Leotardo... that's my fuckin' legacy

>Leotardo... that's my fuckin' legacy.

Attached: phil_leotardo.jpg (215x330, 31.04K)

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>Dubs... that's my fuckin" legacy.

Attached: patrick-bateman-tie.jpg (1000x1000, 757.12K)

>Getting cucked... that's my fuckin' legacy.

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I know exactly how this guy feels. All the hard work and suffering in my life meant nothing to anyone and the world just kept moving on like nothing even happened in the first place. And people look at me and they go wow user you sure are bitter and its like yeah because life is a fuckin joke

>Being a goober... that's my fuckin' legacy.

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I hope you find contentment one day user

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>Ripping off French Noir... that's my fuckin' legacy.

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Based thread

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no more Yea Forums
no more of this

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>Hating cats... that's my fuckin' legacy.

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>Being jewish... that's our fuckin' legacy.

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How many years did he do again?

>I wanted to fuck a woman. I compromised... I jacked off a man on to my face.

Those last four digits have me worried.

Tell me a couple three things, Yea Forums

>Being overrated... that's my fuckin' legacy.

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So true

So much this. Even r/movies calls it overrated, I don't know why I come here anymore

the first is kino, 2 and 3 are overrated indeed

The first one is trash psued garbage

>those digits

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Well really the thing with Phil is they killed his brother and no one cares

>getting it on... that's my fucking legacy

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>The implication... that's my fuckin' legacy.

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it's a free country, brother

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>Puerto Rican hooah... that's your legacy.

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Have kids. I am not a weird Christian or whatever, but that's one way for your hard work to matter.

>Being a house.. that's my fuckin' legacy.

Attached: aaa.png (1225x687, 771.28K)

just started the shield and only three seasons in it already mogs breaking bad hard (just finished bb two days ago), it's so fucking kino holy shit, is it true it just gets better

some of the episodes can be tough to sit through though

dream blunt rotation

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The ending is absolute kino. Enjoy, user.

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eh there's always a solid b or c plot
>that scene where the nigger turns HOE into SHOE because it's cheaper than paying to remove the graffiti
top kek

>jannies represented by the faggot pedo


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Thats the kindest way I have seen to tell somebody to have sex.

we hooked up at the VONS yo!

easily the funniest part is the slag is such a fat ugly pig to be fighting over

Wasted digits. Could have been Tonight's Big Loser

>big loser
For you

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>we be stealing yo wimminz huwyte boi
how dat make you feel, huh? HUH???

>meanwhile, in reality...

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more of these fags need a blanket party

>life is a fuckin joke

you forgot a joker 2019 meme

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>Being a chud... that's my fuckin' legacy.

Attached: 8e3.png (640x734, 11.15K)

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>Being a troon... that's my ACK-

Attached: 333.png (465x462, 119.93K)

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>Beating Trump and racism... that's my fuckin' legacy.

Attached: joe_biden(4).jpg (315x512, 34.12K)

Embarrassing sameposting chud

>Beating Trump and ... and, wait where am I again? Hello?

Attached: joe.png (423x482, 270.39K)

Stud chads don't same post...

Attached: noidontthinkso.png (358x68, 6.32K)

Back to chuds. Sameposting idiots.

>Beating Sam Hyde... that's my fuckin' legacy.

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Yea Forums is /pol/ troon

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/qa/ lost
Cope and seethe

>/qa/ lost
>Cope and seethe

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The first 2 are bad, 3 is the best and filtered tons of midwits.