the whole bb bcs clown show. Even season 4 had some good episodes

are those particularly ridiculous?

i didn't mind them until last episode. the shootout with nacho was a cartoon. they're at their best when they're not actually doing anything. not to mention it compounds with them dropping the ball on gus' plan. hope that's the last of it this season



>Fargo is a better show
only the 1st season is good

this is why this shoiw is shit

>Filtered by the third season
Don't worry user, I'm not judging you. I was unsure about it on first viewing.


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A bit of both, eh 4channer?


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Definitely cringe
They need to be ruthless, more gore so we know why everyone fears them as enforcers. They're supposed to be sicarios, we already had Dany Trejo getting his head chopped off so we should see them chopping someone's head or at least feeding some guy to the pigs while still alive

Makes it even more laughable that they were easily dispatched by fat fuck Isaac Schrader

The last episode is already showing cracks in the plot. Gustavo's entire plan hinged on Nacho open firing when somebody can through his motel floor cause he simply said so, which means he thought Nacho would die in the ensuing gunfight, but that doesn't make sense cause its an extremely random event and odds are Nacho would've actually been captured alive as the cartel wanted it so. Gustavo's role in the Lalo ambush would've been revealed and he would be hunted down, it doesn't seem like Gus at all to have such a stupid plan in disposing off Nacho when instead he could simply rescue him, being him back home and then easily disappear him.

Also the escape scene was retarded, the twins kept shooting directly at the car even though they apparently didn't want to kill him, which means they were literally just wasting bullets. And what's with the meme slow mo walking towards the car while Nacho was hot wiring it? Whole thing seemed to be ripped out of some 3rd grade Mexican soap opera or something.

I'm afraid they're going to fuck this whole season up and BCS will lose its kino status, but atleast we had some great previous seasons I guess.

I hope Lalo survives BCS & BB.

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Not as cringe as this. I don't like it when they get into this self-aware, over the top, comic book tier fanservice faggotry

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Was cool the first time on breaking bad. Is actually super cringe and held ip entirely by the soundtrack. Turn off the audio and they are cringe


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This is realistic tho, what's the problem? He didn't overpower him or anything

h-he's fast

that's why i don't mind them, they are just a couple of inbred cartel idiots who look intimidating and have big guns but when they encounter someone who can actually handle a gunfight they get killed even when they have a massive advantage
fucking nacho should be one of the smarter people in the game and he fired two guns through glass and wasted all his ammo like an idiot, these people just arent very smart

>ive got two words for this vince guy
>sit and spin

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same bro

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>formerly enchilada

>Also the escape scene was retarded, the twins kept shooting directly at the car even though they apparently didn't want to kill him,
They shot at his wheels, you literally see that. The preview for next episode show his blown out tires and in that episode, Tyrus said they got his truck.

This is why I can't take you retards seriously, it's getting to the point of delusional invention at this point.

I would say Based BB meh to cringe in BCS
that being said BCS is better then BB

A bald fat dea agent without his service weapon.

Who wins?

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>criticize cartoon characters by talking like a cartoon

I was literally just thinking this morning of making a post in the /bcs/ general about how fucking cheesy and corny these fags are. They ruin the show. For a show that takes realism seriously in so many aspects they stick out like a sore thumb with there gay cartoonish fucking movements and outfits. that scene with them on the rooftop in broad daylight threatening mike has to be the worst scene in the entire show.

Any effay fags know if those are nice suits?

the guy who is watching them do a 69.

This man was gayer than Gus could ever dream to be

>So, uh, we're gonna cook meth or somethin'?

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This man is speaking the truth. That scene in episode 2 was retarded and already ruined season 6 for me.

Well maybe it didn't already spoil the whole season but it sucked.

why do women age so fast right now?

These girls are probably 20 something, and they look like the average 16yo nowadays

>widely accepted

At this point being a member of the cartel in breaking bad universe means you are a cartoon character, with the smallest offender being Tuco.

Modern 16yo look way better than that user

Kino Hammer movie.

screentime + beauty product abuse + fillers


they worked in breaking bad because they were shows a few times, basically establish them as hitmen, badass dudes, and then they died. bcs is doing too much fan service and just reiterating what we've already seen in breaking bad and it kind of makes them seem silly.

Does BCS take realism that seriously? Compared to average TV sure, but definitely not compared to The Wire. I'm just along for the ride and thankful for every moment Lalo takes screentime from Gus.