This is why hollywood doesn’t pander to the right

This is why hollywood doesn’t pander to the right

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The age of the white man is over.

>WE ACCIDENTALLY PANDERED TO THE RIGHT? But we took every precaution.

lol did you edit that

Time to take HRT and masturbate to blacked now

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no this is why hollywood doesnt even try to make actual movies now and just makes formulaic capeshit

We gave you ONE white movie and it FLOPPED... HARD


daily reminder that nords are the niggers of europe

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The movie still hasn't been released in many countries

Based except even Africans are preferable to anglogermcucks

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bro, 8.5 million domestic after a week in america. it’s over. white men are done

The Last Duel also failed at the box office and that was a feminist flick. It's not about politics.

Why are you shitposting and making fun? This is seriously bad for film lovers everywhere. The death of historically accurate races. The death of the auteur.

People like diverse casts contrary to what /poltv/ tries to convince you of. Just don’t go too far with it. They don’t care if there’s blacks in Asgard.


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Right wingers are to pathetic and afraid to do anything outside their comfort Bubble. No going out to eat different foods, no traveling, no socializing, no art... right wingers have always been the negative of society.

Majority of them hate other races because they've never attempted to meet other people or try things of other cultures.

I think the reason it's doing poorly is because of marketing. I didn't see a single trailer or any talk about it until is literally released.

eggman isn’t dead he’s still alive

>This is why hollywood doesn’t pander to the right
imagine thinking right wingers watch hollyjew productions in 2022 and aren't raising large extended families that will replace liberals that castrate themselves and become dog moms.
liberalism are the Shakers of the 21st century but without the cool furniture.
tic toc

Conan the Barbarian had James Earl Jones as a plains warlord back in the 80s

we only needed mud huts because now we live rent free in your heads

and they raped your ancestors and they loved it

it doesn't seem like a film that was authentic in its image of what it's representing, and it also seems to be somewhat badly marketed, in a time where people also aren't going to theaters, and are less than enthusiastic with contemporary film

right wing people actually had sex back then so they didn’t care

Not a single person reads your posts and thinks you're white btw

If the protagonist was replaced by a black man left Anya as his love interest it could have made above 400 million at the box office. Mutts are so obsessed with big black cock they don't watch anything that isn't diverse. BBC is unironically the future

this, rightfully so

>after a week in america
i thought it just came out
anyway, wasnt spider goy and bat soi white?

>wanting to be white
Look at this dood

No one that is 'right wing' by internet teenager standards is ever breeding.
Every real world family matters conservative is hated by the people that call themselves right wing online for being RINOs/jew supporters/jogger lovers/civnats/some other terminally online concept.
What counts as right wing to you dumbasses is only supported by terminally unfuckable morons that won't ever have kids.

>People like diverse casts

90% of a movies success is based solely on the marketing budget.

The film wasn't right-wing though, it was left-wing garbage.

Get woke, go broke

incel projection

Fucking leftypol and polfags need the rope. It failed because of laughable marketing and VIKANGZ hypewagon being dead for a few years.

>giant house of stone taking up unnecessary space on top of stone, surrounded by stone
>humble shelter from the elements containing everything you'll need on top of grass, surrounded by nature

We are a part of this world yet we reject that idea and so each day we stray further away from gods embrace.

>Majority of them hate other races because they've never attempted to meet other people or try things of other cultures.

I wasn't racist until I started interacting with other races while in the military. Now that I've seen what they do I hate them.

I do not care about how successful films are, the only thing that matters is if it's good.

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I'm right wing and I have two kids already. You guys are aborting your babies and turning into fags and trannies.

>What counts as right wing to you dumbasses is only supported by terminally unfuckable morons that won't ever have kids.

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Lots of conservatives always say this but in reality is not true at all. You got laughed at by someone of another race and have been seething since.

>right wingers have always been the negative of society.
most people 50 years ago would be considered right wing today

do you type this before or after abdul fuck your 12yo daughter?

It’s a woke movie.

A white movie would
1. Have quips
2. Men would objectify women not simp over one
3. There would be black and brown people in the movie who would be unsympathetic villains
4. You can’t hire a Skarsgard as your lead. Ever. Especially not one without chad energy
5. If everyone in your movie is over 25 yo it’s a boomer movie

The film was called racist by pussies back then too because the German beheads a negro.


With having such a massive publicity campaign I can't believe how little it made.

Actually I can't believe they gave such a massive publicity campaign to a movie that was obviously going to be niche and stars a dude who is in nothing but flop and flop.

did my comment break the bot?

>his response is a general cry of insecurity
God loves you user, as long as you let him in.

hillary clinton was for the boarder wall when she ran against obama and jo biden called niggers super criminals back in the 90's

i hope you all die horrible deaths

nicole kidman is no right wing draw, you nonce, why sit through it
right wingers do all that until they realize the vain effeminacy of it all.

this, hopefully this movie will help pol realize, reality does not share the views of this echo chamber and the “go woke go broke” mantra is bullshit

It's like 11 days away from the latest capeshit film
People want to save their money on that film instead of watching another vikangs flick

even me?

You're not an incel, you just lack the basic confidence to hit on a girl you weak willed shit.

AKA you were an autist with zero interaction skills and got teased by a few Mexicans and blacks who had alot more testosterone and purpose than you in the military, now you constantly seethe about it all the time.

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Norsesisters, what do we do?

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this, far right is literally broke basement dwellers with no friends to even go to the movies with

Now post southern europe at the height of egyptian culture

it's you, you're the incel user

>traveling and trying different things is gay

Kek, like clockwork. You're not fooling anybody with the lifted pickup trucks and beer drinking, everyone knows you're a pansy at heart.


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it's over chudbros. i hate to say it but it's actually over.

Trump lost

>This is why hollywood doesn’t pander to the right
What pander? This movie doesn't have even half of a woke production, and it's and arthouse, R-rated movie. Also the Joker already did that job, don't know why you think Nu-Conan needs to make 1 billion.

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Why the hell is a movie based on vikings somehow right wing? do /pol/cels really?

You’re an actual dumbass. In the 70s the Black Panthers were actual Maoists, Angela Davis was a KGB asset, Weather Underground shit was either 60s and/or 70s bombing shit, uni students and rock bands that support Che Guevara while he’s still alive were all over the place, Reagan hadn’t yet been put in power by deep state Iran-Contra spooks to completely gut the soul of the country irreparably

If this was called the Romeman it would sell millions, no one wants to see Nordcucks and their liberal antics

It amazes me how much seethe this movie is causing. Even Reddit loves it. I think only far left trannies are upset.

I hope the movie does well but even if it doesn't it will still join the pantheon of good sword and sorcery cult kinos. I'm glad it was made.

They aren't real pagans, they're athiests trying to be edgy.
Real pagans hated faggots more than the Christians did.