Just pure shame. I'm boycotting the movie because of you racists!

Just pure shame. I'm boycotting the movie because of you racists!

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>Starring Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman was in this?

Everyone's already boycotting this movie because it sucks. Sorry shill

This is a bit pathetic.

Is that why they're going with the white supremacist narrative?

Another case of the left cannibalizing their own. I never tire of it.

Incredibly transparent

Attached: unknown.png (271x179, 65.25K)

viral marketing campaign
sage in all fields

>Surely this will make people watch this DOA flick.
no thanks.

>committed mothers
I meeeaaaaan......

Attached: wait a second ... LOLOLOL.jpg (159x199, 8.62K)

>Loyal Women
>Committed Mothers
These are considered undesirable to the leftoid

No, it's just incredibly dehumanizing to suggest that's all a woman must be.

Based, fuck the northshit marketing nobody cares about vikangshit anymore

Yeah they've got to give that up and be 'more' by answering phones in an office all day.

>implying that's not the best a woman can be
What's the alternative?

Are they complaining that there is no Southman adaptation?
just go outside stupid nigger reporter
we already in the jungle

imagine watching the northman and characterizing nicole kidman as a "committed mother"

>committed mothers

Attached: tiresome.jpg (807x659, 36.66K)

>suggest all a woman must be
But the movie isn't suggesting that, that's simply a trait of those characters.
And tbqh that's most women in non americanized shitholes, jesus fucking christ

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A career on whichever field a woman wants to pursue
There is a baffling gap in IQ between attractive and non attractive girls, proving that it's the constant pampering and spoiling thar ruins women

it is incredibly retarded to make this post

>hollyjew creates movies
Why are jews and their golem so fucking fragile

The movie isnt, alt right cunts are outright demanding it

Good. Get rid of your shitty tattoos & nose piercings.


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it's so blatant it's insane
also cope for the movie bombing

Yes, women must transcend the misogynistic patriarchal expectations of them by making an onlyfans account and selling pussy pics!

Based [agreeable].

right? using the same font and format they do for killing sprees and war coverage

>blaming your failure on internet nazis
I've seen this episode before.

Why do you have a problem with motherhood being portrayed positively? There's barely anything in modern culture that does so. Speak to women in the business world who have focused on their careers their entire lives. They hit 50 and realise they don't feel fulfilled in life. Motherhood and rearing children has been completely demonised by modern media for years and trying to ram traditional ideas about career success that have also left men isolated and disillusioned with life is just as bad as wrapping girls in hijabs and tying them to the kitchen.

I hate chuds so much it's unreal.

just saw this on twitter

these retards are selling this movie to not just white kids , but horny black women with a white master fetish

Attached: rumryiumrf.png (892x687, 593.6K)

The film was shit. It was cape shit with a viking coat of paint over it.

keep fighting the good fight

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that's because chapeshit is literally just mythology with costumes and quips

You saw a white supremacist movie? I hope you lose your job.

>Loyal women
>Committed mother
These are bad things according to the regime


i only saw a video from a camera in a theatre, but it was decent. great vibes and atmosphere, great ambience. i couldn't really hear shit people were saying so i assumed it was just a history of ancient violence.

I'm Native American and I fucking loved it. White man really knows how to channel his nature in this flick. 8/10. 8 because of Anya alien eyes.

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>the fuck you doin hoe

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>give up on raising your children so you can go work for a jew to help destroy your country
Thanks mr. shekelstein

Oh no no no... Whitebros... It wasn't supposed to be like this

"i didnt see you here when panther was airing"

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its flopped before the incel movement decided it was 'based & redpilled' anyway. he shouldve made it more woke and divers, it seems

>"ah , i see the coon brigade has arrived , how it goin house nigger?"

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>fair-haired, loyal women BAD
what causes this mental derangement?


>because it sucks

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Ah, this is how they are spinning the box office fiasco? Bravo, jewllywood!

(((Hollywood))) will take the box office results of the Northman as a reason to decree that every historical film, no matter how little sense it would make, must have 80% strong independent BIBOC

>loya women
>committed mothers
...wait, why is this even remotely racist or bad?

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>You can't watch this movie because other people like it


oy vey, those women should be fucking blacks!

>wanting women in the workplace
>worse still, wanting women in positions of authority
you are definitely a shut-in

How does it feel being an actual halfwit? Have you ever thought what the civilizational consequences of the shit you promote are?

>blonde loyal women are bad
Can't make this shit up

onions faggot

>Someone makes a movie with an all white cast masculine themes, and traditional culture because it's about fucking Vikings
>Liberal journalists: NOOOOOO why do ethnocentric white people like the movie???
>See this is why it needs to have gay black people and race mixing in it
>Aren't we outraged?
I know they're just doing it to get clicks but ffs who even reads this trash anymore? Nobody cares

Attached: 1649379405421.gif (400x300, 1.64M)

That popcorn looks really good, Robert.

>baffling gap in IQ between attractive and non attractive girls
You'd suprised how many of those "low IQ" girls are literally performing because they know they can get away with almost everything, women in general are pretty smart about taking advantage of men. Next time you think an attractive girl is a retard ask yourself if she's gaining something from it and you'd realize is most likely an act

I'm going to choose to believe this is good bait

Depends on the nature of the job or how incompetent all the men are around her. Women in power tend to be more cuntish than men obviously but I've still had female bosses who were cooler than the male ones. Why? Because I'm not a shut in.

Its not boycott. The movie just doesnt appeal to a wide enough audience and is considered by generic by most. Thats why its not doing as well in box office.

Whats the opposite of "Go Woke Go Broke"?

>>Someone makes a movie with an all white cast masculine themes, and traditional culture because it's about fucking Vikings

>You'd suprised how many of those "low IQ" girls are literally performing
Honestly that's something high IQ people do in general, not just women. If you seem too smart people get really uppity with you and start treating you differently, smart women especially have to be careful with not to seem smarter than a potential partner because it's usually a turn off for men.

Go White Reap Shite

Go White, It's Shite