>leave Sauron to me
Uh...so what happened after this? How exactly did he turn into Sauron-man?
Leave Sauron to me
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pursued him but Sauron smooth tongued him
He's called Saruman you retard.
It the book it’s sauronman
No it's Sour Man
I haven't seen Christopher Lee in any kinos lately
He was a vain and jealous bitch. Sauronman was jealous of Gandalf from the moment they first stepped onto middle earth. They all meet up at an Elf city and Sauronman finds out Cirdan put a ring on Gandalf's finger. He flipped his shit. He said "I am the fairest and most beautiful of them all! I deserve that ring!" But Cirdan said nah senpai, you an ugly hoe inside. Gandalf though, now there's true beauty.
Being dead tend to do that.
Would Gandalf have been as successful without his ring of power? Tolkien wizards are so weird. They seem nerfed when they come to ME. They can release their true power level against mega enemies like a balrog, but otherwise most of their spells and knowledge are locked away unless they get magic items like swords and rings.
I don't think they're locked away, so much as they choose not to reveal or use their true power unless they absolutely need to.
The scene where Gandalf scares Bilbo into giving up the ring in Bag End is kino, I think they're just holding back their powers but can turn them on whenever.
Arguably not as his ring was specifically designed to help inspire those around the wearer. Who knows if those around Gandalf would have been as convinced as they were to do what they do if he didn't have the ring. While Gandalf was good, he certainly wasn't THAT friendly of a person in the books.
>Gods send five (5) wizards to help people
>One fucks off to the woods and eats mushrooms the whole time
>Two leave to the east never to be heard from again
>One is a dickhead who betrays the people
>One needs a respawn plus power up to actually do what he should
Nice job
>>Gods send five (5) wizards to help people
>>One fucks off to the woods and eats mushrooms the whole time
>>Two leave to the east never to be heard from again
>>One is a dickhead who betrays the people
I wonder why.
I sat through The Wicker Tree. For a 30 second cameo with Christopher Lee where they were ambiguous about whether he really was Lord Summerisle or not it was not worth it. Movie had some meme potential though
why is the melon haired lady front and center?
Radaghast at least should have helped more in the war of the ring. He could have summoned a large army of beasts to help out on Pelennor Fields. Or could have helped Helm's Deep or attack Isengard
How the fuck could a man be allowed to die in this day and age. Technology is a thing. It can stop and reverse aging.
You dumb fuck if at all Melkor is Lucifer
He didn't even know there was a problem. Nobody told him about the ring and shit. At least that's my guess for why he wasn't in the the LOTR movies.
He knows things will get worse (it did).
No Sauron is Lucifer, and Smeagol is Jesus sacrificing himself to destroy the Ring which is all the sins of man!
In short it was the palantir, which are seeing-orbs that even the wizards like Gandalf and Saruman don't fully understand, because they were made so long ago the time can't be measured in years.
Well, radaghast was in hobbit where they had to take care of the necromancer problem that tutned out to be Sauron's ghost. You'd think they would be able to get messages to each other. Like before Sauronman turned evil, him and Gandalf, and Radaghast would be in regular contact with each other on their activities? I dunno, I think Gandalf would at least find it worthwhile to send some Elves to go find Radaghast when the fellowship set out on their quest from Rivendale. Having another powerful wizard working to help their quest would have been game changing
He went to Yea Forums to confront the hive of scum and villainy known as /pol/ but he was seduced into the dark arts of calling every normie he meets a nigger faggot
honest question, Is this a real poster?
The Valar who sent Gandalf in his nerfed state didn't expect him encounter a strong enemy as the Balrog, so they unerfed him for a while and when he died sent him back because the Balrog was something not even they could foresee. The whole point of the wizards was to guide the free people of middle earth against Sauron, not fight him for them.
>4/5's of them failed or actively turned against their mission
I don't get it. Did they forget they would eventually be going back and would need to face judgement for their performance? Radaghast is fine even though mediocre, but blues and white are fucked for all eternity.
radaghast by that point only cared about animals and nature. and did not bother getting involved with other people.
same why the blue wizards are never seen or mentioned
The blue wizards were captured and killed in the eastern lands by Saurons spies and soldiers, so they would be fine, it’s just that the people they were trying to encourage failed to resist Sauron. Radaghast was the wizard expert of nature, and he did have some uses, as he was the one to first discover Mirkwood was being overrun by evil, which caused the others to look closer at the area and discover the necromancer that turned out to be Sauron. He did get too involved with caring for animals and was slightly neglectful of his mission, but never abandoned it entirely. Sauron was the only one to completely lose his nerve and join the enemy, completely ruining himself.
saruman was already jealous and butthurt at gandalf even before they got send to middle-earth
because their bosses wanted gandalf to be the boss (white) because he was the most humble and skilled of them.
but gandalf declined the honor and said saruman should be the leader.
this made saruman seethe for ages, add the ring thing and it made him even more butthurt
Radaghast told the eagles to spy on Sauron and relay news to Gandalf. That is the only reason Gandalf was found and saved from Orthanc. No Gandalf cant talk to moths.
put 50 cent and samuel L in this pls haha
>The blue wizards were captured and killed in the eastern lands by Saurons spies and soldiers
no, that's not canon, we don't know whether they failed or not, there's been countless discussions about this already
No where does it say the blue wizards were captured and killed.
>The blue wizards were captured and killed
How could the blue wizards be killed even? And wouldn't they just be sent back even more powerful?
>kkk riders
nice haha
only gandalf got an extra life because he scored a high score before going to middle earth.
Tolkien made it clear that the Blue Wizarss ultimately failed but didn't explain how, just suggested ideas (that they formed magical cults). He also said that what progress the Blue Wizards DID make was crucial. Even though they failed in the end, the effort they made do repel Saurons corruption would hVe been way more worse had it not been for the Blue Wizards.
she turned away what was she looking at
she was a sauronman the day that she met me
hey what are you looking at
she was a saruman the day that she left me
Gandalf abd the wizarss cant die. They just get gicen new bodies.
Gandalf gets a new body because he is redeemable. Blue Wizards started pounding negresses and God just gave up on them.
Sauronman definitely didn't get a new body. He died as a wretched, frail, withered up old man who could only terrorize hobbits at the end
I tried to read the books again and got filtered. I want so badly to become a lore autist but they feel so dull after how great the movies were.
Blue wizards are probably still alive. Tolkien said they likely made their own cukts around magic and these cults lasted even after the fall of Sauron.
Thats because he was rejected. You can be rejected if you fuck up or go against Eru's design. Same reason Sauron was unable to take on new body using his powers.
The movies are dull compared to books. Only in the books do you get Gandalf fighting against Black Riders 1v9 in the blackness of the night.
sauron became a weak spirit that at best could only with great effort make something notice him.
IIRC saruman was an autist who loved ancient relics and as it happened, Orthanc, which he was gifted upon arriving in Middle Earth, housed a palantir. Sauron was therefore able to communicate and corrupt Saruman
In the books, some parts are far more epic. And some parts are dull, i skip those. The one part I never skip though, is good ol' Tom Bombadil. Hey dol, he's a merry fellow
>I was there, Gandalf. The day we culled every dark skinned bastard..
Tolkien would have been disappointed with you
>the white riders
I dunno I thought I did well making the Hobbit.
If you want to become a lore autist, start with The Hobbit, then read The Silmarillion, then read The Lord of the Rings. These are the big three. Then there are other autism novels that go into the stuff that happens but you can look those up when you're done with the three. The Silmarillion is the major lore book. If you read that, you know everything about Middle Earth basically. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are stories set in a very specific timeframe of the entire timeline. The stuff that happens in the earlier ages of the story is actually way more insane than anything that happens in LOTR. Sauron is a nothingburger compared to Melkor.
he collected 100 coins/bananas/etc
They were good friends
he's laying low
>get curious
>look up what the deal with the blue wizards was
>basically Tolkien couldn't be fucked to decide what happened to them but thought that 3 wizards was too few
>"maybe they formed some kinda magic cult or something? fuck if I know" - Tolkien
>literally couldn't even be consistent in their names with the most recent publication giving them completely new names
Christ. See this is the sort of thing that would actually be interesting to explore. If amazon's show focused on their journey to the east and the reason why they never returned I'd love the shit out of that. But I guess they probably didn't have the rights or something
>amazon adds them to their show
>they are african, and they are actually women
>they are now the purple drank wizards
>they are more important than all three other wizards combined and without them, Sauron would have won everything
Yeah? And what do you think that's short for you fucking idiot