
>you are El Rata
>you are el
can't make this shit up senpaitachi, who the fuck wrote the script. Dropped it right here

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Other urls found in this thread:

what are you talking about schizoid

whats hard tyo understand nigger

Just finished watching this movie. Holy fucking shit this was terrible. Paul Dano was the only part of the movie I enjoyed.

its camp

>I seek you, Batman!

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lol, lmao even

>another thread nitpicking the batman

why didnt batman just look up the whois

get a reality check, nigger
sorry meant advertiser, how much are you getting paid per post

you can easily give fake whois info

WB shills basically raided this place for a month after it came out. Then people started making webms and they all pretty much shut the fuck up. it was the most retarded live action batman film ever and it's lucky to have made 750 million

Attached: superautismserum.webm (800x450, 2.87M)

>they don't know

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3 hours of that shit please kill me

gotta put some racial war diss in, or it's not a current year movie folks!

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Uhh what? Yea Forums has been extremely critical of this film since it released in theaters. There was mever any shilling. You had to look hard through a dozen threads nitpicking the film like this one before you found people being reasonable about the film.
Now spiderman? You fags slurped that films cock like no tomorrow

Grow up

it was written by 12 year olds.

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I don't watch anything capeshit, exception being batman, and I can tell you this is way way way worse than the latest trilogy, there's no fucking comparison.

fuck off nigger

The riddles were definitely the worst part

it was the other way around, Riddler's cypher was URL and zoomer Batman thought it meant you are el

Oh my god he’s a nolantard hahahaha
Or do you mean the snyder junk? HAHAHAHAHA

>makes wayne senior a bad guy
>every victim has been directly responsible for his misdeeds, except wayne jr
way to murder a character's background and forcing the story onto the protagonist
what a shitty plot

holy cope

Nah but for real, the batman was way better than the nolan films unless youre just nostalgic for those movies

nolan's movies were shit, but if you think this was ain any sort of form better, man you're just mistaken. I'm sorry, I know you're getting paid to reply to me, but that's just how it is

They just copied telltale really, which was a semi copy of the holiday killer comic except the comic was good

>justice? who cares about justice he had to defend his lady's honour!

man, i had a teacher at community college who called them jump drives. that shit drove me insane. it straight up turned thumbdrive into a merciful alternative. lmao

>hates everything
Do you have depression or something?

I like my kinos, I'm sorry you have such low standards. Maybe you're used to all the capeshit marvel churns out... yeah maybe go rewatch avengers again, I think that's more your speed

>everyone who likes a movie or TV show is a paid studio shill
>no real person likes any movie or TV show whatsoever

The Batman was fucking great. 8.5/10. Too long and the flooding shit was a bit silly but otherwise perfect. Third best Batman movie behind Batman (1966) and Batman (1989).

as a sudaca CHAD i was cringing about the whole "el rata"
how can you live in USA and be so shit at spanish?

>more hatred

Avengers was a genuinely good movie. Lots of MCU movies are shit but that one was great.

>avengers was genuinely a good movie

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>WB shills basically raided this place for a month after it came out.
Hahahahaha you actually think studios pay people to post in Yea Forums? Go back to /pol/, retard.

>one of the most visited sites
lmao, nice falseflagging advertiser, how are they apying you per post again???

At what age were you diagnosed with severe depression and autism?

so what was this, Venom?

why are you talking about yourself like this?

Lol of course youre also a soijack poster. Depressed faggot hahaha

Yea Forums is not even close to being one of the most visited locations on the Internet, user.


Avengers was great
Ultron was terrible
Infinity Wars was great
Endgame was meh

Anyone who disagrees with any of the above statements is a faggot, retard, or contrarian, or all of the above.

>Lol of course youre also a soijack poster. Depressed faggot hahaha

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only americans can enjoy capeshit because they have no real culture

>newfag thinks Yea Forums is The Drudge Report circa 1999

Tell us about the marvelous culture of the third world shithole you live in, user


The Batman is nolan turned up to eleven. Anyone who says the like the movie and hated the nolanverse is a liar

Attached: somethingintheway.webm (1322x550, 3M)


all this fucking cope, it's honestly embarassing. Post your hands/nose

yes. you did butthurtz weeb, emo, batfag

user, Yea Forums is a great place but Hollywood studios are not paying people to post marketing material here. Nobody in Hollywood gives a shit about website where 99% of the visitors are basement dwelling incels with zero disposable income.

I'm professionally familiar with the directions Marvel goes in non-traditional marketing. The most aggressive thing they're doing right now is "Marvel Jersey Night" at minor league baseball games.

The only attention Yea Forums will ever get in Hollywood is as a place where The Bad Guy(s) congregate online.

>hates America
>won't say what country he's from
Every. Fucking. Time.

Have fun shitting in your outhouse today, Paco. Try not to get bitten on the balls by a deadly banana spider. bUt At LeAsT yOu HaVe CuLtUrE

lmaoooooooooooo the MUTT cope is incredible. Your gene-pool is forever tainted by the baboons you intermingle with.

>the riddler is basically the incel

Any explanation as to how much hatred you see here for DC movies? Look at how many Anti Batman threads are created every day. I assumed Mouse cucks, but your post leads me to believe otherwise.

I shit equally on both marvel and DC, movies by retards for manchildren

Yea Forums is full of contrarians and /pol/ rejects who shit on everything no matter what. Also DC movies are usually bad these days. DC historically makes a good movie here or there (Superman, Superman II, Batman, Batman Begins, The Batman) but most suck enormous amounts of dick (Superman IV, Batman & Robin, The Dark Knight, the three Harley Quinn disasters, etc.).

lol you're so ashamed of your country you won't even say what it is

its unbelievable people are paid to write this stuff.

>all the fucking final scene
i felt so much cringe tbqh familia

So what country are you from? The ESL-isms in your post suggest an Eastern Europe post-USSR shithole. I'm betting Estonia.

>Nah but for real, the batman was way better than the nolan films


nobody gives a shit about marvel trash, that's why. its like those films don't exist.
the batman is egregious because shills tried to fake this shit was any good.

I loved Batman Begins. I hated The Dark Knight. I am ambivalent toward The Dark Knight Rises. I absolutely hate 100% of Nolan's non-Batman movies.

I loved The Batman.

>one of the most visited sites
are you asleep or somethin
watch this tread get 150 replies then die
make a strawpoll, watch it get 20 replies lol
That one music dude who thought the same shit that you(Yea Forums is secretly really popular) and shilled his music videos here didnt even break 10k views from weeks of shilling here, Yea Forums, especially tv is kinda deda if u compare to twitter/reddit

it's Nolan but well directed and shot and edited

>nobody gives a shit about marvel trash, that's why.
Ah, the autistic "I don't like X therefore no one does."

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touch grass

only good thing in the movie is that the fucking negress gets shot

I'm touching grass right now, cockfelch. I'm out with my dogs next to my pool.

Double nigger

Get rekt ;)^

>im a normie
couldnt tell really LMAO

Nope, I'm probably one of the most mentally fucked up dudes on Yea Forums. The difference between me and you is that I'm not a lazy piece of shit.

having dogs makes you a normie, faggot. imagine having empathy LMAO

>U R L
>you are el
>you are el rata alada (but in Spanish the correct way to say it is 'La' rata alada, not 'el'

>World's Greatest Detective gets outsmarted, insulted, and embarrassed by The Penguin
Best moment in the movie, mediocre otherwise.

>no www or TLD (not everything is .com)
>he was supposed to know this was a website
my brain