He's right

>During an interview on the podcast WTF with Marc Maron in November 2021, Scott blamed the film's box-office failure on millennials, saying: "I think what it boils down to — what we've got today [are] the audiences who were brought up on these f***ing cell phones. The millennian do not ever want to be taught anything unless you are told it on the cell phone".[36]

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>this bullshit from the guy who made two alien prequels and that fucking lady gaga gucci movie
Scott is way too hit or miss these days to be so self righteous

Shouldn't he blame it on zoomers?

Maybe he should release it to streaming so I can torrent it an watch in on my 75" tv for free.

i was at the cinema deciding what to watch
>hmm, sounds interesting
>tagline: the true story of a woman
Dropped hard ridley scott stick this shit up your ass

>The truth according to Marguerite
>The truth...
Made an audible OOF when that came up. For this alone deserved to bomb.

the guy has 3 films you wish you'd forgotten you've seen for every 1 that's famous. He's been riding on the coattails of two of his earliest films, Alien and Blade Runner, which are admittedly good and influential.

Remember this classic? He's got more duds than anyone even thinks about.

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The counselor was better

guy has had a looooong career and it peaked 40 years ago. I hear he's working on a new film...

>"taught anything"
fuck this boomer, his movie is literal propaganda and doesn't respect any historical accuracy

>i was at the cinema deciding what to watch
who does that? fucking npc

boomers don't know about zoomers, they think every one under 40yo is a millenial

Maybe your movie just sucked

>having to autistically plan your outings
Kek i bet you rehearse what you're going to order from the concession stand too

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>Replay the same events in the movie 3 times
>Get mad that people stopped paying attention

I liked the movie and Ridley Scott, but he should have known better.

Maybe you should try directing a movie before you criticize a director?

This reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld genuinely believing stand-up comic is one of the hardest jobs out there today. Because the crowds shouldn't get to decide what they like

I basically loved the movie first time, but it isn't rewatchable at all and mostly because of this.

It needed to be said.

Slow bait.

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>event happens at least once in history
>someone talks about it
>someone writes it down
>at least one historian
>movie gets made about it
>decide to tell the story 3 times in that movie
ugh it's all so banal

he thought he was making Rashomon. they all do

Marguerite perspective is absolute fucking garbage though. If Matt's and Drivers perspectives are specifically exaggeration for the sake of vanity and favorable portrayal, her is just noble, brave and stunning "truth" of a victim of the hecking patriarchy. Riddly and whomever co wrote this can go fuck themselves.

That's some embarrassing boomer cope.

If I recall what you're talking about, he said stand-up comedy is the job where you get judged the most. At the end of every joke you're you're judged and people aren't going to fake-laugh out of politeness.

I didn't watch it, because I knew that it was feminist propaganda from the three guys that almost definitely deserve to be MeToo'd.

in retrospect, Ridley should have just made a whole movie mocking you specifically for having a small penis. you would have nothing to add to your existing overreaction.

>The truth
Thank you Ridley, very cool, very Rashomon.
Couldn't help but notice that you didn't add in the epilouge that the sentence was overturned and Gris absolved.
Can't wait for Kitbag where it turns out that Napoleon did everything he did because he was threatened by josephine big masculine cock. Since this is what you apparently focused on. Got to show them chuds how to write God awful third act somehow.

>event happened in history
>its comfy mystery that no one really know who was in the wrong
>BUT let me tell you what really happened THE TRUTH
Absolute tard Literally ruined his own KINO by inserting his truth or more like try to cater to the metoo woke tards who didnt even watched his movie because this kinda retards dont watch medieval kinos and such.
>could have went with slight hints about the broke family mom pushed it, or the traitor father pushed it, or the wife pushed it and so on could literally be anyone involved and leave it as mystery for us retards to think about
>but no the faggot couldn contain himself to tell us the truth absolute hack

Shit was KINO

he was referring to cancel culture on the video I saw. He was angry that if you said something people didn't like, they wouldn't like it

I think the threat of losing gigs is pretty real, beyond just people not liking something.

The saddest thing is that he didn't even add anything that Le Gris to prove his innocence with.
Like it's the most documented trial from the middle ages.
It's fucking skipped over in few scenes.
No scene of Le Gris inviting his friend who proposed that he wouldn't be able to travel the distance from her back to town only for that friend to be later arrested for rape and be uncovered as a serial rapist himself.
How do turn literal piles of documents to some shallow, Rashomon wanna be that doesn't even hide bias as with this shit is sidding with?

Millenials are the most talentless, incapable, self-insufficient cry babies to ever exist
You take away their phone they might quite literally die
They didnt actually absorb knowledge from schools or universities, no capacities, no competencies, no trade besides MUH PROGRAMMING
No wonder every industry moved on to china

if you're in the entertainment industry and no one wants to hire you because of your public image then yes, you lost a gig. why not
I'm not saying people don't "cancel" people for stupid reasons, I'm saying whether the reason is dumb or smart it doesn't matter they're making a choice not to see you or hire you. You're owed nothing, here

user, the only reason they made the movie was to talk about metoo. that was incredibly apparent from the structure they used, you just went in expecting a different movie.

It's not that he's wrong, his problem is that he won't accept it. So what if we're all glued to our phones? What are you going to do about it? We're fine without your movie, Ridley. Believe me, we'll be alright

The Last Duel wasn't good and people that ignored it made the right choice.

Millennials are based

t. millennial

An actual clueless boomer, damn!

>Scott blamed the film's box-office failure on millennials
Well I am a millennial and I guess he is right, but the only reason I have not watched it is because I don't want to watch a story about a woman pretending she was raped, told 3 different ways and then a sword fight with mediocre actors that will of course be heavily edited and which I already know the outcome.

Even on pen and paper this movie is trash.
I mean, ben assfleck and matt damon as leads, wtf. Driver is a decent actor though

actually le gris was a replicant the entire time

>The truth
What was Scott thinking??? Kino movie otherwise

I liked this movie, well some of it.

>true story...of a women
Annnnnd dropped

Damn are we moving on from demonizing "boomers" to "millennials" now.
Can't wait for all you niggers to grow personalities and stop blaming everyone older or younger than you and circlejerking about how they, or the rich people, "stole" something from you.

The only thing stealing from you is your government, retards.

This is unironically why I didn't watch lmao

I for one thought House of Gucci was one of the more watchable movies of last year

When did I ever do any of that
Holy shit youre retarded even for a millenial

Which is much harsher in terms of job security than regular jobs. And among entertainers comedians are the most likely to risk getting canceled, as toeing the line of offensiveness is very much part of their job description. Saying it's the hardest job is seriously hyperbolic but it has some unique challenges. If you're a carpenter what makes you good at your job isn't the exact same thing as what might lose you that job.

Tell me more about your dating life through apps and a screen, user

I met my gf at a board game event

The Duelists was pure kinography.

It’s been on streaming for months idiot

He is wrong though. In a week the Northman has made 2/3 as much money as the Last Duel in its entire theatrical run, with the same type of appeal except a much less known director.

Well put. It's me then, I just don't want to hear comics or entertainers bitch about their job. I just don't

It was a shit movie, sorry but it was.
ok it wants to be Rashomon but unlike Rashomon the audience isn't left to decide the truth. there is literally no point in telling the same story 3 fucking time when two of them are only there to fortify the woman's point of view. complete waste of time. now if her rape claims were painted with ambiguity then each retelling would have meaning but to even suggest that in current year is a massive taboo.

the movie is a soulless piece of shit and Scott should just accept that instead of being a whiny bitch about.

That's fair, just don't read/watch interviews of them then, it's not like you're going to learn much of value.

>The only thing stealing from you is your government, retards.

Yes, the government created and voted in by the people older than us.

>muh history
history was so long ago it may as well be a movie.

20-40 more years of boomers complaining about tech then they die

I love being GenX and being a straight up asshole to every millennial I met and I will do so for life.

Dude fuck you

>Matt Damon
>True story
Found your problems.