I’m a neet with no social life that hasn’t talked to anyone not in the phone/zoom in nearly a month...

I’m a neet with no social life that hasn’t talked to anyone not in the phone/zoom in nearly a month, of which I’ve only spoken to my parents and people I’ve had job interviews with. I don’t go out for groceries I just order them off Amazon. I never go out to restaurants I just order door dash. My gym has no receptionist and there are no other places I go outside if my apartment aside from taking a 1 hour walk going nowhere everyday and going to my mailbox. I wake up at 11-12 but don’t get out of bed until 1-2. I don’t usually go to sleep until 3-4 am. I used to spend some time during the day applying for jobs but I haven’t even done that in a week. The strangest thing is I don’t feel there’s anything wrong with me aside from occasional bouts of rage loneliness and depression, but doesn’t everyone get that? I’ve also been immersing myself in anime to fill the growing emotional voids. I will say I’ve become addicted to caffeine, fapping, and Yea Forums especially. How long do you think I can manage like this before going insane?

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>I’ve become addicted to caffeine, fapping, and Yea Forums
wow, you are fucking doomed
and to think this is your peak

dude just go outside. just walk around your neighborhood for 5 minutes at least

Wow an early bird

this, turn off your computer and sit outside in silence for a while. and get a job fag

>I walk for an hour to nowhere everyday

I lost my job at the beginning of march. I really don’t want to switch apartments but I could easily find a job like what I did before if I was willing to relocate. I really like my current location though and like I said subletting and moving to a different apartment in only a couple of weeks for the new job seems like a hassle.

I was very hopeful I could quickly find a job in my local area but after 70 applications nothing. I’ve become especially distraught since I got turned down for two jobs that I’d interviewed for and seemed very promising, last Thursday.

Being a friendless white loser will eventually lead you to pol
Don’t be suprised when you start shitposting race bating threads all over this board

>only jobs I've ever had were various construction laborer gigs, a plumbing apprentice and a door dash driver
>construction labor killed me, I would put on average 15k-20k steps per day, feet and back were always achy from standing all day and carrying things, I tried sitting down to rest for a minute one time and immediately got in shit for it
>am a quiet autistic friendless guy who would barely say anything to anyone and gave short brief answers when someone asked me a question, I just kept my head down and did my work and people thought I was weird
>got bored with the laborer job and quit
>tried plumbing, I was basically a make a wish kid and only got hired because my dad is friends with the owner
>all the other young apprentices thought I was weird and treated me like absolute dog shit and would shit talk me behind my back and fucked with my tools and stuff
>quit that job when I had to work with this angry foreman who thought he was too good for everyone
>he would try to start fights with other tradesmen on the sight and completely disrespect people, he'd walk around with this swagger like he was the baddest mother fucker on site
>he sent me a super nasty and long text one day just completely ripping into me and attacking everything about me because i did drilled the wrong holes in several units
>I quit shortly after that because I was stressing every single day about what I'd get in trouble for
>was unemployed for a year
>got a job as a door dash driver, where I make my own hours and don't have to interact with anyone
>it's a decent gig that I've stuck with for 2 years and it pays the bills but it's also a dead end job and I kinda feel pathetic doing it because all I see are Pajeets doing it

How much money would say you typically make a month off door dash?

Have you finished school? I would assume your parents would be happy to help pay your tuition and it's one of the most assured ways to build or rebuild your social life, even if I think college is a huge scam. Afterwards you're much more likely to get higher paying jobs with your credentials.

Just do more activities outside
Go for a walk, go to a art gallery, anything that lets you leave the house for a bit
You will feel better
If that doesn't work, keep at it but consider taking antidepressants because your brain is probably broken
Don't listen to the Trad larpers on this board about medication, but don't get anything that blocks dopamine
Stick to SSRIs

I already got my undergrad. Was a stem degree too. I fucking hated college though. I much preferred having a job to it. And I didn’t have any social life at college.

3-4 hours a night 5-6 days a week gets you about 400 per work depending on the tips, sometimes I'll get 500 for doing the same work

I’m not taking fucking meds. I’m not a mental case (yet).

Per week*

So that’s like 20k a year? Do you live with your parents? If you didn’t have to pay rent and could just save or put into crypto, I mean do that 5 years and you could chill out in Thailand or something for like a decade off 100k. Not the worst deal.

Maybe try IT, as you say you have a STEM degree, but I have no work experience in any field as I'm still a restaurant wagecuck and student. Do you have any hobbies then, user? Some anecdotal advice, I met my best friend at a Japanese language school by chance, since I liked my native tongue and wanted to speak it more fluently. Just be more welcoming and people will fall into your arms. You could also try connecting with old friends from high school or even before; I don't think it's possible to have gone through school without at least somewhat of a friend. Godspeed user.

I live in my own small place, living at home isnt an option. I basically live paycheck to paycheque. All of my money goes to rent bills and food. I'm 26 and have $0 to my name

Actually the jobs I’m applying for are it :/

I don’t really have any hobbies aside from lifting, walking, and watching anime & history vids on YouTube if that even counts.

I actually do keep in touch with a highschool friend but we just message each other and send memes on discord we haven’t voice chatted in a while.

You could come live with me rent free. Just a heads-up, I will be wanting to fuck you in the ass every evening. But, my penis is very small.

That sucks user. If it means anything your story has given me some perspective there’s always some poor son of a bitch that has it worse.

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That me at 18. I'm 22 now and still going strong

>That me at
But my brain has probably shrunk from inactivity and depression, so there's that

Bros, what I write I reccommend to everyone itt:
Try to find hobbies/events/things to do that are:
>a. meaningful/fun to you
>b. give you a chance to meet new people
And by new people I mean both men and women. It's good to have friends, it keeps you in the loop and you get slightly less depressed.
>but what should I do kek
Depending on your age, your possibilities might narrow, but here are a few ways to meet new people if you're NEET:
>socially acceptable tier
Charity work, red cross (a lot of med students in my country go there), internship at a business, joining an association/ngo that you prefer, white collar group courses - acting, singing, dancing, aerobics. Using Facebook events to find free/paid group events (like organised hikes, workshops etc)
>borderline tier
If everything below fails, there is still some stuff to do.
speed dating, group dating events (?), group therapy.
>it's over tier
pick up artist shit.

Hope it helps

Indefinitely unless you’re genetically predisposed.
t. Hasn’t spoken out loud in six months or gone past the driveway in three years.

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How old are you? Are you fat? I've been on the hermit path for a while but my one problem is overeating relative to my inactivity. I'm probably going to have to start going to the gym to sort it out

I browse this board with a bunch of mentally ill losers

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Not right now, but I have been in the past.
I have weights and a treadmill.

Where did you think you were?

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>He thinks there's anyone else here

If this is a fucking realization to you, you are beyond a newfag. Just because its only spoken about in threads like these doesn't mean we all don't know it. where do you think you are
fun fact it's not exclusive to Yea Forums

Not gonna give you anons big advice or anything, but do at least try and get outside every 1/2 days. Im not saying make friends or talk to women or anything. Just fresh air and sunlight. It will make you feel better. Trust.

Who usually go to acting courses? I’ve kind of had a dream about being another Paul Dano like actor, not that I really believe I can make it just a dream, though I would assume those places would be stuffed with chads and Stacies? Or is it more of a boomer thing? I would kind of be self conscious if I was surrounded by good looking chads and Stacie’s.

>I’m a neet with no social life that hasn’t talked to anyone not in the phone/zoom in nearly a month, of which I’ve only spoken to my parents and people I’ve had job interviews with. I don’t go out for groceries I just order them off Amazon. I never go out to restaurants I just order door dash. My gym has no receptionist and there are no other places I go outside if my apartment aside from taking a 1 hour walk going nowhere everyday and going to my mailbox. I wake up at 11-12 but don’t get out of bed until 1-2. I don’t usually go to sleep until 3-4 am. I used to spend some time during the day applying for jobs but I haven’t even done that in a week. The strangest thing is I don’t feel there’s anything wrong with me aside from occasional bouts of rage loneliness and depression, but doesn’t everyone get that? I’ve also been immersing myself in anime to fill the growing emotional voids. I will say I’ve become addicted to caffeine, fapping, and Yea Forums especially. How long do you think I can manage like this before going insane?
This is what you are addicted to, people basedjacking your comments? Learn to talk to people, try to make small convo at the gym X 3 next time

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I wanna feel worse. I hope to one day feel bad enough to kill myself. Not there yet.

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I dont really have space for that, I'll probably end up going to a 24/7 gym so I can come and go when I want
I'm also worried about vitamin D deficiency, I know I'm really low in that right now

>this board

I feel fine. I’m not depressed or anything. I just hate and fear people and will do almost anything to never directly interact with one irl again.

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>want to go to the gym, decided this year to start to turn life around or at least work on not feeling like shit and insecure all the time
>have to be triple vaccinated to go to the gym
>even 24 hour gyms when no one else is there

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I’ve wasted my life

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do whatever the fuck you want with your life. stop seeking acknowledgment and reward for it, be a man. you're on your own. regardless whatever handicaps and hindrances that entails.

Lol this

Filthy casuals

Literally me except I live alone, don't drink anything with caffeine and haven't applied to any jobs since losing mine. I think I could manage this for the rest of my life without losing any sanity.

If you give up on people you protect yourself from pain and rejection and all that, but you deny yourself happiness. You can't be happy on your own. You really can't, humans dont work like that

Go throw rocks around in the woods.

I don’t understand how anyone maintains a 24 hour sleep schedule unless required to for work and with sleeping pills as needed. By default I just free run on a ~30ish hour cycle and fall asleep and wake up at constantly shifting times.

Speak for yourself

>applying for jobs

>You can't be happy on your own. You really can't, humans dont work like that
Nah, retarded generalisation. Humans may be inherently social animals but consciousness means every person is going to be unique and there's plenty of people that function just fine with solitude.

I’m unironically too afraid to interact with other people because I think I’ll fuck it all up

If youre a neet how can you afford door dash and gym membership?

You're either deluding yourself, aren't actually truly alone, or haven't been that way for very long. If there is a type of person who can mentally survive 0 human contact, I can guarantee it's not either of you. It would be extremely rare
You're proving my point by the fact that you're on a discussion board, replying to me. This is a form of socializing. You are here with us

I'm actually a male prostitute


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he's a full time larper

I have like 5k in savings from my previous jobs and 70k from my parents.

>be 31 years old
>went to like 8 different schools from kindergarten to grade 10 because I moved around so much so I was always the "new kid"
>dropped out of school in grade 10 because social anxiety and depression rocked me
>became a neet
>dad let me work for him when I was 18, I was just sweeping parkades and cleaning up shit
>quit after a month due to the sheer dull repetitiveness of sweeping every single day
>was a neet for 3 years
>got into smoking pot and became a weed fiend
>dad got me a job working on electrical at 22
>did it for 2 months and quit due to social anxiety and not being able to "fit in" with the crew due to my poor social skills
>neet for another 2 years
>got a job again working for my dad, back to sweeping parkades
>did this for 3 months
>quit because i hated it, My life was to get up, drive to work and sweep for 8 hours, I had to wear gloves because I got blisters on my hands from holding the broom so much
>neet again for 2 years
>26 year, applied myself for a landscaping job
>had to commute 1 hour into work and 1 hour home thru rush hour traffic
>quit after 3 weeks because it was yet another soul sucking job
>became neet again for a year
>get a job as a uber eats driver
>turns out being my own boss making my own hours and not having to interact with anyone works out well for me and I've been doing this for 3 years now and have no desire to look for any other job knowing how soul suckingly shitty everything is for uneducated morons like me

Whats gonna happen when you run out?

Sure thing user, sure thing. Here's another reply in acknowledgement of your existence and that's a cute bunny pic you got there, but we're not socializing just to be clear

try this for 8 years, on the eighth year of smalltown neethood and only just begun to feel it

I have a full time job and still have no social life.
Maybe I should have stayed a NEET>

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>what are schizoid tendencies

how can neets afford to just even live, unless youre in somewhere like germany or sweden, can you really live off 10-15k$ a year?

That would take years desu. As coy can see I’ve only been without a job for a couple of months and am actively trying to end that. Currently debating in my head whether it’s worth it at this point to start applying to places I’ll have to relocate for.

I have been more frugal since becoming a neet though.

If I did ever run out I could move in with my parents but I really don’t want to do that since my dad will make me get some minimum wage shit. Plus he’ll be pissed I wasted all my savings after neeting for like 6-7 years. I suppose I could always go and live with my grandma too. She’d probably welcome the company actually. Pretty close to where I grew up too.

See most I assume live with their parents or are in welfare.

neets just need rent money and food $10-15k should cover that

Working is a toss up. If you don’t fully hate your work I much prefer working to neeting. It give you a sense of purpose and order to your life. I left a job I really liked for one that went in probably a better career direction and paid more money, but the company was super gay and I was completely apathetic about my coworkers and disliked my work. I ended up getting fired because I tucked up but really it was probably because I was drinking to much which kind of fucked yo my head and I was an antisocial worker that no one really liked so they had no qualms about getting rid of me.

Life lesson for me I guess, don’t throw away a job you enjoy for something with “better opportunity”.

I used to have a high-paying techie job and made enough crypto money to scrape by on investments. Turns out I’d rather live in pseudo poverty than work.