/BCS/ A mi manera Edition

All discussions allowed
>sleeping gasin

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Old bread

Why did he do it bros

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>Jimmy stands confident that his scheme was successful, as it has been in every previous timeline
>"But you haven't seen anything yet, little brother..."
>Chuck's eyes begin glowing
>cuts to black
What the FUCK did Vincent Gould and Peter Gilligan mean by this?

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ITT: all Gus' plan apologists get GASSED

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Are the sleeping gas theories and the time shifts theories connected anyhow?

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yes, by schizophrenia

am i the only one who would prefer seeing howard triumph? i don't want him to be a superhero or anything, i just want people to fucking leave him alone, he has done absolutely nothing wrong. he is the chief, he orders you and you do what he says. if you don't, you're out of the game. i don't understand, i hope howard fucking kills somebody out of rage although i know it won't happen. look how fucking depressed he became. does he deserve this?

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what a specimen

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Honestly, how would you react if 'Gene Takevic' just kills himself? It would be the most logical thing for the character to do.

>Gene ACK-evic



One doesn't exclude the other

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>no kettlemilf
that's the holy trinity of season 6 shitposting

Neither, you're wrong.

It was heavily implied that Howard had some inappropriate dealings with the children who won that scholarship thing. Whatever he gets he has coming to him - awful, awful human being.

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Was the Grifter just a deus-ex machina ?

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Betsy got THICK

I hope he dies.

Holy fucking shit you guys need to fuck off with this time travel theory bullshit

Where is Kim currently along this chart?

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Which characters are genuinely sociopaths/psychopaths in Better Call Saul?

Lalo. Definitely. The way he acts nice and affable; and then understands love, but treats it like an alien feels it.

Does Better Call Saul ever explain why Jimmy was allowed to continue to practice law after the events of Breaking Bad? After five seasons they never resolved that plot hole. It's like they pretend that Breaking Bad never happened. Also why are Mike and Gus still alive? And Tuco? What the fuck is going on?


How would a lawyer know how to time travel? He's not a sciencer.


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Post proof

why the fuck nobody talks about Gould? I mean he's the head behind everything. You wouldn't have Lalo, you wouldn't have Saul, hell you wouldn't even have Breaking Bad, who do you think it was to put the seed into Vince's mind? Fucking low life scums
bravo my ass

when do episodes release, at midnight?

9 pm et

>God decided to take the devil to court and settle their differences once and for all.
>When Satan heard this, he laughed and said, "And where do you think you're going to find a lawyer?"

Do you need more proofs?

Post footage.
Also why did you say that God took the devil to court but then it's about Satan? Why would Satan give a shit what happens to the devil?

Satan is the devil from the omega timeline, who failed to save Kimmy

I played the BCS videogame and satan is never mentioned there.

See? He would have a theme if he was included.

But that's Howard Hamlin, the proprietor of Hamlindigo Blue!

>Imagine him performing hamlingus on Kim

Did they ever explain why Howard was involved with these ladies?

do you have a download link for the game?

>t. seething sleepinggasfag


Oh by the way, you need to open the file in a browser.

chuck was 13th century alchemist at the court of King John before he became a lawyer

>Up close cinematic shots of random objects
>5+ second shots of jimmy looking conflicted or disappointed
>make use of darker lighting in most scenes like season 6 of the sopranos
>these are the entirety of both episodes

Here's your season 6 bro.

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You need to open it in your browser.

What did Yea Forums mean by this?

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In S03E05 "Chicanery," Chuck McGill tells his former wife: "You've been sold a Bill of goods." At first I was stumped as to what this could mean, then I remember the character "Bill Oakley," the down-on-his-luck public defender. In an earlier episode Bill is jealous about Jimmy's fancy german car. Later in the series, a character is introduced: Everett Acker, who also makes comments about fancy german cars. Then I got to thinking. What germans do we know in the show? Well there's the CEO of Madrigal Electromotives. There's also Werner Ziiiiieeeegler. In gemetria, "Ziegler" has the same numeric makeup (English Ordinal, Full Reduction, Reverse Ordinal, Reverse Full Reduction) as both "One Ring" and "Volcano." So my question to you guys is; Why didn't the Eagles just fly the Ring into Mordor?

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poor howard
he just can't catch a break

why is it a gif

Displays the real download link.

nice now i can finally play the ga-

>ywnba chronomancer

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Absolute kino

What kind of hypothetical Breaking Bad fan service scenes you would like to see in this last season?

I would like to see a scene in which Jane is in a goth club dancing on heroin.

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should i update this garbage by adding sleeping gas somewhere towards the end?

Kim in a hardcore sex scene with Lydia. Show everything.

I hope howard ruins kim's life and gets her disbarred

Are you the user who made it? If so, just go to town man, whatever makes it look more schizophrenic is fine by me

It's ok Peter, no need to get upset

dude i'm one of the original mikeposters, we are funposting, relax a little bit. i don't like people forcing it either, but we all must admit we got some nice oc out of it. and it's been only a week or two. nobody here really believes bravince will use some time travel, and if he does, i hope they do it in a nice way.