>population 83 million people
>4th largest economy in the world
>is utterly incapable of making kino
How come?
Population 83 million people
They did make a few good movies though
>what is Triumph des Willens
I liked Das Boot and thought Dark was tolerable.
But all their good ones were made like 100 years ago though
Watch more movies, pleb.
>directed by a w*man
I'll pass
o nein
You try making a film there. Look what Uwe Boll has to say about it.
I saw a docu regarding that, apparently the only way to get money for making movies in krautland is to point to previously succesfull movie and make something like that.
Which explains the weird trend of till schweiger romcoms after der bewegte mann and more recently a number of elias m barek vehicles.
Well yeah, I can't think of a good one since 1993
That's Austrian. Also pic related is the golden age.
Helge Schneider made some fun stuff, but those films are so comedic and idiotic that you can barely call them films.
kraut here OP is absolutely right.
We pay more taxes than any other EU country for radio and TV broadcasting.
All we recieve in return is dogshit.
The last decent movie Germany made was Das Leben der Anderen and that shit is 16 years old.
16 years of nothing but trash.
Vee gayff you werner herzog.
Zat is enough.
I went to a small university theatre in downtown hamburg and saw grand budapest hotel in english with german subtitles and it was a kino experience
they lost their soul in 1945
>suisse baka
>He does not own every season of Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei
these are the people I share a television imageboard with
thats austrian? Shit, my life is a lie
The underground scene is pretty sick, marian dora, olaf ittenbach, jörg Buttgereit etc.
It's a decent enough movie but basically fantasy. None of the stuff in the movie actually happened the way it was portrayed, especially not at the time the movie was supposed to take place.
Germany should be balkanized and given to neighboring countries.
abaton oder holi?
and poland needs another partition
das finstere tal was ok
strangely enough also has morettibut also isnt 100% germ production
It's a country of engineers and peasants where artistry is looked down on. Also, investors are bitches. Can't have anything controversial. Unless it makes them money, nobody will be interested.
>None of the stuff in the movie actually happened
Okay, and?
No country other than the US or UK has produced a substantial amount of kino. This is indisputable.
They ban their best.
>Das Leben der Anderen
that movie is oscarbait garbage. cringe
No. Replace that with France
Groundbreaking culture is inherently risky.
Germans as a culture are very risk-averse, because their most open-minded risk-taking people emigrated to the Americas during the last 200 years.
The result is autistocracy you see in Germany today.
Germany underwent the worst psychological torture in history following world war 2 that has ever been put on a population
how the fuck did you guys end up letting berlin be the capital lmao, germany is a worst fucking country, language and people. its like you made the shittiest place the center by default because everything even slightly desirable you just fucking ruin huh?
This, but replace UK with Italy and US with soviet russia
That's not a very nice thing to say you know
>their most open-minded risk-taking people
started WW2
completely soulless nation
oh well i wake up every fuckin morning, smoking my very cheap, high quality american medical marijuana and drinking coffee produced by south america which we de facto run as a slave state to squeeze for resources, and read a thousand instances of "do americans really?" so i'm gonna shit down your throat at every opportunity
Aboton kino, Allende-Platz 3, Rotherbaum, Hamburg
English "foreign language" arthouse films, but I speak English.
> Single-handedly destroys German cinema
> Hehe, nothing personnel kid ;)
>dude nudity lol
Well you can't complain about such comments when you're a nation of fat ignorant uneducated assholes that take everything cultural Europe has created and creates and turn it into a huge pile of crap with an American flag on top
Based i have a prousa copypasta cause its a repetitive thread topic
very nice kino
my dad used to work on rotherbaum and we'd often go to abaton and to the tennis stadium for european opens
think we saw smillas sense of snow there
Germans hate themselves so they can’t make anything worthwhile
ben franklin was fat, he invented the hundred dollar bill. checkmate, eurotrash.
Germanic/Northern Euros are autistic. They're good scientists and economists, but shit in the arts. Especially the visual arts, which Mediterranean chads have perfected.
I know that Germany technically has a catholic m
Semir was based
tbf being a kid and watching indiana jones and then being told your grandad was the nazis is kind of traumatic
>shit in arts
Music is an art you asshole, Germans invented music. Before that it was just some asshole banging on rocks. Even today they're innovators in many genres
Did you ever get wings from around the world at that australian bar?
Based, I used to live a short walk from there. Imagine sitting at home and randomly thinking "Hmm I'm in the mood for some kino". You grab your keys, cross the road and you're there. Plenty of great opportunities to eat as well. Peak comfy.
Though my favorite was always the Metropolis.
a boring footage of people clapping/marching around?
needs more mumbling
the down under?
No never been. But the cantuccio italian restaurant where sylvie meis hangs out used to be near there before they moved to eppendorf and I can basically recite the menu by heart.
I vaguely remember pic-related to be quite alright. It's a comedy, with some retarded slapstick gags, but the overarching themes are pretty solid. I don't think however that someone who is not from Germany would really "get it" because a lot of what makes it funny and relatable is in the language they use.
I think to make internationally successful movies, it helps a lot if everyone understands the original language it was written in. That's a big advantage for US and UK film.
As a German, this fact makes me want to kill myself. German art is dead and will never recover.
>Germans invented music. Before that it was just some asshole banging on rocks
>Germans invented music
Also football.
butthurt anglo replies in 3...2...1...
> Free Country (True Detective kino)
> The Nightmare
> Victoria
Nobody will watch movies spoken in German so no investors will risk Hollywood tier budgets in them
>shit in arts
What is Vermeer? Rembrandt? Van Gogh? Rubens? Mondriaan? Hals? Cuyp? Bosch? Brueghel? Alma Tadema? Steen?