Are actresses better or worse without autism?

Are actresses better or worse without autism?

Attached: autism girl.jpg (4096x4096, 3.18M)

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she has too wide of a face to be autistic. lying whore trying to steal valor

she's just like me

women with autism are considered cute
men with autism are considered "ew"

fuck humanity

if you mean cuter
then neither

I hate weak men.

She does not have autism. Elon Musk does not have autism. This stupid overdiagnoses is only making the lives of actual autistics worse and causer us to suffer even more.

How would you even tell if a woman has autism?

>seems like we both have autism
>yuck, you're a male incel

If they fit the diagnostic criteria. The problem is that the diagnostic criteria to to easy to fail. They've also ceased separating aspergers from high functioning autism.

Straight women can’t be autistic.

>Elon Musk does not have autism.
Amen. Sick of psychopaths claiming to have it and trying to use it as a shield.

I know a girl with high functioning autism, not sure if she's straight or whatever though. Women definitely can have autism, but like most aspergers men most aspergers women are falsely diagnosed.

Psychopathy? I don't really know much about that guy desu, how does he act like?

Who the fuck is Demi Burnett?

Female autists are something like 90% lesbian or bisexual, and some massive chunk has gender identity problems.

new girl on blacked

Don't care

Wiki says she's engaged to a femoid

>The television personality pointed to research in the U.K., which she said “explains autism and how it presents itself in me very perfectly.”
>“There’s a term for it called ‘pathological demand avoidance,’” Burnett continued. “PDA is an anxiety-driven need for autonomy. I don’t like demands being placed on me and avoid them, not because I’m being defiant, but because I am just trying to stop feeling anxious. People with PDA profiles are a lot more sociable, maintain eye contact better. We can socialize better, but you will notice that the socializing is very surface level. If you try to get deeper with me, probably going to turn into a lizard, be very awkward. I don’t know the rules of what to say when it comes to deeper conversation.”

all women are bisexual

It’s not really about Musk in particular. Antisocial personality disorder and autism have enough superficial similarities that they get crossed-diagnosed a lot, and I know at least one person irl originally diagnosed with ASPD that later sought out a fake autism diagnosis so he could use it as a legal/professional/social shield. It happens. If someone goes out of their way to tell you they’re autistic there’s a very real chance they’re a psychopath with a fake diagnosis or lying.

>I have autism teehee))
I hate women so goddamn much

Oh weird, she looks straight.

>. Elon Musk does not have autism.
Really? have you looked at him?
Oh shit sorry, trick question

>I'm an idiot with nothing to say: the personality disorder

> We can socialize better, but you will notice that the socializing is very surface level.
That's horoscope level of vagueness, what a scam.

when did females start looking this good?

Literally me

Someone post the webm with the "autistic" girl that finally goes to see a movie and it's all about look at me tiktok hehe uwu

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get used to it bro, women from an evolutionary point of view are just breeding factories men actually have to have value to breed

>get used to it bro, women from an evolutionary point of view are just breeding factories men actually have to have value to breed

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women with illness is weak, need protection
man with illness is weak, cant provide protection
simple as

Elon is a sperg, not full blown tism


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She's literally just describing narcissistic personality disorder

Attached: Natalie Portman aspie 2.webm (582x739, 2.99M)

There must be a dozen different things that cause discomfort with emotional intimacy, and half of them aren’t even pathological.

Surely whining about it will make it all better

>she goes to the movies alone
>first think she sees is a white woman along with a black baby on her lap


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seems fair. since old men are hot and old women are "ew".
stop being biased

Actresses are better with pusy

I like to imagine she's watching a bunch of men march in and undress in front of her. She knows what's about to happen to her.

this is autism

She'll have quirky interests and not be like the other girls.

lel I've watched this webm here many times and this is the first time I notice this. You racists never stop to amaze me, good job.

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>old women are "ew"

are you pretending we dont have wall threads everyday

>In February 2022, Burnett revealed she was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and prefers being referred to as “autistic.
Can somebody explain very simply to me what is fondamentaly wrong with anglo-saxon people?
How the fuck can you choose to "prefer" being """referred as autistic"""???

I believe it because I've seen it

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I'd fuck the autism out of her

shes actually having a panic attack you coomer.


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it's an ad for doing volunteer work in africa

scary ;-;

>this is what autism looks like in 2022

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>men with autism are considered "ew"
not when your wallet is fat as fuck

I just want an autistic gf

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>there are still people who believe in the money cope

I know an autistic guy who makes 350k/year and he's a total fucking loser who cannot get sex from anyone except troons. Not even women are fake enough to pretend to like you that much for money. Why would they when they can pretend to like someone better than that and still get the same thing?