What did they eat?

What did they eat?

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I'm reading the Death Star novel now, they ate food from the mess hall.

only 1 mess hall? imagine the commute and queues

Literally how in the FUCK did such a significant portion of an incomplete battlestation survive such a catastrophic atomic cascade? Just HOW?

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rebel tears

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They grew their own food via hydroponics.

How did this thing still having working electricity after the explosion?

I love how in Battlefront 2 they said it was a boring post.

Imperial MREs

they are langoliers and they’re eating the death star lol

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that shit is a mega structure where the fuck are the city sized builders ?

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Fungus fertilized by dead storm troopers.

In space everyone has their own day and night schedules so it evens out

also where did all the poopoo and peeper go?

Congratulations, you (and the nerd who made this) have now spent orders of magnitude more time pondering this idea than the people making the movie.

This kind of stuff is fascinating.

How much did the death star cost? How huge was it? Realistically how long would it take to build? How many rooms did it have? It's so massive it's hard to comprehend

globoids wouldnt understand.


what is this from?

It would take over 800 yrs just to gather enough metal (at current production rate) to build one.

>big thing must be built by big people
what kind of ooga booga logic is this?

Roasted Wookie.

theirs a yt vid about it he does basic maths and works it out

its not really that hard if your just ballparking it

1tn of metal costs x lets say $1 to make it easy
the death star is x wide giving it x volume if we made it all out of metal it would cost x

it takes x ammount of time to create 1 tonne of metal

its actually super simple to ballpark it
but figureing out how much gold platinum and copper is in it ect again probably just excessively time consuming but relatively easy

Wtf do they eat?

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Liquified and processed Ewoks.


this movie is pretty good at the beginning (minus kiefers horrific acting) and then it just falls apart at the end

>it's fully operational in this state
then what's the point of the rest of it?


What were the tax policies governing it?

tic tacs
tater tots
beef jerky
graham crackers
little marshmallows.

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standard empire wide tax of 3.1% and then specific planatery taxes up to 8% with a space tax that varies by sector between 1% and 55%

is that shit in the middle there?

Looks like hard tact.

of course alderan had reported negative earnings for the last 80years and was reciving massive stimulus packages to get them back on target,the death star was constructed here because the sector had decided that enough was enough and alderan had to go they would destroy and wirte off alderans gdp as a sector loss lowering the overall tax-mandate of the sector but increasing projected growth

star-wars accounting is very in depth

It gives you just enough information to understand the plot but when it comes to the setting they leave it pretty vague. But there's nothing wrong with that. The ending can be interpreted as ambiguous too according to the director because now Rufus Sewell's character is basically a god will that power corrupt him?

The only major criticism I have is the DBZ tier fight at the end. I feel like had they waited a few years they could've at least made it more of a spectacle with the psionic battle but what we got was generic due to the technological limitations. Ofc The Matrix came out not long after Dark City and blew it's CGI out of the water.

I would assume the aliens have some Klaus Schwab style tech which gathers the people's feces, filtrates them and atomically re configures them into various foods. Smaller ships probably bring in a constant supply of micro nutrients to fortify the artificial food. (keep in mind the city was just a space station) They basically bring in fresh food every day through some Truman Show like program.

Probably that. I did wonder if they could create food/crops with their psychic powers but you don't see any nature in the city iirc so maybe that's like a limitation for them because of their lack of soul.

Two other things. You hear a dog bark at one point in the streets though so there are at least domestic animals in the city, do they get their memories reset too? And do the people up in the skyscrapers not see that there's nothing beyond the city limits but space? Or is there some kind of false sky bubble making them think they're on some landmass?

all of the reveals were very underwhelming and unsatisfying. I can't even remember what the aliens wanted.

and yes the dbz fight literally ruins the whole movie. I watched this movie with a couple friends and everyone was loving it basically until Sutherland just exposition dumps on the ferry. Two of them literally left the room during the dbz fight.

It wasn't incomplete. The emperor tricked you by making it look similar to the first one so you went "AAAHH NOT ROUND! NOT ROUND! IT'S NOT DONE YET". Don't feel too retarded, the rebels fell for it too.

Bug paste

It's supposed to be a ship repair facility, fighter carrier, parts storage and manufactory, carrier huge armies and war material to subjugate planets they don't want to destroy. The death star's secondary mission was to subjugate whole star systems by itself. It moves in and can launch fleets and armies to several dozens worlds by itself, then coordinates the war efforts, repairs and resupplies as well as medical support and rest for troops as they get worn out. The troops in the old EU weren't clones and were treated humanely. Serving in the empire wasn't all that bad

>You hear a dog bark at one point in the streets though so there are at least domestic animals in the city
Not necessarily. Could be some cheap fake sounds to give the impression.
>do they get their memories reset too?
Interesting question. I would assume so because things like dogs and cats could be useful whenever they re-arrange the lives of people, and the pets need to be accustomed to their new owners.
>do the people up in the skyscrapers not see that there's nothing beyond the city limits but space?
I think there's some kind of tech that simulates a sky, because after all the sky is still there at all times and even in the ending when they stand looking at the light house. It's some kind of skybox like in a video game.

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star wars is so fucking dumb and i hate it

I wasn't a fan of how they dealt with the exposition. I would've kept some of that boat scene but it felt like they just needed to get a lot of the info out before the big fight scene.

Would've made for a good tv series instead. More time to show instead of telling us everything. The theatrical cut was even worse for this since it opened with Sutherland's character giving exposition about the aliens ruining the entire mystery about the film before it's even started.

the sequels don't exist

>Could be some cheap fake sounds to give the impression.
Good point. Or it's a stray.
>I think there's some kind of tech that simulates a sky
Well we know there's at least an air bubble so it's not much of a stretch.

The director also said that the ship was actually headed somewhere too but I guess we'll never know. The novel based on the screenplay has some interesting backstory for the aliens and how they made an entire species go extinct so there is other life out there. Are there other ships with cities built on them? Lot of potential for a sequel or series there, with good writers of course.

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Yeah the base material is really interesting. The movie we have now is good overall, especially in the opening act, but the exposition falters towards the end and the ending was ridiculous. It has JCon too so that's also a big plus.

It took way too long for someone to post this youtube.com/watch?v=xxX7QCll3oc

very unique manga
that pic is from netflix cgi anime tho

She was in a lot of movies around that time, But for me I like noir, I like a bit of sci fi and I like Jennifer Connolly so it's one of my favorites. The cast is pretty good all around. Sutherland seems like a point of contention with some people but I thought he disappeared into the role in a way I haven't seen him do very that much in his career.

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That's very inefficient. A better way would be to distribute food and water throughout the Death Star with pipes and dispensed via kiosks.

what film?

Dark City.

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>Graham crackers
>Pronounced gram crackers because that's how much they weigh
Why spell it incorrectly

>Hot chocolate was an exotic warm chocolate milk drink. It had many aficionados, some of the most famous being Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker. Skywalker had grown so fond of the drink that he had kept a secret stash of the pods used to make it aboard his brother-in-law's freighter.[2] His wife Mara Jade also enjoyed it. The Solo family, Han, Leia, and Allana had a tradition of drinking the beverage while watching the The Perre Needmo Newshour.[3] Hot chocolate was frowned upon in Palpatine's court and among smugglers, as Imperial officials viewed the drink as plebeian, and the smugglers preferred strong alcoholic beverages.[1] After the Yuuzhan Vong War, hot chocolate became a rarity, because the Yuuzhan Vong had re-shaped seven of the eight planets that were home to the plant that produced the pods that were used to make it during the conflict.[2]

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It definitely is a good movie for 90% of the run time. It's just that the ending was so dumb, it was really unworthy of being part of it.
>The cast is pretty good all around
Yeah, the main actor fit the role very well and everyone was good in it.
>Sutherland seems like a point of contention with some people
I personally never it that way. His monoloque scenes and general presence seems to fit well into the slightly psychotic schizo vibe the movie has. It's only when he's in longer dialogues where his speech pattern becomes overtly annoying.
>I like Jennifer Connolly
Who doesn't? She's probably the only Jewess I would give my seed to, full knowing my children will inevitably be Jews by birth right. And that's saying a lot. Although I prefer 80s era JCon myself.

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What did they eat?

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I first saw her in Labyrinth and yeah she's beautiful. Reminds me of a girl from school. You don't see her as much these days despite having aged pretty well but when I do see her it's usually in a movie that feels like it's straight out of the 80s or 90s like Alita. Shame they killed her off in that.

painfully unfunny

thanks user

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it's a completely different starship

Most people are usually split between Labyrinth and Phenomena era.