100 million people

>100 million people
>second oldest civilisation in the world
>not a single kino

How come?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Cairo is the worst place i’ve ever visited, just absolute misery of heat sand and SMOG, so much fucking pollution.


Jew psyop
Jews hate african empires

yeah im thinking SOVL

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They disrespect the land's original owners by claiming their works.

>thinly veiled rec thread for incurable plebeian newfag retards
i'm going to post egyptkino anyways

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apparently it was the turks in the 1400s or so, thats when they tore the casings off the pyramids, amongst other endeavours

They have about as much connection to ancient Egypt as the modern state of Macedonia has to Alexander the Great

>Cairo is the worst place i’ve ever visited, just absolute misery of heat sand and SMOG, so much fucking pollution.
was it worth going to that shithole to see the pyramids though?

>They have about as much connection to ancient Egypt as the modern state of Macedonia has to Alexander the Great

other than identical DNA to the old kingdom mummies
theyve been conquered so many times all their noble bloodlines got extincted, all that is left are the pyramid builder class

this is unironically one of the most boring movies i've ever watched

My Arakkeen

villenueve is a HACK

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Well they didn't build the main pyramid.

Yeah, that's why they are building a new capital. It's like in all shitholes, where the rich goes to live in a nice area and the poor live off dirt


astoundingly shit taste
gb2 tarantino

The egyptians were never creative people. 3000 years of Egyptian art and it barely changed throughout that whole time.

"The Treasure" 2017.

Kike cope, jews don't even have art they can call their own

thats not a lack of creativitety its because egyptians had a very different view of art than the modern person
art wasnt an expression of ideas and shit, it was entirely practical in preserving the soul and guiding the dead, in this way there was only ONE RIGHT WAY to do it, like engineering or maths or medicine
so the moment they decided what was the right way it was greatly disrespectful to the patron to deviate from that tradition

if you knew anything about egyptian literature you wouldn't write this

>It's like in all shitholes, where the rich goes to live in a nice area and the poor live off dirt
the best is in saudi arabia, where money is no object, and braincells are few and far between

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thats not true

post another one

Should've gone to Alexandria, the Bride of the Mediterranean™

Going to cairo is like going to London, Beijing, or New York. Shittiest place in their respective country.

Well egypt may be in Africa but it is and was barely African in execution.

Kmet nigga

it would just be some boring miserable shit about backward people living in the desert who seem to enjoy being backward and miserable

yeah also
and hwtkaptha
but you wouldnt know about that, nigger

They're the biggest importer of Ukrainian and Russian grain in the world. The whole place is going to collapse once the hohols can't ship any grain later this year. It'll be real life kino.

Smartest person on this website.


egypt did a new agriculture project in the far south using excess water from lake nasser, they justharvested last week and said the harvest will last us to december, by then we wouldve figured out something like maybe import from india
or maybe the war will be over by december

watched two Egyptian movies in my life
Both from hipster channels
Both were about political dissident and poor dissatisfied youth
I turned both off before half of it

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They spend all their time seething about jews and trying to sell junk to European tourists


Read about the experiences of tourists in Cairo and the people that actually live there. It's even more rapey than India, and on top of that everyone is trying to extort money from you all day.

I like Saudi Arabia more

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Only the Copts have (mostly) the same DNA as ancient Egyptians. The rest are all Arabized.

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French movie Egypt from above was kino

alexandria doesnt have pyramids or the egyptian museum

60s-70s Egypt and Lebanese cinema is known throughout the Arab world because of christian arab local actors(for muslims acting is haram)

Saladin (1963)


Kino. Journal through the history of Egypt. Really great production too.

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>Best movie depicting ancient egypt
>made by a bunch of fucking POLES

utterly embarrasing

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To be honest with help of Egypt too. Polish-Egyptian relations were really good in 1960s when Polish team started archeological digs in temple of Hatchepsut.


what was his fucking problem?

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/int/ had a whole thread about why Egypt sucks. It was started bc OP linked a youtube vid about a food youtuber being arrested and held on non-existent charges. They were searching his stuff to find any bad things to pin him on.

Not the first time, a lot people have stories about the authorities pushing people around, including civillians. Fucking shitshow over there.

He was too based for this world

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>/int/ had a whole thread about why Egypt sucks.
well, what was the conclusion?

Hey i was in that thread!
I was the egyptian guy responding in essays

>made anime real 3000 years ago

This is why

Multi-narrative that links 4 eras of Egypt by one lost treasure. Modern day. Guy finds clues leading to ancient Pharaoh's story from era that shaped culture of Egypt, cuts back to 1950s to the story of his father and the times Egypt gained independence then back to middle ages of Islam that shaped nation of Egypt as we know now.

>no lycians
every time

My usually very tolerant gf went to egypt once or twice. She swears that she never ever will set foot on egyptian soil again purely because of how subhuman egyptians are

Moon Knight
Ten Commandments

Take your meds

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imagine willingly visiting a nonwhite country and financially supporting them.

beautiful language, german

Ahmed is /ourguy/ and is based

Prince of Egypt
Omar Sharif

omar sharif was born and raised in egypt but he was ethnically 100% lebanese

something's brewing at Mecca