What are some self improvement kinos?

What are some self improvement kinos?

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wash your penis, haha!

man gone mad.

>self improvement guru
>daughter is a whore

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>*Hits pipe*

>clean your room!
>wash your penis!
>don't be a nice guy!

>wash your bed, bucko
>now excuse me while I fly to russia to take a boatload of illegal drugs to cure my depression

people look up to this guy

Home Improvement

American Beauty

>self improvement guru
>is a drug junkie

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Most serial killer flicks are great motivation, because these psychopaths lived a double life AND being successful in both, that's extremely productive, you just have to filter out the murder/canibalism/rape part.

Limitless (2011)

Wanted to post this.

I fucking hate people who want to self improve. Go fuck yourself. Your parents did a bad job, so just accept your fate as a piece of shit

>self improvement

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I dont hate people who improve or work on themselves. I hate those faggy "grindset mindset routine whatever" people who shill their way of life everywhere. Very annoying.

So jocko willink types

>just lift bro
>just shave it bro
>just be confident bro
>just talk to her bro, works for me every time

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He should just grow out his beard and start mining

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Very true but Yea Forums is my double life so...

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There's nothing funnier than nazi incel freaks from /pol/ wanting to self improve "to save the white race".
They even have a general full of their pathetic copium, it's hilarious.

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He would look much better if he got bulkier instead of getting lean and shredded. Now his head is way out of proportions compared to rest of his body. And that beard makes him look like a garden gnome, would probably look better without it. Some people are just dumb when it comes to their image.

here's a protip for you all: unless you are growing a giant beard, just fucking trim it along your jaw line and you will look 100x better. thank me later

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Ok? He still looks better than you?

>He still looks better than you?
keep projecting loser, I'm 6'2 and /fit/

If you really were fit you wouldn't be making fun of your fellow bros.
Now go back to your shithole r9k 2.0 board and post about how you get no bitches.


this pathetic redditor is not my bro, fuck him

Jordan should self improve and finally muster up enough courage to read 200 Years Together by Solzhenitsyn.

Back to looksmaxxing forum skinnyfat mantits tranny

The one with Redford where he goes innawoods and colonizes some native.

What an absolute brain-dead post. I bet the person who wrote that thought they were really smart as well lmfao

>what is every sports movie ever

>supposed to me smart, is dumb enough to get hooked on benzos

The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)

>smart people should have no flaws and their intelligence should prevent them from developing addictions
>any advice they give is rendered completely invalid as soon as they have a problem in their own life
ok midwit

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>falling for easy bait
I mean u just prove the poster right by being so detached that you cant even see when someone is memeing

>pic unrelated

t.genetic dead-end

Pretty sure getting fucked up on benzos and a paleo diet and then detoxing in Russia with brain damage as a result doesn't qualify as self improvement.

Not even talking about his deranged whore daughter.

"just lift bro" is my favorite cope of ugly incels
reminder that if you have handsome face nothing else matters, if you don't nothing will help you

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what an original and perceptive comment. have an updoot good sir! then go back to wherever you came from.

at least some of them have ok faces that could be fixed with a better hairstyle/beard.
but yeah, having a ripped body is not as important to women as guys think

You won't have a handsome face if you weigh 300 pounds. So lifting and getting in shape can definitely help to look better.

every single one of these men added 3-4 points on their fuckability score. It's still self improvement if you go from 2/10 to 6/10


Should've attached that photo of football hunk kissing the stacy.

>reminder that if you have handsome face nothing else matters, if you don't nothing will help you
This is exactly what incels like you believe. You fester in your own lack of self-improvement and you get bitter that other men actually put an effort in to make positive change to their lifes. Keep seething.

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Look, to get fit is great but an ugly face is an ugly face is a repulsive face is a loathsome face. Staying fit is an imperative. But don't sell them that snake oil of an idea that they'll be loved. Not being a coomer is great but those desperate people just ending up with blue balls and no positive changes. It's not worth it. What should be done is to block social media and maybe ban such fattening food. But you lot who have it vastly easier will sell losers this /sig/ either to build your brand or to keep your self-image intact. Of course you too had it so difficult, sure. You too labored and gave it your blood, sweat and tears. No, it didn't have anything to do with your genetics and fortune, nope. Totally not.

>If you really were fit you wouldn't be making fun of your fellow bros
Citation needed

Revolver and House That Jack Built
Cool Runnings

Somebody will love you no matter how ugly you are. The perception of looks is altered in our brains, add in other chemicals not dependent on looks like pheromones.

A disciplined person is easier to deal with and love, since they're less likely to burden you with useless garbage.

Listen to the David Duke radio show instead.


did that imbecile that wrote this post attached that pic or was it someone else? because it makes it even more evident how stupid it is. I know that american highschool football is hardly the epitome of athletism but even these fuckers have to train and work hard to get good results which is LITERALLY of the definitions of self improvement

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Unironically 8 Mile.
>rejects the girl at the end

Thank You For Smoking

put me in the screencap