A wizard is never audited, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he ever dodging tax. He pays his due precisely when he means to

>A wizard is never audited, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he ever dodging tax. He pays his due precisely when he means to.

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What can men do against such reckless taxation?

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>All right, then. Keep your trade secrets.

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>So there I was at the mercy of three monstrous highway tolls. And they were all arguing amongst themselves about how they were going to gouge us. Whether it be excess weight fees or whether they should impound our vehicles one by one and ruin us into beggars. They spent so much time arguing the witherto's and whyfor's that the sun's first light cracked open over the top of the buildings... Poof! And turned them all into freeways!

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>Bilbo Baggins!
>DO NOT TAKE ME FOR AN AUDITOR OF LOW RISKS! I am NOT trying to tax you. I am trying to finance you.

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>COMPOUND IT ALL, SAMWISE GAMGEE! Have you been insider trading?
>I haven’t been trading no insides, honest. I was just consolidating my assets.
>A bit late in the fiscal year for trimming the portfolio.
> I expected raised rates.
>What did you hear? Speak!
>Nothing important! That is, I heard a great deal about a merger, and something about the end of the term, but nothing important! Please Mr Gandalf, don’t turn me in.

Attached: sam.jpg (1280x720, 89.08K)

>This is it.
>This is what?
>If I sell one more share, I'll be in the highest tax bracket I've ever been.

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That's messed up, why would he do that?

They don't call him Old Diamond Hands for no reason.

>He is gathering all equity to him. Very soon he will adjust a mutual fund-portfolio great enough to match the underlying securities of Middle-Earth.
>You know this? How?
>I have seen it.
>Quantitative trading is a dangerous tool, Saruman.
>Why? Why should we fear to use it?

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>There is no surplus in the budget. Only debt.

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I hate this forced meme so much its unreal.


>I can avoid being audited if I wish, but to not pay taxes entirely, that is a rare gift.

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I love you

>What about taxes?
>You've already had them.
>We've had income tax, yes. But what about property taxes? Payroll taxes? Sales taxes? Inheritance taxes? He knows about them, doesn't he?

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Its probably because you have no idea what it means. You have to be 18 to post here, user. Now go finish your homework.

little jews

>What orders from Wall Street my lord? What does the kike commands?

Attached: orc.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

>His liquidity returns.
>His credit score will never fully recover. He will be in debt for the rest of his life.
>And yet to have come so far, still paying his student loans, the Hobbit has shown extraordinary resilience as a wage slave.
>It was a loan he should never have taken, we can ask no more of Frodo.
>Gandalf, the market is changing. Sauron's companies are expanding. His buy order is fixed on Rivendell. And Saruman you told me has shorted us. Our list of investors grows thin.

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>It is in retail investors we must place our hope.

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>Do you remember when we first met?
>I thought I had strayed into a prime investment opportunity.
>Many audits have passed. You did not have the portfolio you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?
>You said you'd partner your startup with me. Forsaking the infinite cashflow of your conglomerate.
>And to that I hold. I would rather share one majority shareholder with you, than face the downs and turns of the premium markets alone. I choose... small business.

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>One does not simply short squeeze Mordor.

Attached: template-one-does-not-simply-0c6db91aec9c.png (651x383, 329.43K)

>You have my stock.
>And you have my bond.
>And my tax.

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>Mister Frodo is not investing in anything without me.

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>He’s trying to flood the market! Gandalf, we must sell out!

Attached: mountain.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

>What’s the Jewish word for „friend”?

Attached: moria.jpg (1280x720, 69.94K)

>There are older and fouler things than tax collectors in the deep corridors of the government facilities.

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Attached: cave.jpg (1280x720, 81.35K)

>ˡᵉnᵈ ᵐᵉ
>I cannot meet the buy-in, you'll have to lend me.
>Don't tell the elf.

Attached: lend me.jpg (1280x720, 82.68K)

>What is this new devilry?
>The IRS, a demon of the financial world. This foe is beyond any of you. RUN!

Attached: balrog.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)


Attached: Gandalf.jpg (924x533, 78.02K)

Why is he holding a vibrator??

>What about their dividend payments? They don't need those.
>Oh they look profitable!

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>File, you fools!

Attached: fandf.jpg (1280x720, 74.98K)

>Instead of compound growth, you would have gold, not diversified, but deflationary and intrinsically valuable as the dawn! Liquid as the sea, and stabler than the foundations of the earth! All shall love metal and despair!

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>Living on completely unreported income, that's a rare gift.
>I make nothing!

I wish I was smart enough to contribute to these threads

>Do you know how the subprime crisis first came into being? There were mortgages once, taken by the big banks. Diversified and rates adjusted... an over-leveraged and unstable form of security. And now... perfected: my synthetic collateralized debt obligation. How are you rated?

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>I didn't think it would end this way.
>End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Bankruptcy is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey debt-curtain of this economic cycle rolls back, and all turns to discharged liabilities, and then you see it.
>What? Gandalf? See what?
>Corporate reconstruction, and beyond, a far profitable market under a swift recovery.
>Well, that isn't so bad.
>No. No, it isn't.

Attached: gandalfend.gif (500x200, 956.38K)

dopamine detox, coomer

>The funds of men will default and all will come to bankruptcy, my net worth to ruin.
>I do not know what capacity to raise funds is in my network, but I swear to you, I will not let the company default, nor our investors lose their equity.
>Our investors. Our investors. I would have capitalized you, my partner. My General Partner. My CEO.
>Be at peace, shareholder of Gondor.

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I don't remember any of these lines, is this in the extended version?

>They’re taking the profits to Israel!

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>We ain't had nothin' but 0% interest rates for three stinkin' quarters!
>Yeah, why can't we have some quantitative easing?

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Why didn't the Eagles just fly his fortune to the Cayman Islands?

>I asked for 1% shareholdings to start my initial investment...
>She gave me 3

>mfw i know this thread is funny but i don't understand them
Feels bad man.


Director's cut

>Show me your portfolio, coin-master, and I shall show you mine.

Attached: gimli.png (1258x800, 1.49M)

Here's some tips:
>get a 401k
>watch the big short
>file your own taxes
>be over 18


>There's some good equity in this market, Mr. Frodo
>and it's worth selling for

>NFTs? What madness drove them in there?

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>You wish now that our places had been exchanged. That I had gone bankrupt and Boromir had remained solvent?
>...Yes. I wish that.
>Since you are robbed of Boromir, I will do what I can in his stead. If my investments should yield returns, think better of me, father.

Attached: Lord-of-the-Rings-Faramir.jpg (963x481, 41.59K)


>It's true you don't see many Dwarf bonds, and in fact they are so alike in return and stability that they are often mistaken for preferred stocks.
*It's the dividends.
>And this has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf bonds and government programs pay for themselves, which is of course ridiculous.

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>I just sold a share of stock for 150k

>Forth! And fear no audits!
>Arise! Arise traders of Theoden!
>Shares shall be traded, trust funds shall be split!
>A selling day! A liquidation day!
>'Ere the market opens!
>Forth, Shareholders!

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