Jesus christ.....He has over 500 followers!

>Jesus christ.....He has over 500 followers!

Attached: robert-pattinson-batman-e1632160881153.jpg (1774x997, 322.51K)

500 darkweb followers is a lot

thoe mocie thies be set in the i0s

Yea Forums has less and it does a lot of damage to my IQ score on a daily basis

nice excuse for being a retard

>learns about riddler's plan about the shooters
>doesn't warn gordon or anyone just lets it happen and then "saves" the day

The IRL turnout was a shit-ton too.
How was the Riddler able to get 500 devout murderous followers without a single fed infiltration or even someone spilling the beans?
Seems highly unlikely.

At least the 10% of that number is READY AND WILLING.

So um was riddler supposed to be the bad guy in this movie? Because it seemed like he was just willing to go the extra mile while mopey emobat sat around with his thumb up his ass. Batman just seemed so... ineffective.

Riddler’s a fed asset himself.

We banned him on twitter and Facebook but he still has influence, the system is broken

he tried to have the officer at the apartment call, and the signal was jammed, so he showed up in person instead

Gotham really needed a STRONK BLAKK WOMYN to fix everything. Hooray for Mayor La`Queefa.

The VPS service where the channel was hosted belonged to the court.

Riddler is also...CIA

She has the cake the city deserves.

Because we all know how great Democrat black mayors run irl cities.

The Riddler tackled like a bitch. Beta behavior.

This for sure. Also couldn’t suspend my disbelief that someone can be so proficient at creating cyphers, general technology, website building, and hiding their identity via major social media.

But yeah, riddler is a hero.

Not hamburger here can you explain? Maybe there's some reference.

I thought it was a little too on the nose when the Riddler thanked his audience for donations before ordering the terrorist attack


>the charges, officer?

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Because he is empathetic to people like him. He really cares about his radicalized soldiers.

Being an incel chud nerd.

He is an abused orphan. Watch the movie.

I am. Joker is talking to him in Arkham now.

Being an abused orphan with autism is no excuse for being a white male.



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This. So much this.

Is doesn't have autism. He is destroyed from abuse. Abuse destroy people's brain.

>500 men on nofap
300 made into the gates of hell, imagine 500 strong willed men!

look at the main characters
batman = orphan, white and rich
riddler = orphan, white and poor
cat woman = orphan, half white and poor

what does it mean?

Falcone is not even white.

I still don't get how he managed to rig the entire glass rooftop to blow up when he was that pressed for time.

>Being an abused orphan with autism
>I was forced to sing Ave Maria everyday for 15 years!
Past a certain age, an autist without a cat is a danger for society

>He's using something called Gab
>It's like Twitter for deep web hackers

I hope the guy who will play Joker in the next one is studying every scrap of information he can find about Heath Ledger, since he will be asked a million questions about him over the next couple of years.

Then again, Joker will probably be in the third one. Next movie looks to be Penguin.

That is most definitely not how DW works.

What if the Joker is more volatile? Like a blurred cloud of evil? And I prefer the court. Society man is overexposed.

As well as browsing Yea Forums past the age of 12

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that's about 2x the amount of posters on Yea Forums right?

Attached: he's literally me - batman.jpg (828x577, 63.01K)

Recruiting 3 dozen Americans who can't shoot for shit. We're trying to stir up gun control sentiment and you staged a mass shooting were no one was killed. A dead jew and one injured politician won't arouse the sort of sympathy we need, so that's that, we're locking you up forever.


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Everyone is 12yo if you bash your head enough

This is not an issue and has gotten way too much attention. 500 followers is a LOT if a large % of them are ready to follow your orders in real life.

The real tech blunder, that I haven't see any complaints about, is how Bats and Gordon plug the "thumb drive" into a networked computer, allowing it to instantly send all those emails.
>We've received a mysterious flash drive from a murderer
>We have no idea what's on it or what it will do
>Let's not exercise any basic precautions like only plugging it into an isolated, non-networked laptop
Other movies like Skyfall have shown why this is a terrible idea

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Jesus Christ I've gone blind I can't see anything! Only darkness!!!
No, wait, it's just The Batman playing on my tv. Never mind.

Big if true.

For you

Yeah. I touched on that in a thread last night and everyone ignored it. I should have posted on /g/ instead and got their autistic hackles up.

Batman is still an amateur in this movie and Gordon is an old school cop. I remember reading that someone managed to hack into Pentagon this way, by leaving flash drives on their parking lot.

I'm also CIA

>/pol/ shitposting from people who havent' seen the film
as always.


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>Batman should be bright! Like my Marvel films!

what doth life?

Whatever you say, Nancy.

There's a difference between dark and not being able to see what is even going on on screen.
I don't know if it,s the same in theatre, but the version my movie channel aired was unwatchable.

Great thread, where is the like and subscribe button ?

My mom took my guns away because I got really shitfaced and talked about wanting to shoot normies again. Can somebody bring a spare

What did Riddler even have against Bruce Wayne? As far as he knows only his father was crooked. Bruce Wayne barely does anything

*whips out dick*

>What did Riddler even have against Bruce Wayne?
you must have been on your phone for the ten minutes where the riddler goes on and on about why he hates bruce wayne you fucking zoomer