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Meh. She is average, and I say this as an expert on black gf shitposting

The mayor has bigger cake.

I hate her retarded mullet.

An user that saw the film before everyone made a good point. Her dyke friend gets kidnapped so catwoman has a glass of milk

Is she though

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fka twigs must be jelly

The movie kept trying to make her seem sexy but I just wasn’t feeling it. She’s just not that hot and the chemistry felt like they were tying to force it. Like she’s walking through the club and all I could think was how she was very average

no she isn't.

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Barely average and won't be remembered. DC has never cast her right.

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Man I'm torn on Catwoman. I don't read much of her in the comics so I'm not too familiar with the character outside of a handful of appearances and all the live action/animated movies.

I get the sex appeal aspect and think it works for similar characters like Black Cat, but I feel like Catwoman writers are always really horny because the sex appeal is so overt and corny. Beyond that no writer has managed to capture why she gives a shit about the greater good enough for Batman to work with her with her background as a master thief. Every time they work together I think "Batman can't trust her he's just thinking with his dick"

I don't know, I like the idea of the character on paper but she's never a natural part of the canon when I see her adapted, like she's only there to activate puberty and because she's from the comics.

Me on the left

she's not bad looking there, would be better minus the trashy tattoos and with a nicer ass, but definitely fuckable

>dude look real life is different from these drawings!
no shit


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user, that's a nigger.

Looks androgynous.

I wish I had someone who looked at me like that

she's his beard

tatum is a fanook, even if kevin nash gives a "pass"

a supreme gentlewoman

No. No she is not.

a black qveen for you, nerd

There has literally never been a black queen in recorded history.

and no acne ridden skinnyfat disgusting malformed incel has ever been a king either

Excuse me, Frederick the Great?

It's the suit, not her.

how many history classes did you skip or are you that young they don't handle subjects of that nature in your school yet?

please tell me you photoshopped her
it's uncanny


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Hawaiians are black

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>ho ho! I can make a giantess collage of this one for sure!

'She' is a man.
He's been groomed and given all kinds of hormones/procedures since a young age (younger than he can remember) to believe he is female. There are dozens of 'female' celebrities who are raised like this in order to trick men into lusting after men.
Anyone who has even the most basic knowledge of bone structural differences between men and woman can tell by looking. Forehead size, hip/shoulder ratio, even the length of the fingers are a dead giveaway.

>dozens of 'female' celebrities who are raised like this in order to trick men into lusting after men
What's the point?

>what if le schizoposting.. but with le tranny clocking as well!

she's cute in a way inner-city zoomers can't appreciate because she doesn't have a gargantuan concrete mix ass or ebin mommy milkers.

her forehead is tiny. her shoulders arent small but they arent wide. the biggest and easiest tell is when theyre moving, especially walking, and she looks fsine. youre a schizo in need of med

There are sexy women in real life user.

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To make you gay

Lesbians are complex creatures.

all i can imagine when i see videos like this is how retarded they would look at a different angle or screwing up a take

This just shows if Elliot was a girl then everything would have worked out for him.

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Imagine paying thousands of dollars to get bogged and look like the supreme gentleman

post webm of her walking in a black corset

She looks so hot here are you actually gay?

i was just thinking about how embarrassed i would be rehearsing/actually doing videos like this. granted the first few seconds are sexy the rest is retarded nonsense

>Cut Catwoman
>Literally nothing in the plot changes and now the movie isn't three hours long

Seriously, what the fuck was the point of her?

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whats the point of any FOID hole?? sex

stop bad mouthing my gf

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go back to your discord.

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if you cut her out then dipshit cumbrained critics will be angry that they don't have anything to jack off to but they'll pretend to be angry that there aren't any strong female role models in the movie

>that narrow waist

>i was just thinking about how embarrassed i would be rehearsing/actually doing videos like this.
of course it is

just remember that, its all cringe

Based transvestigator

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Nah, she’s not. She looks like a smelly drug addicted hippy

her tomb raider was actually alright, i hope she makes a new one with a better crew

this the catwoman thread?

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Is she, though?
She looks like an unremarkable dyke to me.

no no no no no please stop it bros I have stitches and it hurts when I laugh
why would you fucking do this to me

A black queen actually was responsible for the greatest genocide of her own people (by %) of any ruler in recorded history.
She absolutely HAD to go on a safari during peak malaria weeks, you see, and would not go back for any reason.

she's a jew nigger user