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more like desert

Is it? Why? Preferably a real person and not a shill responds to this, THANKS!

Fort two episodes hook you, then the next two are nothing special.

wouldn't call it kino yet, but it is certainly entertaining

I haven't seen it, but from a quick google search, the cast is all white. That's almost a guaranteed kino.

That doesnt answer the question if its good though.

What is this about? Are there aliens? it looks like aliens.

There's the Indian gay female sheriff and the mystery blood love interest

it's murder mystery.
there's two farms. other farm kills one guy from other farm.
now the other farm tries to prove that the other farm killed their guy. and the other farm tries to play innocent.

There's also a hole in the ground that works as a time traveling machine

theres a ton of both of those kicking around wyoming

i guess, but it's not really important to the plot yet.

I will now watch your show.

If you'd watch just for the mystery hole, so far, don't bother because they've barely touched on it.

"Indian" as in Native American or Indian as in Indian Indian (Asian)? Because if there are Native Americans, that's even more kino.

Indian as in native American
ESL here pls understand

I want more time travel, less murder investigation

ok, gonna give it a try

When i saw the quirky lynchian try hard themes in it, i knew it was going to be good.

However they need to be more strange, the cucks are holding back

No aliens, its about magic and gods. Episode 3 & 4 is where it gets good.

It's trying to be kino and it has its moments but there's some real janky cgi and some dull side characters whose scenes don't add much like the two sons of Josh Brolin. Sometimes it feels like it's trying to be Twin Peaks meets Sphere.

Why would you name your daughter Imogen Gay Poots?

She must have copped it hard growing up with a name like that imagine gay farts.

Attached: Imogen Gay Poots.png (723x1044, 895.39K)

Kinda on the fence about it. Brolin is great and story wise there's a solid set up. Sometimes it really drops in quality. Mainly when brolin isn't on the screen. The pacing is good but it could do with some more atmospheric shots bb bcs style.

Gay means happy

Okay now explain Imogen

This bitch sheriff is really annoying me trying to arrest our boys Abbot

Its Gaelic for Maiden

Royal cursed god in episode 1

How is this kino? It's just another bullshit mystery show where we won't find out jack shit about anything for another 3 seasons

Just finished episode 3. My biggest complaint was hearing Kendrick Lamar in the soundtrack. Fucking hate when niggerbop shows up in kino it is so out of place

There are no Fritos in that hole, Karl!

she's the worst character in the show.
I'm disappointed he didnt immediately push his neighbor into the hole at the end

Brolin's character would've pushed this rodent toothed woman into the hole instantly but the plot demanded otherwise

Okay now explain Poots

Funniest scene. Fritos look like cheetos

You got me

>the cast is all white
Um racist sexist and transmysoginnistic much?

Quite pungent my dear mmm yes

That's enough for me. Gonna watch it.

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What's a clamato?

>the cast is all white
Don't give a fuck about what this is about but you've got a new fan.

It's like V8 but with clam juice added, it's an acquired taste.

Well, just finished watching the first episode. Solid cast, story, characters, cinematography and music. Really nailed that modern western kino. Probably going to download the second episode now. Thanks for the suggestion.

see my review: . Although I havent' watched the rest of the episodes yet.

>noooooo you can't make mystery shows my zoomerbrain can't handle it
Yes it is B)

>guy dies because he gets punched a few times
So stupid. Anyone that watches this show is a fucking loser.

Wait you dont have Prime?? lmao holy shit dude, maybe its time to get a job.

You've never even been touched by another human let alone been in a fight

Is it as gay as every other modern western?

If you are repeatedly being punched in the face you are likely having the back of your head bouncing off a hard rock ground. Be aware that simply falling on a hard surface can kill you. Having your brain smashed against the hard ground is even worse. These are also farm boys, very likely strong and can throw a punch

sold, I'm marathoning tonight after based Barry which also has a nearly all white cast

I like my kino illegally pirated, sir, so sue me. Well, actually, please don't.

Is it only 4 episodes?

Awww little bitch, are you really stupid? How sad. Little bitch has to act hard on the Yea Forums because his entire life is pure dog shit.



Yeah thats why guys in MMA die all the time oh wait there's never been a death in the UFC. Weird huh?
>These are also farm boys, very likely strong and can throw a punch
lmao you're so stupid and cringe. Just a pathetic waste of space.

How come you're so worthless? Dont say because your parents were complete losers, that's a given, but people are capable of overcoming a bad childhood and weak genetics.

nice review. have my upvote.

So much anger. ufc fighters have died. The mat is very different from rock I dont even know why you'd make the comparison desu
>city boy jealousy

I was hoping for something more similar to the actual Mel's Hole guy who called into radio stations and was a bit of a nutter.

Instead we get
>The most generic land dispute plot for a farm drama
>The most generic characters saying things like "W-where's Pa!?"
>The scale of the hole shifts scene to scene dramatically
>The anomalies happen so randomly that I had to back and and watch the mountain thing twice and still don't understand what I was supposed to see
>Absolutely no sense of any director with a theme or vision, just 4-5 minutes of mystery followed by 40-45 minutes of generic farm drama plot
>The hole just leads to an alternate timeline where things went WRONG but some people are still ALIVE that are DEAD in the OTHER TIMELINE!

I'll still finish it tho

It won't make it to three seasons


what shows and movies are we allowed to talk about mister