Why does this show have a bad aura?

Why does this show have a bad aura?

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memey wemey

some of the skits are genuinely sad

scotland is gloomy

general Scottish/Glaswegian ancient dark mysticism that manifests in reality as people drinking a lot while squinting and making vaguely yet alarmingly immediate and probably genuine threatening remarks at you on public sidewalks in broad daylight, often about physically assaulting you because of a combination of how you walk, dress and generally are with seemingly no discernible discrimination or motivation to said exchanges on wet grey but very bright streets that fill you with all the existential dread and nebulous malaise honed and true and counterbalanced with abstract ultramodern comedy cultural social aesthetics at the core of the Scottish identity

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scotts are a drain on the living

This plus low BBC budget making everything feel really cheap and shite for the most part.

Limmy plays vidya with his son whilst the boys mother is in the next room getting fucked raw by her latest tinder date.

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are you scottish

You definitely have a uni accent

no I'm just on drugs right now
no I'm just on drugs right now

sad innit

cause he's a tranny enabling faggot and nope that's it

based Andrew Hansen poster


Unironically why can't he handle the banter now?

Fuck the Jester.


The amount of times I've been at the pub and some rough customer in his 40s with a football shirt stretched tight over his gut started showing me his collection of amulets is unreal.

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>being proud of growing up a "hardman"

We got a working class hero here. Oh, how I wish I could be like you. Drinking buckfast and actually enjoying the old firm matches.

Scotch people are disgusting.
Am Scotch.

Reading Limmy's autobiography really hammers home what a sad life he's led. He never struggled, but his entire story is full of banal insecurities, vain arguing with strangers, unnecessary resentment and so on. He isn't a good person. The only valuable thing he did was quit drinking.

He's relatable in that sense. Being the ultimate dickhead shallow normie.

His whole family seems like a shit show. Look at this brother for example.

Think I seen that he was always Limmy and Brian stole his nickname when he was in late teens/20s.

Are you the same schizo from last night who kept claiming to be English?

>le ebin larp posting

All you Scots and Brits in this thread, I happen to be an Amerifag living in the hellhole you call Great Britain. Does anyone actually eat fucking Weetabix?

I stole my big brothers name and he nevers speaks to me now kek

He's a weird cuck now

>Does anyone actually eat fucking Weetabix?
Sometimes, it's pretty good.


I know David personally, he's actually a pretty sound cunt despite the fact he's a hun. And you're right, he is the original Limmy. A lot of Brians material is influenced by David, although he could never admit it.

guy gets pegged and is proud, that shits gay.

damn, he was pretty funny.
He was born and raised and still living in Glasgow, and claimed to be English because Scotland somehow didn't really exist. He said he listened to podcast all day to develop an English accent because of how much he hated Scotland. He was properly seething.

Is David a big drinker/druggie too like Brian was?

that's pretty grim

Just warped from staying up late on /pol/ all day. Many such cases, but at least this was fairly unique.

guitar "comedy" is a thousand times more cringe than limmy

But the jester is here to give clues, if I fuck the jester, she won't have much energy to help us in our journey

Eat 2 approx 90 mins before going to the gym.
Massive difference.

No. No one really eats cereal for breakfast anyway since they got rid of the good ones.

I hate Scottish people

He can drink lager like a champ. Every few years he goes on a health kick and fails miserably. The cunt ended up going to the pub on the way home from the gym. As for drugs no, dabbled when he was younger but he laughs at all the young team cokeheads you get nowadays.

He's done you.

They are awful.
I've lived amongst them for 35 years.
Absolute cunts.

I've got a soft spot for cute Scottish girls help


I've never met one in real life, but if the Internet is anything to go by:
1) They're always claiming to be the victims of imperialism, even though they were the perpetrators.
2) They claim to have some sort of "celtic solidarity" with the Irish, even though the majority of people who settled Ulster were Scots.
3) They claim they aren't British.
4) They consider the UK to be a threat to Scottish culture, yet the largest Scottish nationalist party loves immigrants and diversity.
I could go on but these are the main annoyances I have with them.

>I've never met one in real life
it shows

I was on a budget flight to Norway
when a storm forced us to ditch in Prestwick.
It's so hilly up there, you can't get any signal on your carphone.

It looked bad. It looked like
I'd have to spend the night in Glasgow.
The cabin crew suggested we all go out and club it. I had no option.

I figured it'd be safer on the streets.

I saw the Scotch in their natural habitat -
and it weren't pretty.

I'd seen them in stations before, being loud, but now I was surrounded.

It felt like they were watching me.

Fish-white flesh puckered by the highland breeze. Tight eyes peering out.

Screechy booze-soaked voices hollering for a taxi to take 'em to the next pub.

A shatter of glass. A round of applause.
A 16-year-old mother of three vomiting in a sewer, bairns looking on, chewing on potato cakes.

I ain't never goin' back. Not never.

scottish cuck

I think all the other people in Limmys show are hilarious but not him.
very bizarre

he's Scottish left personified, obviously a Celtic fan.

>assaulting you because of a combination of how you walk, dress and generally are
fuck off with your faggy walking bast

>even though the majority of people who settled Ulster were Scots
scots were irish who moved to pictland and made it scotland

nowhere near each other

based garth marengi enjoyer

That's all well and good, but Scots frequently condemn the settling of Ireland and the existence of Northern Ireland while refusing to acknowledge the role Scotland had in both.

The one where he "wants to go back there" to whatever town but it's when he was like 14 or 15 was particularly upsetting.

Actually had that exact one in mind when I said some of them were sad, because I really related to it

Fucking hated it. My biggest dream in life has always been to be able to go back to something like 5yo with my current consciousness and correct a lot of wrongs throughout my life. Shit like telling my dad what to invest in so he could live an actual comfortable life. Fuck.

I've been in an increasingly dark place for a year or two, maybe since covid started, its made me wish I was back in the early 2000s as a kid yknow? I can't ever feel like that again and it hurts

Dad got literally murdered back in 2019 so it's been probably years and years before I've been actually happy.

I love Scotland. I'll take the high road or the low road. Both are valid.
I once tried to open a gentleman's club near Fife. North of the border. But they're just not ready.

Glasgow's industrial, but it's still a third-world country. They'd be the first to accept that.

Things are improving by degrees. If an Englishman meets a Scotchman, or vice versa, 50-50 they'll get along. That's encouraging.

holy fuck I'm sorry to hear that pal

Are you tim chapman from twitter?

Used to really like Limmy and watched him a shit ton over the years but christ when he started streaming you could see what type of person he really was, guys a fucking freak.