The Northman thread

Discuss the based movie and your favorite scenes.

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what is the name of the sport they played?

Faggot movie for little numale larpers to schlick their clits to. LMAO.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were made by and for gaymen

Imagine being a slave and getting sent to fucking Iceland. Those slaves going to Constantinople had it good.

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stop projecting yourself troon

>what is the name of the sport they played?

some form of hurling. landnamabok says some gaels brought a stick-and-ball game to iceland in the early 10th century, so it's presumably supposed to be that.

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man it would be one thing for it be bombing as bad as it is and a lot of people talking about it being good, but there are no threads anywhere and even the based reviewers don't seem to care for it.

sorry chuds, we lost this one.

survive the jive and richard spencer and largely the rw sid of twitter is giving it glowing reviews

I can’t stop thinking of the berserker scene, the choreography was so slick. Wish there’s been more of that but he had to fuck off and brood for an hour instead.

What scene?

chuds and trannies aside, how will the average normie rate this movie? is it too artsy or different for them?

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The one where they go furry mode and butcher that village.

It’s very artsy and autistic in some parts but the story is very clear and simple and the fight scenes are brilliant. I think a normie could enjoy this but would rather watch a marvel flick which doesn’t throw weird scenes at you. It’s less retarded than the lighthouse

I loved the shots in this film and my love for it ends there. Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy it but it was a very simple plot (rip off of Conan the barbarian) and I saw an article saying it’s this generation’s gladiator - no, i don’t think it will be remembered like gladiator is. Overall, 7.5/10, the lighthouse is better because It was what I expected from Eggman

Liked all the rituals and all the mithology related stuff. Did shrooms yesterday and remembered the dance scene, made me feel like I was turning into a beast myself, like I was growing fangs and had a very primal energy going through me. 10/10 would recommend

In the last shot when the valkyrie is carrying Amleth to Valhalla and it then fades to black while the music was still playing the theater kept silent for like 2 minutes. Knew right there that I was with other kinosseurs.

Men will like it and women will be bored by it.
A couple sitting on the row below me, the woman started checking her phone about half way through. A little later the couple sitting next to me, the woman did the same thing.

Fuck you furry faggot. Just go jack off to deviantart wolves already

>rip off of Conan the barbarian
are you retarded?

hope ur handler carries u off to the trash compactor

Going to see it tonight… is it OK to watch this even tho im black? Im seeing it with my white friends, will i be let in ??? Or will i not understand anything? I like historical drama stuff

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>the theater kept silent for like 2 minutes
It happened in my theater too, then a guy just laugh

you will be forced to eat unseasoned meat and veggies before entering, steel yourself
>Eggers dunks on Vikings and talks about how female warriors is rewriting history


Yeah sure just howl or talk through the film, the white people are there to actually watch it

>mmmmm that's a smelly one

Is there a torrent yet? (not a cam)

I don't really play FromSoftware games, but I was getting some Dark Soul/Elden Ring vibes from some of the fights. Particularly The Mound Dweller fight. Anyone else?

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you just can't handle the power of the dionysian instinct

the ending was just revenge of the sith

It just came out, user. Try again in two months' time.

The scene was a straight up boss fight

It was kino
It would've been cringy if they just
>ah yeah skeletons are alive and guard their tombs
but having it all play out in his head was based

im pretty sure that non treated antler seax handles were 1000x less used than wood or treated horn

I found Hrafnsey

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So after watching the film I can’t decide if the gods are real or if he’s imagining things

having bits of you cut off then dying in plague epidemic #347 doesn't sound all that great.

I saw it last night. There were like three other people in there and one was a black guy that I watch drink an entire fishbowl of booze then continued to drink. He was quiet though.

I wanna run naked through the woodland at night chasing after pretty, naked women and then engage in coitus under the moon

that's the point innit

it translates to "ball game"
you get a stick and you have to get the ball across the field but you can use your hands if you want too. It was played over the course of an entire day

Had a gf who was into that but more like being chased naked through the forest by a wild animal (me) and then violently fucked when I caught her

Earth to Amleth, ever heard of hair gel?

I saw it with my normie, Bernie supporter, Asian gf and she enjoyed it.

For me it's like in the Iliad where Gods help people by making things happen. So there's divine intervention in that things happen in one way, but it's not like an actual physical manifestation of god is there doing things.

sounds like "kiddieplay" in swedish

So like the fight scene, he clearly imagined it. So, is he imagining everything else? For example the crows cutting him down, did he just see some crows in there then passed out then the ayyy saved him?

if you actually speak Swedish than you're probably right I'm going off of Wikipedia here

Wonder if Eggers wanted the film to be in Icelandic but got shut down

the scene where Mountain just scored a point playing knattleikr hitting the post from the other side of the field was kino

>tfw no Slavic sorceress gf to bathe in a hot spring with

it comes from knǫttr (ball), which survives in swedish as knott (blackfly, which are ball-shaped)

it would have been in norwegian

this dude's abs seem to be the focal point of the advertising is it the entire plotline of the movie?

You're both wrong niggers none of those languages existed in the 9th-10th century

>hello, one ticket to Northman please
>No thanks, I brought my own seat booster

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ok so i looked it up
the leikr part is what it sounds to me like , "lek" meaning play or game
the knatt part sounded like knatte wich is a term for child "kiddie"
but the word actually means hard or energic
wich could still be related to knatte as energic can be applied as a childish attribute

see as well as

the danish wikipedia didnt mentioned knottr
fuck i've been had

Sounds based

90% of women want rape tier sex and the other 10% want it degrading to them too.
The hottest sex for most women is hard doggy with hair pulling and light choking. Doesn't matter how innocent and normal they are, women are coded to sexualize being dominated.

Yes user jews can watch this movie too.

Icelandic would be the closest, highly doubt old Norse would even be an option. We could have had scandi kino but
No we got Ethan hawke.

I'm rejecting your data because of small sample size (0).

>live in eastern europe
>went to the cinema yesterday to see it
>a group of foreigners including a really fat black girl in front of me were speaking how they specifically came to see it
>after the movie ended I heard them talking about how they really liked it

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so knattar the term for "kiddies" may come from someone who plays with balls "knottr"

More or less
I don't know if you speak swedish but found some info here
The etymology is not completely clear but it may be related to either knǫttr or the Norwegian dialectal word knata (young woman). No mention of knattleikr but it's not impossible I guess

A lot of normies I overheard in my theater really liked it. They got confused by some bits, but thought the action was great.
The one group of girls there had fun, but knew it was a movie for men and went it knowing that. They also gushed about how hot Skrasgard was.

Speaking true Old West Norse would be somewhat difficult, but the differences between Modern and Medieval Icelandic (the language most sagas were written in and which is usually presented as Old Norse) are fairly small and mostly pertain to the pronounciation of a few letters, at the top of my head ll (double L), hv and most vowels.

what is this? fucking capeshit?