Attached: Freefall.png (745x463, 24.69K)

now adjust for inflation

>what's inside the box?

So this is not even low

So they still have a kajillion dollars. Wow way to go chuds, you really saved us from the woke mob

The peak of that graph is the 19th november 2021, the day cowboy bebop was released.

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>when a growth stock goes ex-growth
Many such cases.

they're hundreds of millions in debt

good time to buy

this is what they took from us

Go Woke
Go Broke

Yeah and they have hundreds of millions of subscribers and make billions every month. their stock price doing down means fuck all financially for them, only reason they're scrambling is to get the share price back up because that's what they legally have to do as their first priority is to their shareholders.


OMG the sheer levels of cope!

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>it's actually true

Attached: aBomb.jpg (247x248, 16.23K)

>their stock price doing down means fuck all financially for them

Attached: bemused-shrek.png (372x338, 249.24K)

Netflix has massive debts and has never been profitable. The entire thing was speculation that it would one day do so, but now their lunch has been eaten by every other company on the planet setting up a rival service.

>3 days ago Bill Ackman sells Netflix stake, only losing $400 Million

Smart jewish fucker. He knew it would dip even further

yes, stockholders are obviously hurting but the company has money coming in all the time. unless they're leveraging themselves to some insane degree where half the company value was in debt, they'll do fine. Fucking gamestop was chugging along just since even with a shareprice in the single digits because people were dramatically overstating the weakness of gaming retail sales and thus their actual revenue.

media has diversified since 2018. the mouse has put up a formidable showing with d+, zoomers are basically endless scrolling tiktok.

You can't stop a bubble to pop.


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sure, if the company is well managed.

this looks familiar

Attached: WeworkPicture1.jpg (921x735, 59.08K)

Yes, and Russia also has kajillion dollars. Let's see what happens in a few months.

That's an IPO though, basically the company value was smoke and mirrors and was revealed to be tht when it hit the markets and nobody wanted to buy it.

Attached: 123.png (530x123, 2.13K)

If you bought 5 years ago you'd still be up 40% which is still really good gains for a 5 year period. Yeah the people that fomo'd in within the last year got fucked but thats what happens when you chase pumps.

/biz/'s meme image has been proven right again

Attached: bulltrap.png (1600x1073, 241.91K)

Because most people didn't reach that episode until the 20th or later.

still correlates with Netflix's revenue also being smoke and mirrors since they can barely hold on to their subscribers while blowing hundreds of millions into content creation

if it stays stable now, which i don't see happening after they said they want to stop password sharing and they're adding commercials

You really do not know how money works, do you?
Those shareholders are out billions. Millions in debt and no end in sight. Hemorrhaging subscribers with a massive staff and inflation bloated production costs give them no breathing room. No one will invest more money if it looks like they are not going to recover so they can not increase their debt to invest in anything new.

If they have not already paid money for some new product to bring back subscribers, then they are in a death spiral, barring rebound.

You are just too fucktarded to see it.

>Finance 365 Days, one of the worst films of all time
>Still announce and make a sequel
>Multiply that tactic by several times
Along with the appearance of several other stream services, it's not wonder why they are failing.

>one bad quarter

many such cases

>netflix announces they're cracking down on password sharing
>netflix announces ads
yea it's not gonna be one bad quarter amigo


Hey stupid
Read this


Attached: 782.png (908x739, 56.72K)

Yeah except he's fuking wrong though

Attached: chartoftheday_12646_netflix_annual_profit_loss_n.jpg (960x684, 155.48K)


You mean the data become incorrect because its from the past where they supposedly weren't making any money?

Okay, here's an updated chart.

Attached: file.png (831x702, 24.73K)

Those "profits" are from investors, not subscribers
Netflix claims one of their shows has a viewer if they watch the first thirty seconds of a show and never touch it again
This is Russia claims they've lost 5 hundred thousand troops, Ukraine says 1.5mil, US says 1mil shit
You're trusting a self reporting entity to provide an honest representation of itself
Netflix is worth 60% less than it was one year ago. Drudge up whatever bullshit self-assessments you want to, the company just lost a fuckhuge tone of money and is going to stay fucked because they've been telling investors for ten years that they were headed for a billion subscribers and never made it closer than 75% of the way there before they started losing them
Netflix has bad content, bad practices, and is competing with fucking Disney and Amazon
Don't know what fucking side you think you're fighting for

If it's making so much money then why is the stock in freefall then.

Why does that jellybean have sticky hands?

The funniest part is Netflix is a stock that’s in every retirement portfolio.

Attached: 877AD577-DCD8-4451-A5E9-6099431676F8.jpg (600x616, 44.8K)

literally because they just had their first loss in subscribers in a given time frame in the history of the company. People basically bought into the company it would dominate streaming and always would. It went up because of bubble reasons basically. Now people are realizing that the streaming market is basically becoming saturated and that means no absurd growth numbers which means a lot of people are unwilling to hold triple digit netflix stock because they assumed it would keep going for the next ten years and reach four digits at some point.

The company itself is making money though, its not like they reported a loss but the wild growth speculators are withdrawing because their "sure thing" is now not a sure thing

Still going to be a peak followed by a crash. I'm not sure you know how inflation works.

Sure. Netflix is a small part of S&P500. If it went completely bankrupt each portfolio might dip by 0.1%

The money it's "making" is from the investors, not people paying from the service
Netflix has been lying out it's ass about how well they were doing for years and it's finally catching up to them
Dismay and Amazon pay for their streaming products with money made via other industries, for Netflix it's all they've got
Normies kept Netflix so they could watch Friends and The Office on pepeat and now that shits gone bc Netflix never owned them to begin with
Netflix is finished and you sound insane. I really hope nobody's depending on your advice for their survival

I'm buying the dip

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Got a source for that?

>The money it's "making" is from the investors, not people paying from the service
Yeah man, see what they're doing is selling stock and writing it up as profits even though they're just selling stock.

Probably would've bought some of the dip but I already spent most of my budget on erotic 3D assets. Money well spent still.

>those wet palms

Attached: puking pepe.jpg (399x388, 23.63K)

>Talking to some retard here the other day when the stock hit 300
>He was absolutely convinced it would recover, so he bought in to the dip, expecting it to climb back up over 400
>He was convinced that it was done tumbling

Honestly, fucking lol. The biggest funny is going to come in a week or so when all the major creditors and investment firms that have been propping Netflix's bottom line up with capital so the company can consider all of its' operating costs funded to make everything they take in "profit" see the writing on the wall and start demanding that Netflix show liquidity in order for them to be able to cash out.

That ain't gonna go well.

>the middle of a free-fall is a good time to buy
Some desperate Neetflix holders ITT.
It's over. You're going to lose your shirts.


What will be the new Netflix and chill?

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