A woman president? Well I reckon there wouldn't be much wrong with that...

>A woman president? Well I reckon there wouldn't be much wrong with that, seein' as how most of the men that's been doing it ain't too great at it.

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This is why until recently the Americans never let semi literate criminals dictate the law.

Now it's all run by god's chosen people.

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Dumb brits wrote this shit.

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Is that really a line in the game?

some feller raped me down by the bayou

not sure. but a lot of the game can be summed up that way.

t. has never played the game

Miss, are these men BOTHERIN' you?

No wonder YHWH chose her

Arthur was definitely cruising, why else would you walk into a strange man's house?

smelly, DUMB, Yea Forumseddit SCUM

>semi literate criminals
thats a lot of words just to say women

Oh NOOOOOOO I hate Jews hahahaha please no

why does this game trigger adhd Yea Forumsirgin zoomers so hard?!?


not even close, kek

Well, I actually meant niggers and other brown sorts, but that works too.

RDR 2 was more kino than 99% of films. What a masterpiece

It has no replayability

Jesus, why does this khazar looks so fertile

Because she’s pregnant?

Neither do films, that's the cost of making kino.

zoomers are the ones playing with toys still.

This. Most fun ive had with any media in the last 5 years

look at this fat Yea Forumsedditor

lol no, more millenials play games than zoomers for sure, zoomers just watch them on twitch and then go get high on xanax and eat male ass

I can rewatch kinos. As a matter of fact I have seen some movies more than once. Meanwhile I played rdr2 once and never intend to replay that long ass horse riding sim again. Like most of the gameplay is furiously tapping the gallop button. Get you head out of your ass

Preganant again?
Damn. I hope this one actually comes to term this time around

You seem upset by what I said. Maybe you should go back to Yea Forums where people will agree with you.

>Men dressing as women? Wellll I s'pose the men 'round here ain't that good lookin' so maybe it'll be an improvement!

I tried so many times to get into this game but the controls feel so slow or delayed or something, like it takes 5 seconds just to turn my character around. Does it get better over time or is that just how the game is?

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>Yea Forums where people would agree to you

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Yea Forums doesn't like good games either. Your bad taste belongs there

Its a 9/10. I take it you've never played Resident Evil or Silent Hill? Tank controls would probably give you a heart attack.

The movement is more fluid if you use first person.

I actually don’t know I never go there but keep you vidyashit in your containment board. It’s like you zoomers are unaware of how this game is just an amalgam of the hundreds of westerns. Literally some side missions are just plots to movies.

Same lol feels like you're walking through mud the whole time. Many hours in and hasn't gotten better. Wish it controlled like mass effect desu


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>tapping the A button for 5 minutes straight to get across the big ass map
Wow that’s real kino gameplay.

dumb Yea Forumsedditor

are you retarded? he's not talking about the control system, he's talking about how delayed the game feels.

love this game, probably the most fun ive ever had with a game, but yeah, the controls are shit, it feels like controlling a tank most of the times

camera response is nonsense and doesnt mean anything, video game cameras are purposefully programmed to have slight delays and lerps to be easy on the senses

Dumb Red Dead 1 was also like this

That's not the camera movement dumbass, it's the character movement. And yes it really is that delayed.

The stealth mechanics in this game are a joke. What’s the point even?

oh yeah, its kino

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read the stat being taken in green you fucking monkeyman

Western without Ennio Morricone can never be kino. A film at best, but never kino.

You are just autistic, it feels fine. You zoomers have no idea what bad game feel is are. You are too damn spoiled.

GTA IV was dogshit

zip it wop, white people are talking

>seein' as how most of the men that's been doing it ain't too great at it.
is he wrong tho?

no it wasn't, rdr1 was closer to la noire and gta 4. rdr2 felt closer to max payne 3

no, but the main gang are bizarrely progressive even by modern standards, let alone the time period the game is based during. RDR 1’s story was better anyway, and it also didn’t have the super subtle, totally not at all on the nose political undertones

what a plebeian take. Terrible taste user.

Idk if it was intentional, but Dutch's gang was a story about why communism doesn't work.

its dogshit, you contrarian little zoomer shit

Arthur > John
The island chapter was shit, the prologue sections were shit
Part 3 should be about Dutch or at least have a spin off or something, I miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe

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was he even a commie? he felt more like an edgy hypocritical anarchist larper

>it's SUPPOSED to feel like shit!
does Yea Forums actually???

nta but it is. Awful gunplay, shit driving, boring world, annoying useless side characters, ugly visuals, which yeah sure its new york its suppose to look drab and samey, but still awful. Kino radio stations, and a kino story, better than Vs, but that doesnt make up for the fact that once I beat it I never came back to it, barely fucked around in the openworld.

>Arthur > John
i don think that anyone disagrees, john is a bitch

>Part 3 should be about Dutch or at least have a spin off or something, I miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe
Dutch was a dumb piece of shit and so are you.

>people will agree with you
Genuinely laughed

Arthur is a huge hypocrite who isn't even close to redemption by the end.

lots of idiot shitskins ITT starting with OP

definitely not intentional. but I will give the game credit for essentially being anti-government, pro-family values

it had some
>first playthrough: rush through story, do all side content as John
>second playthrough: go through story slowly, do all side content as Arthur

based retard, getting the point

How is that the point when he dies peacefully looking at the sunset? Meanwhile the whole game he makes moral judgments throughout the whole game while robbing and killing anyone he feels like?

>t. basing his opinion on John off of his butchered character in RDR 2
he’s a much stronger character in the first game than he is in the second, and is honestly a lot more likable than Arthur.

not the user you’re replying to, but a recurring theme in both games is that the protagonists don’t really receive redemption. despite coming to terms with the terrible choices they made and trying to be better people, their past still catches up with them and they pay the price in the end.

Non-American here, he is correct.

you could make the same decisions with John in the 1st game and he goes out no different

I feel like John redeemed himself pretty well in the first game:
>killed only gang members, rebels, or soldiers working for a corrupt government
>Motivated by his family
>Died trying to save them

Arthur canonically kills quite a few regular guys just doing their jobs. In some missions like where you steal the horses you're forced to kill the ranch hand (who's only crime is a shoehorned line where he calls Javier a "beaner" or something) because if you try and knock him out you instantly break his neck. You go on to kill about two dozen prison guards as well later on.

yes it is. you can talk to a random lady about voting rights and this topic gets brought up