Mass Effect TV show

First game is a single 9 episode season, with a special episode released post-season

>Episode 1: Eden Prime
A conspiracy and unanswered questions follow what was supposed to be a routine mission for Commander Shepard on the planet Eden Prime
>Episode 2: The Citadel
To gather evidence for accusations made against Saren, Commander Shepard enlists the help of Garrus Vakarian, Tali'Zorah and Urdnot Wrex
>Episode 3: Therum
Shepard and the Normandy Crew go to the volcanic planet of Therum to question an Asari Scientist, but this turns into a Rescue, and is she friend? or foe?
>Episode 4: Feros
In search of answers, Shepard and The Normandy travel to the Zhu's Hope Colony on Feros, but a mysterious infection starts spreading soon after they arrive...
>Episode 5: Noveria
The search for Matriarch Benezia leads Shepard to the corporate planet of Noveria, where he deals with Boardroom politics and a long dead enemy....
>Episode 6: Virmire
Following a Distress call from a Council Strike Team, Shepard and the Normandy are trapped on the planet Virmire, where they try to destroy Sarens lab, but not all will make it out alive
>Episode 7: The Council
Shepard and Anderson plot an escape from the citadel after the council impound the Normandy
>Episode 8: Ilos (Finale part 1)
Shepard travels to the mysterious planet of Ilos, in an attempt to stop Sarens plans once and for all
>Episode 9: Sovereign
Shepard fights tooth and nail to stop Saren's plans of unleashing an unbelieved enemy from dark space, The Reapers.

>Bring down the Sky
Shepard gets a distress call from a Scientist on an Asteroid about terrorists hijacking the asteroid to smash into a nearby planet, can Shepard stop them in time?

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>Mass Effect TV show
It's made and it's called Halo.

Just watch Babylon 5 bro

They'd just butcher it, no thanks.

>he didnt go to noveria first
enjoy not being overpowered early lmao

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I really believe the only way it would work is if Shepard isn't the "protagonist".
He should be the stoic Professor X of the group while the aliens get the actual characterization.
Of course, aliens don't work in modern media, so Garrus will be a black man and Tali will be a human in a helmet.

>Letting Blueberry rot her mind

why you keep asking for shit huh? you know its going to be pozzed

>they kept the infinite charm/intimidate in Legendary Edition

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>not getting Liara before Noveria so that she can help kill her own mother and say her final goodbye

Goo watch that Halo show you fucking mutant

>go to Noveria first
>leave Liara til last so she's completely out of it by the time you reach her
>"oh hi blue lady, we're just about to complete our epic quest and you missed out on nearly everything. Also, I personally killed your mother"
>never take her out on any remaining missions
>never talk to her on the Normandy
>save yourself for Tali's virgin xenopuss in 2 and 3

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No, no and no. Halo is fairly easy to adapt and they can't even do that, do you think they can do Mass Errekt? Also, the whole point (well, when devs didn't fuck it up) is to make your own Shep, romance chars that you want in specific. It doesn't work for tv.

Last rumour I read here is that the series is a prequel with the games being adapted as movies

disgusting basic bitch

Commander Shepard

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You can always go for Jack instead

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I so want to see a 3d Jack.
They better not fuck that up.

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jokes on you, I already done that.

Did you actually type this out and post it not thinking it was cringe and retarded?


Durian war,a few mobies
I would be happy with that.

they will

Based Jackbros
I can fix her

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Commander Shepard

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>I so want to see a 3d Jack
Why in the hell would you want to see that?

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Is Tali even a virgin? I know Liara is a virgin since she said she never had time for relationships and she's very young, but I don't think Tali mentioned anything, probably got ran through by some quarians on the flotilla before went on the pilgrimage.
Also, Tali in ME3 is absolute cringe character that has 0 charm and is an annoying, whiny bitch.

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High test
Beta male perma virgin tier

Ashley is best girl and I'm tired of pretending she's not.

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Commander Shepard

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Asari canonically have a centuries-long slut phase

>Sheppard, I'd like you to meet Admiral Hackett...

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Noveria was pretty tough when taken first

>I can fix her

Shepard literally admits he cant

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Yeah but she was clearly busy with her research and didn't have time for personal relations

Not bad

I miss canonical horny sci fi lore, shit is so comfy

>he doesn't have enough paragon points
what are you even doing?

Based Jackfags.
Although Samara and Miranda are nice too.

>yeah I didn't have many boyfriends and ONS, I was busy with college

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Samara would easily be best girl if you could actually have a romance with her
As it is, she just leaves you with balls bluer and bigger than her own breasts because the writers didn't want another asari to overshadow their pet Liara

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That's very true user, but at least she kisses Shep.
Great GILF Chakwas is completely overlooked, even in spite of the ME2 heavily implying a romance based on her drunken dialogue.

Given their situation on the flotilla, they would probably have a highly regulated breeding program to insure population control and avoid genetic abnormalities or else the whole species would die. So more than likely she is a virgin and would need to go through some kind of application to give her the privilege. That is unless they have some sort of anti-baby system that stops that being a problem

I'd only watch it if they let me rewrite ME2 and 3. I've ideas.
Doesn't Tali say in 2 that she's never trusted anyone but the main character enough to link her suit to them or something?

>diversity is out strength, the tv show
no thanks

yes she is, says in me2 she never linked suits


Having the Reapers actually invade in ME3 was a mistake

The show should avoid that

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You mean ending ME2 with "AHHH THE REAPERS ARE IMMINENT" was a mistake


What the fuck were they thinking? It ruined the Reapers as an antagonist. ME2 continuing the arc of having them work through proxies and agents was a lot more satisfying.


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The Reapers should have started and ended with Sovereign. It should have been the last surviving Reaper, intent on carrying out his species' goal. When they beat him, that should've been it. As soon as they made it the main story of the series, they fucked up. How are you gonna stop an unstoppable army of millions of god-like war machines without major ass-pulls?

>How are you gonna stop an unstoppable army of millions of god-like war machines without major ass-pulls?
How would Sovereign be the last?
Not knocking your idea, I do like it, but how would we get to that situation if they're god-like machines?

I disagree. I quite liked how slow and overbearing the all encompasing genocide was, how you could see a huge hole in Palaven from space, how Batarians were almost completely wiped out and the rest living in desiccated confusion and so on. All very cool concept. They shouldn't have tried to explain them is what I think. You wouldn't and shouldn't be able to understand the logic of virtually ageless space machine gods. The leviathan dlc helped a bit but not completely.

I honestly don't know. Maybe just repurpose what the games actually did, and have every single other Reaper be outside the Milky Way.
Perhaps they successfully wiped out all sentient life with the Protheans and in their machine logic didn't count on life ever happening again, so they've all left and never returned. Sovereign gets left behind somehow until millions of years later when he gets reawakened.

It definitely pigeonholed the series. Only smooth-brains liked 3.

>Perhaps they successfully wiped out all sentient life with the Protheans and in their machine logic didn't count on life ever happening again, so they've all left and never returned. Sovereign gets left behind somehow until millions of years later when he gets reawakened.
Not a bad idea. He's the one left behind, maybe out of feelings of stubbornness that don't fit in with their race as a whole, and is dedicated to perpetuating a cycle while they've moved on.

With indoctrination he sows a crop of proxies to wage war through, self-deluded that the rest of his race will realise they were wrong and come back to follow his plan.

Website journo hivemind. You opinion is shit.

>single 9 episode season
Too short.

so why was ash being a space racist bad? seems like she was right about aliens being dangerous

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>Website journo hivemind. You opinion is shit.

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She wasn't even spacist, she said the same damn things aliens were saying but because she's human she's held to a different (or higher) standard

It's dumb

Plus she was right that aliens tossed humanity to the wolves and it took a human to save everyone

They needed to show up in some way, just not at the start. It should've been a last act thing. Having them show up in the first level kills most of the menace by making it seem like you almost have a chance to beat them.
>majority of trouble in ME3 should come from Shepard trying to keep the Galaxy together while it comes apart from Indoctrination
>make it turn out late-game that the Citadel was actually Indoctrinating people as part of Sovereign's backup or something and that the galaxy is absolutely snookered without using the Crucible
>make ME2's goal to get the plans
>Crucible actually ages stars and mass effect fields galaxy-wide
>final choice is to force reapers to leave or kill them and completely fuck the galaxy
Deus ex machina isn't inherently bad. It's all about build up and execution.
I actually like this idea. Sovereign was always the only cool reaper anyway.
She was completely right about how the other races would act in the end. I like how they had her say "Tali is like a sister to me" line in 3 because they needed to un "racist" her.

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reaperlets are a plauge the entire point of the games is

>solar system is being harvested and seeded every who the fuck knows how long
>when harvested entire races are turned into a reaper that will help with the next harvest
>races got advanced enough to "Hide" things from the reapers
>we are now in this cycle and ***end*** it

but we dont know why the reapers are doing it,its a super old trope with many takes

rogue ai??
creating an army to fight a bigger threat???
lovecraftian esqe horror just carrying out its natural life cycle????

ect ect ect
ME3 is basically just a giant dues-ex machina and retarded it thinks its being smart but its the most pseud shit it could have possibly been