>Black female character is confident, efficient and smart
>White male character is bumbling, weak and silly
It's all so tiresome
>Black female character is confident, efficient and smart
>White male character is bumbling, weak and silly
It's all so tiresome
so just like real life?
Who is this movie made for?
I don't care she's black I am pissed that they made her ugly.
There areplenty of beautiful kweens, why couldn't them show an attractive black woman and not an ugly one?
>black representation
>portrays them as the opposite of real life
Judging by her expression, she's probably bemoaning him about his white privilege or reminding him that slavery existed.
Delete this now. It doesn’t fit my (/pol/’s) narrative and it upsets me.
Spoiler alert: blacks are ugly.
Whites wouldn't get brutalized by these animals every day if it weren't for this sort of talmudic propaganda.
Black people are just as human as white people and deserve the same respect. Whether it is doing fentanyl in cop custody or using fake $20 bills, or even holding pregnant women hostage at gunpoint while invading her home, let us never forget that there is a person under that dark skin, who would be in the same situation were his skin a different complexion. Let us not forget the great black leaders like Mayors Lightfoot, Bowser, and Kwame. Let us not forget that white men and black men love our kids, from heroes like Jimmy Saville to Elijah Muhammad (POWER TO THE PEOPLE MALCOLM X) we stand together, united, black brothers, white brothers, and our female property, as one people. On god fr fr
No, there isn't.
Furrys are gross. There are no attractive monkeys.
>ayy buzz, just cuz we out here colonizing planets don't mean you get to have slaves again.
That's a man.
>why couldn't them show an attractive black woman and not an ugly one?
Because that would not only be sexist but also racist
I work with black females. They surely are confident. I give you that. In fact, they are so confident they are unable to see when they are wrong, even after explaining things 100 times. They just cant or wont see it. Also, they are probably the least efficient people I work with. They are extremely slow and all their work has to be double or triple checked. They are very lousy at anything requiring precision and planning/designing. Black women are also extremely judgemental and deep down super insecure, which they mask with this over confident shitting on everything and everyone personality which is very very tiresome to work with.
Unfortunately for us (Im asian) blacks get preferntial treatment when hiring them, they get asked the easiest questions, and they get a lot of leeway regarding performance because the company is afraid of appearing as racist. While asians get the hardest questions at interviews and even then you need perfect everything to get hired. Straight white men dont get hired at all, all the straight white guys I work with have been here since the start when this company was small. At least 80% of the hiring decisions are based on race, gender, sexual orientation etc. which is deemed as "team fit" or some shit. They must include all races and genders into every decision and black women only want other black women, 100% of the time, even if the woman is the worst candidate: they are incredibly racist. Asians, whites and others have no problem with hiring blacks or other races. Also, gays only want to hire other gays. This shit is ruining companies.
These people pretend Im not a minority because Im a light skinned person, even though Im south Asian and my parents literally arrived here with nothing. But that does not matter because black women are struggling for 200 years with being normal.
Niggers do not belong in cinema
>source just trust me dude please i’m begging you
This is correct and its funny working in IT, whenever you have to confidentially turn off an employees access its usually during a black employees meeting with their manager and HR
Cool, but how is this black people's fault?
Nigs do not belong in society
whoa bro im so surprised your disney channel show is woke garbage filled with nogs
fpbp fragile white incels seething
I always laugh at these pathetic nigger power fantasies
>disney pushing woke garbage
did you just get here from reddit? lurk a little bit more
Well I got zero respect for white either so fuck you loser nigger
>little retard legit throught he was real and not a toy
your brain in chudism
Fucking delete this, it goes against my narrative.
tranny samefagging like no tomorrow
Start looking, Dads. You don't want to have to explain to your crying son that they were sold out of Buzzes and all you could find for Christmas/Bday was Space Shaniqua or Daquasarius.
Whose fault is it? Are you saying blacks should be treated like children because they have no agency?
Massive L for you
>adult man character
>gets mad about cartoons
>I don't care she's black
Didnt read past that
>tfw the niggernaut is so dark it looks like 2 floating eyeballs in a space suit.
Black women are confident because they are neither efficient nor smart, desu
First of all, animation can be and usually is art. second of all
Post your hook nice schlomo
>if I make up fantasies about brainwashing then it's acceptable to get mad at cartoons
grow the fuck up
You win this one
Tim Allen fans of course.
>chuds fuming over a children's cartoon again
It's just shitposting, right? You're not actually this pathetic, r-right?
take your meds
Name one smart black woman.
Every corp pretty much is pushing the same ideology and Blackrock is funding it along with the united nations and almost all of america banks. Hollywood is jewish and also has been in bed with CIA and other groups since the 40s.
>grow the fuck up
Says the people who think a guy cutting his dick off makes him a woman
>Black people are just as human as white people and deserve the same respect.
I'm so disgusted I refuse to read further.
How about three?
You described the shitty behavior of a few black, if not one black individual, and applied it to the entire group.
What if I said, I've encountered a few lousy Asian male coworkers and just assumed all of the acted the same? That wouldn't be fair now, would it? Just say you had a shitty black coworker, you do need to go on a tl;dr rant about oppression olympics.
>OP is a fragile white man
It's all so tiresome.
yea it would be fair
Blacks have
>lower iqs 85 on average which is when society starts to break down. 85 iqs cannot maintain a scoiety with that level of awareness
>higher testostorone levels (aggression)
>higher estrogen levels (unstable)
>shit culture that worships degeneracy
>Protected by rich jewish usurers
Propaganda works best on children. The end result is people like you. Y're a lost cause bcs you were infected as a child.
Asians dont play the victim card constantly.
Whoa this post is satire r-right? You're not troon posting on Yea Forums r-right?
Imma be real with you chief if you get brainwashed by a buzz lightyear movie you were already doomed from the start
What do you mean turn off their access? Like theyre caught fucking around online instead of working?
>all caps
Well, I guess I got my answer.
>Medina goes to the moon
That's not real dialogue from the show, is it?
Blacks are inferior and still live in mud huts. All their societies are shit. There is nothing you can say or do that will change this fact.
You're assuming most people are intelligent. They aren't. Thats why these tropes are being pushed in almost every form of media
>dodges the point I've made
Every time. You are a liar. You will never be truthful. Just like you will never be a cute anime girl.
>actresses are smart
They hired full on sheboons to play 1 woman who was 1/8th black. She did addition because calculators were expensive back then. Such a prideful achievement for 1/8th black "people"
FPBP, how can /tvpol/ ever recover?
This is the low IQ take.
This is the cope take.
This is the reasonable take.
Of which I would respond, if you work with any kind of minority group they WILL play the victim. You are not white, male, cis and straight, you will encounter individuals who will play that card. Sometimes it can be legitimate and sometimes it's not. Depends on the situation.
>how does the collective well being of society affect you in any way
That's a female?
For real. Asians have a fucked up history just like black people. Difference is, most Asians picked themselves up by the bootstraps. Niggers just wanna whine and cry rather than act like respectable adults.
White women play victim all the time.
>Incoherent rambling about brainwashing and gay people
Great "point" you've got there, user.
No I’m not. Most people are retarded and would rather look at their phones 24/7 than read a book. It’s not my job to make them less retarded. I care about myself and my family, not retards who seethe over / celebrate a fucking buzz lightyear movie.
>This is the cope take.
No it isn't. Its facts. You hate facts because they destroy your utopian world view. Blacks are stupid to be frank. Its sad, I don't want blacks to be retards but on average its obvious. They will never build civilization or assimilate to another one. Its just the way it is. All this propaganda exists because multiculturlaism is failing. They have to constantly brainwash people so they behave, but it doesn't matter because americas empire is dying.
>snarky dissmissive tone without actually addressing the points I've made
shut up jew
>You are not white, male, cis and straight, you will encounter individuals who will play that card.
Imagine not being a straight white cis male, oh wait they literally cannot imagine.
The nation is the family. Your children will grow up in this enviorment around others who've been manipulated by it. You're a terrible parent if you just handwave subversion
Hes being sarcastic, autist
What the fuck? Do people think this looks good? Buzz is an uncanny freak now.
>don't care she's black I am pissed that they made her ugly.
They do the same with Asians. Plenty of hot ladybugs but they pick the rollie pollie kinds for the major roles.
Sure, let me just type out a serious response to a post that looks like it was written by an angry 12 year old who just got his ass handed to him in Fortnite and then wait for the obligatory "no you are wrong because I say so and you are a tranny" response.
I'm not sure I understand this response. Did this guy hang himself because of my post? You're gonna have to explain.
yeah it's totally not pathetic when the libtards were fuming that cartoons didn't have these diversity token characters huh
You're a fucking tranny. You all have that dismissive tone and endless snark. Nobody here is fooled. You can't actually refute anything I've said because both you and I know its fucking true, but you're a tranny and a leftist IE creatures of deception. You always lie. You always double down. You always subvert.
>I'm not a seething troon, YOU are
Yeah but there are bigger problems out there than buzz lightyear. If the cast was all white the nation wouldn’t magically be healed. There are bigger fish to fry. You’re silly.