Was Harry Potter kino?

Was Harry Potter kino?

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for a franchise about wizards there isnt very many spells. same problem with lotr

>muh staff makes light though
Gandalf sucked

No, it was overrated.

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Which movie has the best Hermione?

First 2 films were comfy core
3rd film was kino
Everything else was dull including FB

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The last one when she gets wet while wearing the cleavage dress

Lol saved, his evil look there always makes me laugh

Yea, this exactly. First 2 were the comfiest, 3rd was less comfy but was kino, the rest was pretty eh

Same sentence applies for Emma


Holy shit. Someone put time and effort into this thinking it was profound as fuck.

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The first one


>books were about upbeat and fantastical magic, fun and adventure
>let's make everything le dark and le spooky

Chambers is the best

1's Dursley scenes were pure Roald Dahl kino. Even in a rushed Chink dub it shines.

goblet of fire was good
first few were good
last few were pretty cinematic/dramatic etc

But kino?
Neville's story in the background through all the movies was kino, and both directors did a good job with it, just keeping mostly true to the books. I really loved how Rowling included this barely-a-wizard random kid who's sort of coiled around the prophecy without actually being involved, but then kills the last horcrux and debatably sort of is the one to fulfill the prophecy. Follows her occasional theme of the murky uncertainty when magic gets "messed up", and how fate is this elusive thing that wizards interact with but never master.
Definitely one of her stronger points as a writer.

she was so cute

it was and still is
as you can see , it was also an cultural phenomenon that still is going strong.
also one of the few light fantasy movies on television out there. not that many out there that has a story as sophisticated as Harry Potter.

it's comfy kino

why do foreign dub actors always over-do it? the fat old guy sounds like he's in an anime battle

Uhhh… sort of I guess

Did the director make them wear muggle clothes to show off Emma Watson's ass or what?

Unfamiliarity with manners of said country
Not part of original creation, no actual director
Rushed hoestring budget to sell home video

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So now everyone hates these movies because Based JK doesn't think of troons as real women? Damn shame, if anything I like her more now.

yes based hardcore feminists amirite

>be pro-tranny feminazi until trannies start to encroach on your female privilege and female spaces
>now you are anti-tranny feminazi
>retards on the internet call you based and redpilled

bottom looks like tom holland

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Prisoner of Azkaban was kino.

Deathly Hallows part 1 and Half Blood Prince are close but neither one has an ending.

The rest are decent but not kino.

thats a pretty based summary

Was it kino

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First two movies were great, fuck the other ones.

she went terf so she gets cancelled and they don't ruin Harry Potter like LotR

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Sounds based to me and I'd still fuck her too she's a gilf

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Women shouldn't be allowed to have opinions. Theyre almost all retarded. JK Rowling isn't a retard. Therefore she's allowed to have an opinion.

Wizard People, Dear Reader was kino


> HP 1-3
> HP 4-7p2
Not kino

Chris Columbus was a fantastic director for the first 2 movies, and then Gary Oldman carried the 3rd movie. Didn't care much for the rest of them.


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Not my cup of tea. So many things were changed from the book that I was disgusted with first movie and didn't watch the rest.

Yes. Generational kino.

Snakes and Spiders, Dear Reader is also kino


How good is the lore of Harry Potter? The wiki for it is massive.

The lore is the worst aspect of HP, it's the magic school friendship shit that makes it enjoyable.

Its shit.

It was pretty bad. Especially when it goes full edgelord grimdark in the middle half moving forward.
It was also something that literally shaped the lives of a lot of children across the globe, though. So gotta give credit where credit's due.
It introduced me to butterbeer as well, which is a seasonal staple now. So eh, it was okay.

So the only reason he lost is because wizards trust a deer's behavioural trait more than their own judgement?

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I'm thinking of buying HP merch for the first time just to spite troons.

It's fun.

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The only lore you need to know is that wizards shit their pants and then magic the shit and smell away afterwards.
They don't need no fancy toilets or sewage systems. Just shit your pants, I say.

Even if the 4th Fantastic Beasts film is greenlit, do you think he's ever coming back?


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YOu only need to know the lore for the other wizarding schools if you want a laugh

I like the idea that wizards can create their own spells, between snape and the weasley bros. lots of potential there.

Why is that funny

I think if you saw the 3rd one you know how his story is going to go… Either way I hope we get more Grindelwald Kino

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>I think if you saw the 3rd one you know how his story is going to go…
They can't just have his death & funeral off-screen though...

Write their final duel, anons.

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The lore I really wanna know is if when Hermione and Fleur took the polyjuice potion to "become" Harry, did their clits grow into penises

Tom Riddle was based and should've been the main character.

>We will keep giving you money and there's nothing you can do about it.

What is this type of cope called?

It is the best kino to watch in the fall to christmas

>she went terf so she gets cancelled and they don't ruin Harry Potter like LotR

but she already ruined it with cursed child and fantastic beasts

Not canon

Is JK Rowling the most successful self made woman ever? I don't mean someone who inherited or married into a Jew fortune I mean someone who actually created something on their own and it found success



in that case, neither is rings of power

Isn't Voldemort basically the second main character though? At least in the books.

it’s leviosawr not leviosahw

unfathomably based

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maybe… there are time jumps at the beginning of every sequel. But if they go that route again it could be a quick flash back like this scene

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it’s canon you idiot. This isn’t star wars or marvel where you have different writers or different universes.

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I admired the fourth film for cramming so much from the book into the film without it becoming a total shitshow, but I can't remember a thing about the fifth or sixth film. Deathly Hallows pt 1 was alright, but pt 2 dropped the ball hard. I think film 4 is a good cut-off point for me, but even then, I wouldn't describe it as "comfy" or "kino"

First three were great and the rest sucked.