*ruins your schizokino*

>*ruins your schizokino*

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Its what women do


Yeah she's not a great actor is she?

>Moon Knight starts out good
>Female is introduced
>Everything's gone downhill since

are you retarded how many times does this have to happen for you to learn your fucking lesson
stop watching new shit

why would you ever watch this in the first place


I agree with there wasn't single thing about the trailers that would've suggested anything other than your run of the mill cape shit.

She’s based, incels.


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MCU sucks, they took out the hot blonde, athletic, martial arts expert for this version help me help me I can't fight because my burka is too wide

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Its so obvious that theyre going to make her the moon knight. Every disney + show has been muh women

Its Marvel, what do you expect?

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You should all fucking hang for watching disney/marvel

Feige said by the end of the next MCU phase he wants half of the heroes to be women. This was said like 2 years back.

Gonna call fucking bullshit on that. They picked her because she looks just like the girl from the Mummy Movies, but nowhere near as hot.

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Same thing happened to Loki. I had to drop the show mid season because of the frumpy cunt they added to the show.

>Yeah she's not a great actor is she?
She sucks. Not attractive either. I swear they just find these diversity hires off the street corner.
>"Hey brown person! You ever act before? It doesn't matter, we're casting you for a capeshit role. But since you're only attribute is 'having brown skin' we're gonna pay you the bare minimum to offshoot costs of the actual white actors. But don't worry, you'll get more screentime than any of them and thanks to being diverse, you're protected by plot armor!"

She sucks but I expect her to join the villain and then die later in the story

>*saves your schizokino*

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May Calamawy is an adorable woman, sorry chuds

I'm very fucking lonely btw

Why aren't they addressing the fact that he's a schizo, how has one personality lived a life in another country the whole time and have a wife


I thought Moon Knight was going to be some brutal, dark, trippy show based on what I thought the comics were
But it's just some Mummy/Indiana Jones/and a little bit of Fight Club gimmicks

>First episode is kino
>Immediatly becomes generic marvel shitfest right afterwards
Why? What's the purpose? Wouldn't they make more money if they hired non retarded writers? Is there an end goal to this? Waste of a very good actor and of an interesting concept.

Yea Forums has always had its problems with the /pol/tards, but when did the incels start coming here in mass too?

That's what all these new shows are like, a good to great first episode, followed by nothing but filler episodes until you get to the last episode which usually as a weak conclusion to the story.

Does anyone know if they've released the chanting music from when Khonshu appears in the first/second episodes anywhere officially? I think it sounds pretty cool

I guess they just need to get people hooked to make their money's worth, but still, it's a shame.

The show is called "Moon Knight", not "annoying no talent bitch sandnigger".

Unironically yeah. First two episodes were fucking fantastic by Marvel standards, then they make her the main focus and everything goes to shit.

>The didn't notice 10 minutes after she appeared that the whole first season is a set up to make her the Moon knight
Oh boy

The flop will be astonishing so i welcome that.

It's the same character, she does has a different name.

Because Marc is the og personality and Steven Grant is the schizo identity


These people are subhuman.

it'll only get one season, i believe, so whatever

there are no incels, only propagandists spouting incel propaganda

the propagandists have been spamming shit of every flavor here for a long time

The moment they don't need to pay Hawke and Isaac salaries the show is cheap as fuck.

if it wasn't for isaac and hawke this would be an utter trainwreck
now at least it's somewhat half decent

They tend to make female characters perfect, so they are boring as fuck.
Sorry if that triggers you, and again, if i were watching wonder woman and a man took the spotlight i would be mad.
This shit is about Spector, or should be.
And that's why the first season is bait, she will be Moonette knight in season 2.

Nope. It's already shit, boring and generic without her

Come on Yea Forums. You can get this cancelled....just turn moon knight into moon man 2.0

Woman like that is not allowed in Disney transgenda productions

You're the one who sounds triggered.

Because hes a movie schizo. He's able to jetset across the globe fighting evil while banging qt Egyptian wife. Even his other personality has a job and is functional for the most part.

Ruins your O0wshy
regon Trail live action adaptations

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how did he become a skillful merc

This is a picture of Moonknight director Mohamad Diab's wife, Sarah Goher. She is a writer and producer who also works on Moonknight.

I don't think any of you need 20 guesses to see why we didn't get the Blonde-haired, blue eyed, Marlene....

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why make kids wear mask?

don't really care, just wtching this to see what isaac and hawke are making of it
will not tune in for season 2

Sandnig injecting his sandnigress kink into groomer media, mildly based tbqh.
By the same token, I don't like feet but I think tarantino is based for being unabashed about his kinks.
Unfortunately nothing else about the show makes it worthwhile.

nice captcha, faggot

How does anyone? Learn skills in the military, take skills on the road, work for hire

lmao that's what you get!

tf her smile is genuinely ugly. That's pretty rare.

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True I season 1 was best season

Irl people can get hit on the head and suddenly speak a foreign language accurately as if they've been doing so their whole life. Some can play piano like a savant. It isn't a fetch to think that the same could happen with this.

But it'll probably be something stupid. I personally don't like Moon Knight very much. I don't know what the comic canon is either.

back to red dit roastie pol is the entire site

In the comics Marc is the original identity. His father was a pacifist rabbi and Marc rebelled by joining the marines then becoming a merc. The dissociative identity disorder was always there but it was made worse when Khonshu invaded Marc's mind.
