Heres your food pyramid bro. Just eat tonnes of cereal bro trust

Heres your food pyramid bro. Just eat tonnes of cereal bro trust

Attached: USDA_Food_Pyramid.gif (730x569, 66.84K)

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food that I eat when watching movies

>Jews push inverted pyramid of what your supposed to eat

how did they get away with it?

Is this really regarded as bullshit nowadays? When I was a kid this shit was pushed hard.

Does bread and carbs just really contain only empty calories and no nutrients?

There is no such thing as science. Only marketing

>how did the jews get away with weaking america and britain by feeding them goy schlop feminising slave food that rots your bones, teeth, mind and soul and convincing them to cut out their ancestral food of meat and dairy

oh gee i wonder.

>remove bottom
>put top in the middle
>make it into a cube
looks good

*fixes everything*

Attached: 1024px-USDA_MyPlate_green.svg.png (1024x939, 188.98K)

All media is propaganda.

American's never followed the food pyramid.

The ate pizza and burgers and soda, then ketolards have the audacity to claim "the food pyramid made everyone fat".

Also notice how they government 40 years ago explicitly told people to NOT consume too much sugar and oil.

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Still grossly wrong. How come they pretend this is healthy?

But on keto you can have tons of fats and oils lel

i only eat dairy meat broccoli and cabbage haha

>Does bread and carbs just really contain only empty calories and no nutrients?
yes, theyre only slightly less bad than pure sugar

Isnt it funny how the cheapest foods, make the biggest mess? Why is that?

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Why not make it a pie graph? This thing is completely useless.

I dont know what a keto is I just know that bread potato and liquid bread (beer) is food for slaves so they can work fields
fuck rice and pasta as well

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I don't think that's true but it is filler food with low nutritional value. Its primary purpose is to let poor people think they've filled up on 'food'.

you have an eating disorder, you should be institutionalized

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Didn't they officially abandon this stupid fucking pyramid?

Stay mad loser, carbs are for fattys

there's nothing wrong with it, that's what you need to be eating

>you have an eating disorder, you should be institutionalized
Says the dude who's afraid of a slice of bread.

Ask me how I know you've never done physical labor.

No, the "low fat" food pyramid has been the paradigm since the 70s. Conversely, the western world has only gotten fatter since the 70s

pizzas were trchnically categorized as vegetables by schools because the tomato sauce satisfy the one serving criteria

back when I was a kid we didn't even get that much, an example meal would be corndog, beans, and milk, or sloppy joe, tater tots, and milk. I don't remember ever eating vegetables besides the tomato sauce or mashed potatoes. Certsinly never anything leafy. Even the burgers were just plain cheeseburgers.

on god my nigga fr fr

im not afraid of bread, it just isnt a big part of my diet, just something i eat sometimes.

any reddit science worshipers in this thread

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Just eat a balanced diet. No diet will make up for your disgusting sedintary lifestyle anyways

>Stay mad loser, carbs are for fattys
Low carb is for obese Amerifats who can't give up their meat and cheese.

Starches have been the staple for billions of lean and healthy humans for thousands of years.

>No, the "low fat" food pyramid has been the paradigm since the 70s
Except nobody actually followed a low fat diet. They bought "low fat snackfood" which is actually loaded in fat.

Oh shit here comes the mouse studies and the newest keto grifter.

Americans would think the whole thing was pie.

My testicle feels like it's burning. What do?


kek you love science!

>bottom layer vegetable group
>middle layer meat and rice ect
>upper layer milk ect fruit ect
>top layer oils and sugars

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>Hi there!

>You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted a thread, but the thread has nothing at all to do with the topic of the board! Whoops! You should always remember to look at the address bar to see which board you're posting on! Posting offtopic threads is poor form. You should always try to stay on topic!

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I only eat protein and drink beer, will this have a negative impact on my health

jej this is just someone who doesn't understand ketosis seething about ketosis

you are just wrong about everything you said.
you must be vegan.

fitness is 65% diet
30% training
5% sleep
so you are wrong

Food pyramid scheme

it's not that terrible, and I assume cost was factored in. the amount of servings is just absurd like 27 servings of food a fucking day.


>I only eat protein
You only eat/drink whey and egg whites? That's about the only thing that is pure "protein", even why has some fat and carbohydrates.

>you are just wrong about everything you said.
Feel free to point out what is incorrect.

Boomers worship the electric jew. They have internalized the authority of anything on TV, it's official to them.

Learn to spell esl faggot. And most of your calories come from diet, exercise does very little. learn what CICO is dumb fuck.

>Starches have been the staple for billions of lean and healthy humans for thousands of years.
They were lean from performing slave labor user, it's a slave food.

>no diet will make up for your
100% wrong

Sorry I fucked up the sentance since I am bad at english but I actually used to eat a silly amount of eggs about 2 years ago

I know you're right about calories for weightloss, but there should be more data on the benefits of exercise for maintaining metabolism and boosting the benefits of CICO.

based 8 year old reddit science worshiper using big words

Boomers really are gullible fucks who trust stupid big-money shit like 60 Minutes and CNN.

Staying healthy is literally as easy as having a diverse diet, getting some physical activity, and eating fewer than 2-2.5k cal. Why are there entire fields of study and businesses devoted to something so simple?

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lmao you have to go back

Grains and fruits aren't really needed.

enjoying looking 50 when you're 30 kek

>Low carb is for obese Amerifats who can't give up their meat and cheese
High quality nutritionally dense foods are bad! Hold on while I gourge my grain gut on grain and give myself diabetes.

i've done meme diets in the past, including keto, and the most effective diet i've done is simply OMAD and cutting out refined sugar and alcohol

keto is effective but it's the most joyless depressing boring fucking shitty diet you can do. absolutely miserable. fuck that shit

Enjoy those female hormones in all that bread, tranny.

kek it's literally the opposite of how you should eat. Biggest scam in the history of mankind. So much blood on their hands. Fucking kikes.

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are the trannies in the room with you now, you pathetic schizo retard?

Money has to change hands
Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody cares they just print more anyway

what are you talking about keto is the easiest most lazy and fat person friendly diet available

>no bread or pasta sir
>two sticks of butter and a joint of gammon go for it
>12 saussages for breakfast have at it champ

its an all you can eat buffet of high taste foods

you fat nigger

>They were lean from performing slave labor user, it's a slave food.
I had no idea I was talking to a king. I don't think I'm any better or worse than a common slave. I'm also physically active(as humans should be) and carbs are excellent fuel.
>Grains and fruits aren't really needed.
They contain fiber and phytonutrients which are required for long-term good health.
>High quality nutritionally dense foods are bad! Hold on while I gourge my grain gut on grain and give myself diabetes.
People are not dying of nutrient deficiencies in the first world. People ARE dying to overnutrition by the millions.

Also, carbohydrates are not the cause of diabetes. Overall it's too much energy in the system but dietary saturated fat also contributes to the bodies inability to utilize insulin.

>avoid s*y
they knew!

Well I'm talking to one right now. (you).

Post body.

>exercise does very little
Do Americans actually believe this?

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>le organic wholefoods jew
Very cool!

you first tranny

You first tranny.

>nutritionally worthless filler WILL make up 25% of your diet


What do you eat, retard?

when i did keto the very act of eating became a chore. this activity i once looked forward to every day, became something i actively dreaded having to do. i get ptsd remembering the days i'd choke down eggs, cheese and steak and trying not to vomit as i had just no appetite whatsoever.
i also slept like absolute dogshit on keto

As someone who runs 50+ miles a week, going keto is absolutely miserable.

Of course not. Complex carbs are good for you. When that table was designed the world wasn't flooded with shit quality over engineerd simple carbs 'food' yet.

yeah, you will need a lot of carbs
we have to assume that 99% of the western world does not lift or run therefore they do not need carbs

because they created the food pyramid which they knew was flawed, and corporations were able to easily put out NEW """LOW FAT""" versions of their foods
do you ever wonder why fad diets became a thing soon after the pyramid was made?

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