Why did they do this

why did they do this

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Because it's better


forced diversity

>Duke Leto
>Duncan Idaho
>Gurney Halleck
Probably just a bit much with the father figure types. The actress was good so I don't really care.

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it's neither better or worse. just unnecessary. they also needlessly compressed kynes whole family. they made her story as one of an outworlder who fell in love with a fremen. liet kynes was not that. he grew up with the fremen. he knew their ways from top to bottom. his dad was the imperial ecologist who went native, but didn't really care too much about everything fremen.


It's always interesting to watch sci fi where thousands of years into the future you still have distinct races despite them coming into near constant contact. It implies that miscegenation is incredibly taboo despite diversity and that their culture must be even more restrictive in that regard than our own. In conclusion, diversity in sci fi means all racemixers in that universe hang.


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The opposite. It just makes her look like a Fremen contact instead of a normal person who went native

This desu.
Its fucking retarded and goes to show they either didn't read the books, misunderstood kynes or its straight up stupid. Kynes (father and son) are supposed to be outsiders who became leaders. Only way this made sense was if fremen were not black people.

I prefer it this way, much better. They HAVE to put to Blacks in this day and age otherwise the movie won't get funded, and at least they made excellent decisions regarding this.
Keep in mid you could've had a Black Atreides family.

>Black Atreides family.
what do you think chani will do to the bloodline? kek

>Is that.....a proper adaption of the writers story

Not if I can help it, mongrel bitch.

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Atreides were supposed to be a long line of Greek royalty. Paul (or his sister?) ends up going into visions and seeing their line trace back to house Atreus (the house of Agmamenon). Trying to write that off as black would be too retarded.

But Fremens weren't black?
Or are they now in this adaptation?
90IQ take

we was senators cracka

You under estimate the times you live in.

The books never specify the Fremen's race
Honestly the books never really delve into the character's race except when to describing the apparence of the main cast
And Liet Kynes (the son) is half Fremen (and he's father race is also not specificied) - so for all we know he could be blackanese
Doesn't matter , what matters is that despite he's leadership he's also somewhat of an outsider (because of his father and their position as imperial planetologist), and that he's Chani's father
DUNC unfortunately obliterates these aspects of the character both through the way they cut his arc short (also his portrayal overall) and obviously by casting a women to portray him

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I started watching old star trek recently.
The distinct races stuck out to me for the same reason.
Way into the future, all these races, almost every relationship is interspecies or at least interracial. A leftist idealist vision of all the distinct groups mingling together. Right now they're all distinct and it's somewhat celebrated and appreciated (they're seen as different rather than one being better than another). There's even Russians, Asians, Scots, white Americans, etc. But there's no way those differences will exist if they're all mingling together so much. You're not going to have Scotty with his thick Scottish accent, drinking whiskey and listening to the bagpipes. You're not going to get Worf (or however it's spelled) and his Klingon rituals. You're going to get one or two homogenised cultural groups in one big blend. Just like nobody identifies as Pict or Saxon or Norman any more, you wouldn't have Russians and Scots and Klingons and Americans.

the books also never specify whether the characters have teeth or not. it's just assumed they did because humans, especially the humans reading the books, have teeth. just like the humans reading the books would be white.

Hes pretty pale for a desert dweller.

Any description of people in Dune tend to mention them having olive skin. Herbert suggested there really wouldn't be any specific "race" among humans in this future as so much interbreeding has made humans all look similar. Basically everyone in Dune are like the "future humans" in south park. The only people who physically stand out would be the Bene Tleilax who genetically modify everything in their society and the Harkonnen being sickly pale due to pollution on Giedi Prime blocking out the sun.

I miss Max Von Sydow every day

>As he had approached the solitary figure standing near the ornithopter, Leto had studied him: tall, thin, dressed for the desert in loose robe, still suit and low boots. The man's hood was thrown back, its veil hanging to one side, revealing long sandy hair, a sparse beard. The eyes were that fathomless blue-within-blue under thick brows. Remains of dark stains smudged his eye sockets.

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>so for all we know he could be black

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Not having any teeth would be out of the ordinary and would at least have to be commented on if it were true for the character as many human vocalisations need teeth to be sounded correctly and people without teeth would have a distinctive slurry speech that anyone who heard would note about them, more so than any distinctive trait that other characters have like the constant mentioning of Stilgar's eyes

There were no commanding female characters in positions of authority who help the story through their own agency in the first half of Dune. So they had to gender swap one of them and Liet was the obvious choice. They also had to change his death so that it becomes more of a noble sacrifice instead of just an ironic death at the hands of the nature he wanted to control as they wanted to make the female character die in a less pathetic fashion.

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desu white people in the middle of a desert does not make any fucking sense unless they just moved there. but for a people who's supposedly been there for ages they should be at least little bit colored cause of you know the fucking sun roasting them all day.

>There were no commanding female characters in positions of authority who help the story through their own agency in the first half of Dune.
*blocks your path*

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You know why

Black people can sunburn so your argument is invalid bro sorry

the reverend mother served as little more than an exposition piece.

Movie is set 10,000 years in the future I’m sure they got spf60

objectively correct

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I hate the hamfisted attempt at diversity but her character is much more clearly independent than he was in Lynch's version, which makes the character work better in the context of the story.

Jessica doesn't really do much of her own violation and spends most of the time being told what to do by Paul


Wheel of time
Game of Thrones prequel
Snow White
Tinker Bell
The Witcher
The Flash
Yes I totally wonder (((why))) everything pander to niggers now

>but for a people who's supposedly been there for ages they should be at least little bit colored cause of you know the fucking sun roasting them all day.

They don't, they live underground most of their lives and only go above ground wearing their stillsuits.

Chani is a red head btw.

da greeks was black

She literally said she became one of them.

Because black women are extremely underrepresented in media.

This doesn't say anything about skin color. You do realize there are dark skin people with blue and green eyes right?

>If you had dark skin that means you're a black and cannot have blue eyes
My Mexican cousin has white skin and green eyes and blonde hair but you wouldn't call him one of Hitler's chosen.

>stillsuits are supposed to be bladders and mechanisms to carry enough water to last days in the desert as well as conserve every drop of perspiration from the body
>Nu-Dune: yea naaaa that sounds complicated. We will just slap a bun h of random, overlapping rubber strips together and call it a day

Fremen travel at night and cover their skin. The kinds of adaption you're more likely to see on Arrakis are related to hydration, sweating, and athletic performance.

I think people care too much about the races of people in Dune. We can say for example, that we know for sure that the Atreides have Roman ancestors, and ancestors that were present for performances by Bach and Mozart, but that doesn't mean much given the span of time we're talking about.
Given that every white European today is related to Charlemagne, it's not a stretch to imagine that everyone on Earth today is related to Paul Atreides.
What's far more interesting about Dune is the cultural and religious aspects.

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While it's entirely too soon to judge Zendaya's Chani, Barbora Kodetová is easily best as of now (even without the ginge and elfin facia structure).

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Kek nice pic

ty I have a lot of them

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"I like to make everything on earth about my side of an unwinnable culture war post #4298"

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ty I don't have that one

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Have a bunch of Dune Peeps but not many DunePus

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here are the bunch of the ones I made so I don't spam the thread

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Bless the Pepe Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.

it's a fucking somalian pirate. someone run it over with a gunship

I don't remember the dialogue in the book being AY YO WOTCHU MUFUGU MUFUGU SHEEEIT MANG WIYPIPO BEEEATCH WOOOLSTAAAH REKKKT OHH NO HEEE DIUNT SHEEEEITTT AWWWWW MANG DAS RITE either.. I'm sure it would have been specifically stated as it is out of the ordinary unless you live in a zoo.

have you read the book?
they moved there from another planet a few hundred years before.
Europeans founded South africa a few hundred years ago, yet they remain European in appearance.
what a cretinous post.

it's a complete mystery. there definitely isn't anything going on.
the same thing happens in China, after all. I'm Chinese and I've noticed that Australian aborigines now take up 50% of the roles in film and television in China, despite only being 38% of the population of China.