this is why

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Other urls found in this thread:

AVC: So you’re just drawn to certain subject matter?

RE: Yes, but obviously, I don’t live in a vacuum. So what’s going on in the world is going to come out. With The Witch, I wasn’t like [In a booming voice], “Well, ahhh, I got a good night’s sleep. I’m going to sit down and write me a feminist movie.” You know? I had an atmosphere, which was early New England, and I wanted to explore witches. Do I also see that movie through a feminist lens now that it’s done? No. These cryptomarxists love to inject their ideology into everything. They can't watch a movie without analyzing it through their simplistic, reductionist world view. If it has a female lead they'll say, "this movie is a powerful statement about feminism." Nothing but gender and race exist for these people. They're just not capable of abstract thinking beyond that. And then with this movie, I wasn’t like, “Now I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But of course they can't see anything deeper than that. There was a point in my life when I thought in this primitive way, but no longer. As I’ve said may times, nothing good happens when multiple ethnic groups are trapped in a large country vying for power. There inevitably will be a race war. So obviously that’s what’s going to happen in [America].

AVC: It does seem very inevitable between them. So, you didn’t sit down and go, “I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But at what point did you start to recognize that that’s what the story is about in some ways?


I wish period pieces made a return bros...

RE: This is what I mean. You're deaf and blind to what's brewing. If I placed a black character in a film it would all of a sudden be a social commentary about race relations. That's one reason I've never put a god damn nigger in my movies. But looking at things more broadly, at a certain point you ask yourself are the media, big business, big government, the military, the police, these people from traditional and patriarchal countries really siding with these leftists who want to see their way of life destroyed, their wealth, values, and power stripped from them? Or are they just trying to get traitors, subversives, sick and evil people to proudly out themselves publicly so they know who the enemy is? Flush them out and strip them of all plausible deniability you know?When my brother and I got all the way through university, we were like, “Yeah, that’s what’s going on.”


The bottom line is that the market for holuwood schlock is now entirely chinese and women. It's just market forces, viking hamlet could not possibly be less culturally appealing to these two core marjet demographics

>someone started a thread on 4channel

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He didn't say this

Link is right there bud

They did except in crappy bridgerton form. Costume drama is probably the only way to go now since women do watch it, chinese like sweeping historical costume epics too

Its been 2 days and that image is 3 days old

How many niggers?

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no one's going to the movies though unless its spider jew
did the light house make a money?

>Costume drama is probably the only way to go now since women do watch it
did that get renewed?
i doubt many women watch it as that conflates to very different female fantasies. the back yard beast with Mister Darcy lordly fantasy.
so, it was obviously a show to stroke negros egos and woman are not really into that unless it election time..

Correct. If nobody watches these flicks, Hollywood will be reduced to only creating rehashed capeshit. After a long enough time, these will burn out of interest of the general populace, and Hollywood will finally be dead. Do your part, only pay to see capeshit so you can hasten the death of Hollywood

Yeah and you altered your copypasta

You could have went you fucking faggot. You're the reason the only movies left are marvel movies.

>another box office earnings thread
So fucking tiresome. Brainlet faggots

CTRL+F "race war" shows up no results
And his answer to his own self-proposed feminism question was yes, not no
Better luck next time, chud

>So fucking tiresome. Brainlet faggots

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>build a bunch of mud huts
>that'll be 90 million dollars

You clearly didn't read the interview. Link is right there buddy

It's been out for 2 days you dumb nigger. Plus it's very critically acclaimed.

Kek, he checked.

Most of the budget went to consulting fees from Black Scandinavian historians

Seethe nazis

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I wish we'd get 4-5 hour movies with overtures and intermissions like ye Olde days again.

They still do

>RE: Yes, but obviously, I don’t live in a vacuum. So what’s going on in the world is going to come out. With The Witch, I wasn’t like [In a booming voice], “Well, ahhh, I got a good night’s sleep. I’m going to sit down and write me a feminist movie.” You know? I had an atmosphere, which was early New England, and I wanted to explore witches. Do I also see that movie through a feminist lens now that it’s done? Yeah.

>And then with this movie, I wasn’t like, “Now I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But as I’ve said may times, nothing good happens when two men are trapped in a giant phallus. So obviously that’s what’s going to happen in [the lighthouse].

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lol i dont really care i dont watch movies and i hope the degenerate poison goes down the drain even if it takes some good art with it. shuffling zoombies going through the motions are the only ones going to the movies
so let them support it.

Imagine not being American

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Did you seriously spend the time photoshopping the article because you can't admit you were wrong? Holy kek

It was renewed yes. Women LOVE bridgerton are you living under a rock?

>lol i dont really care

Wow thanks for the contribution you fuckin faggot

I do have to wonder what's happened to men. This is the kind of movie dads used to take their sons to see, or even go to by themselves. Are they that demoralized?

it will win a special Oscar made from a melted down 900-hundred-year-old Saxon sword from Denmark

Boomers and gen-Xers are low T, worthless retards that deserve lifetimes of beating for the crimes they have commited.

What have you done, millenial?

Should have been a tv series on Prime or something.

sauce chang

They really needed more plot lines they could between to keep the audiences attention

I'm a zoomer.

go white
go broke

Why are you simping for millenials?

>thanks for the contribution you fuckin faggot
lol imagine thinking you gilded jew fantasies are anything more than a prison of the mind.
i bet you dont have kids

I like him because he looks like Amos from the expanse

I'm not. Most of them just don't have children they could take to a movie like this.

whitesupremacists bros did we get too cocky?

>I like him because his Anus is expanded
fags in leather flock together, I guess

Genx here I'll bitch slap you back to your mums boyfriends house

>boomers enjoying fantasy movies

Grew up without a mother but nice try, faggot.

That's true, today's Western "men" are too busy either consenting to HRT or not having children at all.

"men" are made of onions nowadays what do you expect.

That's actually more than projected.

Lmao yup mummy issues

>This is the kind of movie dads used to take their sons to see, or even go to by themselves. Are they that demoralized?
lol they are out doing better things than watching some low bugged art film that only cinafags know about. like hand-to-hand combat and how to build explosives. movies lost their audience a long time ago covid just sped up the inevitable.
just lol

>ctrl+f race war
>0 results

That's what almost two decades of capeshit does to your brain. Historical epics and action movies are dead genres, it's all about super heroes, meme-able scenes and epic quips

>"men" are made of onions
I wish.
Because you can't sexually harass her?

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>like hand-to-hand combat and how to build explosives
Maybe 5% of them do this. You're absolutely delusional.

lol go chud, profits go thud.

historical epics have never been big since like the 60s

>like hand-to-hand combat and how to build explosives. movies lost their audience a long time ago covid just sped up the inevitable.
their getting fat and watching fox news, you delusional mfer.

>Meant to be Black Panther for white people
>Nobody watches it
It's unironically over, nobody can complain about diversity in entertainment again

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What is Oliver Stone's Alexander, Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator, Last Duel?

Gladiator and Kingdom of Heavens did pretty well but i suppose that's an exception than a rule.

>it's a smashing success according to Netflix
they say that about every show, and then they cancel it usually three sessions
lol where have you been?

stop making movies with whitey if you want to make money

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The cool ones love Conan and Clash of Titans

either isolated successes or failures

Last white male rhino died. Did you cry?

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bro i learned about that gay ass show from women talking about it

Spider-man invalidates your claim

>GrecoRoman Kino makes bank
>snownigger flicks bomb
HuWhitebros, we got too cocky…

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99% of them are angloid or LE VIKING BARBARIAN garbage
nobody gives a fuck about this shit. Its like they intentionally choose the most boring and ugly history to make movies on.
This is the world at the same time this viking shit takes place in
WHY IN GOD would you choose a bunch of mudhutters in some snowy shithole to make a movie on?

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trump lost

>It's 90 IQ Turkish Kaiser Soze again

>almost two decades
the original batman came out in 1989

vikingshit is extremely cheap to make