Downeybros.........he is now vegan

Downeybros.........he is now vegan

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You mean virtue signaler

wow he looks like shit. Does he has cancer or something?

Legitimately thought this was Johnny Knoxville

Legitimately thought this was Kirk Douglas

Henry Rollins on AIDS

He went vegan. He's healthier than ever.


The AIDS has taken hold.

Vegan is a mind cancer that destroys your body and immune system through lack of proper nutrients and horrible living standards.

Basically, it is being Ethiopian for white people.

So just Henry Rollins?

>wow this 57 year old looks old when he isn't covered in makeup and lit profressionally

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Looks like 30 years of substance abuse all turned up at once

Fish are fair game. If I were a fish, I'd rather be served deliciously to a human than be eaten by some sea beast.

i thought you posted alex kurtzman

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americans see a non obese person and instantly think he has cancer

>He went vegan

He aged 20 years good job

Based retard

holy fuck my sides

Veganism is pure classism. Anybody who isn’t rich, but is practicing veganism, is trying to signal to other people that they’re cultured

You had your chance Downey. There's a new kid in town.

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>Anybody who isn’t rich, but is practicing veganism, is trying to signal to other people that they’re cultured
What's elite and cultured about eating potatoes and legumes? If anything these are staple peasant foods.

downeybros.. this cannot be

And he's already looking like one...

iron-deficient man

t. vegan symptathizer

Cruise would have the sack to play Tony as an alcoholic.

Some of the staunchest and most ardent ethical vegans will tell you that things like bivalves are an ethical grey area, in their mind not as bad as eating a cow chicken or pig, or even a fish, because there’s evidence suggesting bivalves aren’t actually sentient beings.

I genuinely laughed.

You can be poor and vegan
t. me

This would be such fucking kino seriously

double faggot

There is no way this man isn't a chomo

Cruisebros... when are we getting this kino?

>t. vegan symptathizer
I'm about 85% plant based. There is nothing simpler and cheaper than rice and potatoes. They are cheap, easy to cook, and and delicious.

I don't really care what you do, but just recognize meat is an expensive luxury that has only been consumed daily by 1st world residents the last 50 years. For the longest time meat was the staple for royalty.


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my uncle who is literally 59 and was a drunk for the most of his life and still drinks, obviously not as much as he used looks healthier than this rich dude

Favorite vegan foods?

those clothes tho
getting "how do you do,fellow kids" vibes


Veganism is fancy starvation.

When you post anti Trump tweets for 4+ years

>veganism is eating potatoes and legumes
Actually veganism is solely defined by their REFUSAL to eat meat. It's that bourgeois attitude that makes it an elitist paradigm.

Vegans are mentally ill. Humans have the same type of digestive tracts as a wolf, a carnivore.

And yet veganoids will deny it, to continute stuffing up their gut with useless peasant food.

The funniest thing about veganism is monocrop agriculture kills and displaces millions more animals than eating meat does.

For vegan subhumans only "cute" animals are actual animals.

>americans wake up one day and just *choose* to starve
see this is why the rest of the world hates you

No one cares

Californians aren't American. We hate them too.

I invented a term for this phenomenon, I call it naivevil. Its a portmanteau of naive and evil obviously, veganism is a good example, they are less healthy and more damaging for the soil, wildlife etc, zero upsides. But they naively see a fuzzy animal and don't wanna kill it to eat thats mean. Naivevil is when someone is so naive they create more evil than doing things the thought out way through a misplaced sense of kindness. Being against hunting is a big one.

he looks like my uncle wtf

Get a load of this guy

Is that why you suck him daily?

"Relaxing" seems like another good example.

>Humans have the same type of digestive tracts as a wolf, a carnivore.
No they don't.

>The funniest thing about veganism is monocrop agriculture kills and displaces millions more animals than eating meat does.
Most of the monocrops are fed to animals.

Animals create manure for plants, its a fucking cycle. Only when the humans eat the plants and shit in a toilet is the cycle broken.

>Guy with history of substance abuse issues and abusing his health turns straight edge/vegan/Buddhist and becomes an insufferable cunt who only talks about their new lifestyle

Pathetic, many such cases!

racist /pol/cels are another example of naivevil

God damn he looks like Johnny Knoxville with AIDS

Cope more . Humans were never meant to be plant eaters. We don't even digest fiber.

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>eat one vegetable
>hair turns white and skin turns into leather
many such cases

Bro many humans ate meat daily for hundreds of thousands of years

I'm a vegan too. Not a strict vegan though. I eat chicken. And beef, and pigs. I eat raw game. Where the animal is still alive. Funny how the animals death throes makes you more hungry?

>Being against hunting is a big one.
Nothing wrong with hunting so you can eat the animal you killed and feed yourself and your family. No one I know is against that. The only thing people seem to have a problem with are poachers and people who hunt for fun.


Thanks, I learned a new thing today.

>Cope more . Humans were never meant to be plant eaters. We don't even digest fiber.
There are vegan biased images that show the complete opposite.

The truth is somewhere in the middle. More suited to eat plants than carnivores and more suited to eat meat than herbivores. We truly are omnivores.

>Bro many humans ate meat daily for hundreds of thousands of years
No the average human didn't. Or if they did it was a very very small amount.

This way too good for Disney to ever let us have it.

Either way his body hates him again.

The caveman humans ate so much daily meat, that many of the stupid megafaunas were hunted into extinction

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Humans are omnivores

>The caveman humans ate so much daily meat,
No they didn't. Most hunts were unsuccessful.

Man herbivores suck!

That explains the general scrawny and sickly look.

So unsuccessful all the megafauna were eaten to extinction. Right

That chart is bullshit.
Mastication is part of my every day life.