Deutsche Kino

Deutsche Kino

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>communism is le bad movie #13241

have sex

You mean authoritarianism. As it’s the same no matter how it wants the economy to function.

You will never have your utopia, golem


>criticising the stasi police state of east germany is le bad!

Wasn’t this just a remake of the conversation?

There aren't enough movies showing how pervasive and destructive this shitty fucking ideology is on every facet of life

>Is this just *easily verifiable information with 5 seconds on google*

Fucking prophetic. Based Fassbinder

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Not at all, but there are similar themes

that is because its impossible to portray communism as le good

Star Trek did a pretty good job.

Recently watched Revanche, it was pretty good

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there are private corporations and individual ownership of means of production in the federation. not le communist by any definition

Sounds like you’ve either never watched Star Trek or have no understanding of communism.

The Dytallix Mining Company a limited liability company independent of star fleet mentioned in TNG, Episode 1x25.

TNG and DS9 show multiple examples of privately replicators, star ships and planetary resources in the federation.

Cope and seethe all you want but having a welfare state where basic needs of the citizenry are met is not communism.

accurate tho

I remember watching this film in school but i remember nothing about it.
Didn't the main character fuck a landwhale prostitute at some point? What was that about?

And what part of communism forbids any sort of private ownership?

23 (1998)

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to show how sad and empty his life is

7/10 movie that's only popular because every other movie from Germany is even shittier

>its not real communism because the entire universe isn't communist
ok posadist
Quark having a private bar at the edge of federation territory doesn't really say anything about their economic modality

that said, they aren't stateless or classless so not communist, but for completely other reasons than you think

>chud is also a /trek/ virgin

Voyeuristic movies are kino

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undisputed Deutschegutenkinography

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drop pants

1/2 of the best kino before 1931 came from Deutschland

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What is communism according to Marxist-in-chief Karl Marx? A "positive overcoming of private property as human self-alienation"
communism is by definition incompatible with private property
The state (the "workers collective" or whatever the fuck you want to call it) owns everything

shit up German movie thread with star trek bullshit and are now shitting up the thread further by seething about who is technically correct. keep yourselves safe

Real german kino from this century coming through:

Crazy (2000), The White Sound (2001), As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me (2001), The Experiment (2001), Solino (2002), Hotte in Paradise (2003), Good bye, Lenin! (2003), Herr Lehmann (2003), Head-On (2004), Downfall (2004), Kebab Connection (2004), Antibodies (2005), The Free Will (2006), Wholetrain (2006), Tough Enough (2006), Reclaim your Brain (2007), The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008), Chiko (2008), Without You I'm Nothing (2008), The Wave (2008), Berlin Calling (2008), When we leave (2010), Picco (2010), Rammbock: Berlin Undead (2010), Homevideo (2011), Stopped on Track (2011), Life is no Piece of Cake (2012), Shifting the Blame (2012), A Coffee in Berlin (2012), Home from Home - Chronicle of a Vision (2013), Nordstrand (2013), Generation War (2013), Finsterworld (2013) Stations of the Cross (2014), Tour de Force (2014), Age of Cannibals (2014), Victoria (2015), Herbert (2015), Terror (2016), Toni Erdmann (2016), Goodbye Berlin (2016), Point Blank (2016), Hands of a Mother (2016), Brüder (2017), Bed Bugs (2017), Western (2017), Once Upon a Time in Indian Country (2017), Gladbeck (2018), Transit (2018), Das schönste Mädchen der Welt (2018), Gundermann (2018), The Silent Revolution (2018), Lara (2019), System Crasher (2019), Undine (2020), The Trouble with Being Born (2020), Oeconomia (2020), Next Door (2021), Fabian (2021), Wunderschön (2022)

All trash
Fuck germany and fuck germs

This but unironically.

for me it's dirty tina

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it is bad, seethe faggot

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>Fuck germany and fuck germs

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>United Federation of Planets is the biggest form of government ever conceived
It's plainly you who has no understanding of communism.

>Life is no Piece of Cake (2012)

where dis?

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Communism, by definition, acknowledges the existence of entities outside and independent of it.


> from this century

please fuckoff back to your poli sperging and meme ideology boards

I watched this last year and liked it - although something is always lost with subtitles. Has anyone watched the The Baader Meinhof Complex? I have that on a list to watch at some point.

does it matter lol?

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yes because Das Boot is maybe the best german kino but not recent made

>muh communism good, you just don't get it!
this is the wrong board for your commie boner

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Yeah sure and then for no reason at all, all commie regimes instantly create a special police force specifically tasked with destroying any if those outside elements
Because of course a totalitarian state with the sole purpose of massively stealing private property and give it to itself can function by tolerating powerful elements outside of itself lmao
Commies are fucking deluded

>be German
>don’t want to talk about communism

Should be sieg hiel?

> a special police force specifically tasked with destroying any if those outside elements

… you mean a military?

No I don't you fucking retard

what's the best german kino from this century then?
I have only watched downfall

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i would say Victoria but it could seem reddit nowdays because of the oneshotmeme. other candidates i would say are Downfall or Life of the Others

>Has anyone watched the The Baader Meinhof Complex?
it's really good i would rate it higher than the lives of others

Thanks user. I'm going to watch it, but I have to find the right time, since it's a long movie. My wife doesn't like violence, so she's out.

thanks fren, will check those out

In general you seem to just be confusing authoritarianism for communism or just mindlessly regurgitating talking points you don’t really understand.