*breaths in*

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whats funny fella


DC always wins baby


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that can't be real

They tried to say this was better than the Nolan trilogy.

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He's gliding to his hugbox.


look at this rat with wings HEY WAIT A MINUTE

This shit looked ridiculous. Can't tell if it was intentionally trying to be funny or not because how it ended.

looks great

OH NO NO NO NO NO no no no... No... No ....no.... no


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> just attach a go pro on batman's forehead, it will be kino bro


Marvelcucks seething, this is great. Watch some actual wingsuit clips.

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haha :)

God this movie was so bad lmao. My opinion was further proven right when the 18 year old zoomie I'm fucking and who I saw the movie with said "that was the best movie I think I've ever seen."


>ruins your kino bat gliding scene
Unironically has a onions pog face when Batman jumped but it went away in a flash when they showed his face. What the fuck were they thinking

Another failure by DC. Reset the counter.

Looks fine and the movie's fun. What the fuck is wrong with this site? Is there anything you faggots actually like?

Wait was this the end shot? Lmao that's hilarious


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Good morning sirs

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It's about midway through the movie. Batman tries to wingsuit his way off a building before crashing into a bridge, slamming into a truck, landing on a car, tumbling across 30 feet of cement, then gets up and whispers "nuthin personel" and walks away into the shadows while Nirvana plays

>even real life people close their fucking mouth while gliding

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Nah last shot was him in a bike staring at the camera, like judy dench in that one webm

No. It's not the ending of the movie. But that scene ends with Batman colliding with a bus. I think it was supposed to show that he never did that before

Good movies.

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Good morning rakesh

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No, he's running away and it's the first time he tries this, ends up almost killing himself against a truck or something.

>that spiderman image

This scene made me rethink if Paul Dano is a good actor. So fucking hammy.

Yes, it’s how the movie ends.

that's your problem with it? Hes grinding his teeth to focus on manuvering the street. You dumb

>final act is Batman versus an army of online incels
I was blown away by how bad this movie was. And then at the end they pimp out the Joker because that’s the panic button for any shitty Batman adaptation

really? This is the scene you're going with?

Personally I would have chosen Paul Dano singing ave maria while Pattinson punches the glass window.

Is batman recording himself with a gopro on his helmet to upload to battube later?

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That's fucktarded.

being a stunt double look fun


that's what a comic movie should be, kek.
so bravo to them.

I can't believe more people aren't pointing out how they went back to the goofy Adam West cowl

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I only didn't like this because the part where his chute snags and he slams into the bridge absolutely should have killed him. The tumble that happens afterwards should have left him with injuries that would have taken weeks to heal.

poor homie looks he's being dragged along by his skull

This was hilarious ,but it was also kind of a strange choice. Nolan's bat had a way more realistic angle to it, and yet he kept in the giant batwings because they looked cool. I don't know why they felt it would be good here to do the wingsuit, with the more fantastical and stylized tone of the movie they could have gone more in the unrealistic direction.

someone make a webm of the glider suit up
that shit was kino

and what I mean is, extremely silly but owning the whole way like Darkman or the 00's Spiderman films. none of the shitty Disney gen y improv sarcasm humor mocking every aspect of every comic book-y thing on display and rejecting it in almost all ways.

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Love this shit.
It looks great.

lol what the fuck does he just get up and go back to doing karate in the next scene? goddamn im glad i didnt see this trash. zero fucking consequence to anything in these trash flicks

i don't get why people hate this. i thought it looked good for what the movie was, and i thought it was well executed.
he should have nailed the landing on the bus though. getting snagged on the bridge was stupid.


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what would make a director wanna use a shot like this? What makes him think "a youtube gopro shot would really amp up the excitement here and make people feel x"?

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I suppose the idea was that making Batman be immune to heights because he has a gliding cape would take away some of his down to earth, gritty noir detective vibes. In this universe he is rich, but doesn't have a Luscious Fox type dude that gives him all the advanced military grade tech.

>incels think this is Cinema

We get a 30 second scene of Batman getting up and groaning a lot before limping off.


Cape bros.... not like this. Superhero movies were supposed to elevate cinema.

why would they bother mocapping that stunt(where he hits the ground) just to ruin it with CGI? just film the goddamn stunt, it looks so much better than the shit CGI

>ruins the stuntman's perfect fall slide with CGI somehow
literally why?

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The only good movie in the Trilogy is The Dark Knight. Begins was cheap and the action scenes are blurry and borderline unwatchable. Rises is a fucking mess, with a shit story and the editing is so fucked it creates multiple continuity errors.

Thank fucking god for that. So sick of Lucius being Batman's crutch in movies and games. Let him and Alfred make shit in a dank cave.

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