Is that a heckin Yea Forums reference in a heckin comic book movie!!!!

>is that a heckin Yea Forums reference in a heckin comic book movie!!!!

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>Yea Forums is the villain
bros why do they hate us? what did we ever do? fuck em anyways

>what did we ever do?
we became soft after 2016, especially Yea Forums

nah even before then people on other websites hated us

Yea Forums is full of evil scary hackers. Luckily this is 4channel.

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It's just the mainstream vilifying internet anonymity in general. By the end of the decade you will have to have your real world identity attached to everything you do on the internet.

/pol/ being the bad guys is accurate to reality

not really

/pol/ is half fat old boomer zionist from facebook and half zionist groyper fags.

/pol/ is a National Socialist board, kike. The Establishment fear us

high IQ post

Meanwhile even /pol/ btfo the latest mass shooter

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>zoomers being arrogant and not knowing shit they are seething about
I guess you aren’t aware that there are other Chans? Ate chan was where all the shooters would shitpost. This is probably a reference to that part of the internet. A reference to chans and the fringe types that use it. You are now aware that this is the mainstream normie reddit Chan
For me it’s bbwchan

The truth unmasked is that capeshit is fucking gay and disney is a satanic company.

What was going through his head? Do you think he was actually laughing or just typed it but wasn't.

Beats me

link to thread?

archive [dot] ph/nrliO

He was probably scared shitless and crying because he was such a massive failure.

He leveled up

you're right, but they obviously chose that imageboard format for a reason

>try and organize a terror attack on real Yea Forums
>get called a fed and v&'d
hollywood makes Yea Forums look way more badass

Have you even been to any of the other chans? Shut up dude you’re crying over nothing. This is normie chan.

I wish webm had sound sheeet

Why wouldn't they?
>be in DC
>decide to go out with a bang
>shoot some random people including a kid
What a fucking waste.


go outside nerd, Yea Forums shouldn't be a hobby

Literally the same day another guy lit himself on fire in front of the Supreme Court. He went out with a bang and didn’t hurt anyone but himself in the process.

That's also a waste. Burn the court down while you're at it.
How anyone on /pol/ would think targeting a random family would be better than redacted, I have no idea.

could you IMAGINE if the director somehow snuck a bane reference into this scene

Has anyone said what his (the guy who set himself on fire was) message or meaning was? I looked around and saw nothing.

From the top of my head
Eight Chan
Christchurch shooting
El Paso shooting
Dallas courthouse shooting
"It's OK to be white" dogwhistle flyer campaign"
Andrew Auernheimer existence
And generally keeping your collective legs open for every nazis who have a message to spread like the little nazi whore you are

Fuck, now someone has to go and shop a CIA.jpg into the pic.

We get it, you prefer leftypol.

It made me laugh and when I pointed it out to a friend he also laughed

Imagine a new director on the scene winning an Oscar, he goes up to the stage, sweating, crying. He begins his speech

>God, thank you to the Academy. I can't even describe what I'm feeling right now. I was once just a fan of film, sitting at home, watching movies. I feel like such a big guy up here, now. There were times during the making of this film where I didn't think I could pull it off. I thought it would be extremely painful to pull it off. Even thought I would die. But I'm here now to say, to every television and film fan out there.... this one's for you.

He’s not the only one who’s done something like that here in dc. This is the second time I’ve heard of someone immolating and they don’t release the reasons why.

/pol/ stopped being national socialists in February. Now they support denazification.

No that's just the reasoning anti-nazi's gave for supporting Russia.
Every serious person acknowledges Azov aren't natsoc, in fact they're incredibly pro-jew, they're most likely just doing it because they think nazis are a good anti-Russia look.


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Everybody hated 9gag

on what level of fsb propaganda are you on my dude

ok but besides that

>nooo the Azov swastikas were Hindu symbols of peace
High grade copium.

Have you ever read a Yea Forums post? Half of the people here want to genocide everyone and the other half are pedophiles

Yea Forums was morally in the right about gamergate

>funded by jews
>the ADL say they aren't a hate group because they don't target jews
>their leader visits the jew wall
>the only "nazi" thing they seem to do is hate Russia
You can deny reality but it will remain reality.

Leave then niggerfaggot

Is that all it takes to get on someone's bad side these days?


Pizzagate was real.

The national socialist era has ended just like it's libertarian days. /pol/ is nazbol now

This but unironically. You can't expect to be advocating for mass murder and not to be villified

>you cant shitpost

I was so confused about the motive for this, but after long consideration, I realized he probably had already decided he wanted to kill himself and thought it would be cool if he became an e-famous meme postmortem hence the pol posts, the wikipedia edits and the yakub poster.

>i-i was just joking guys! i'm not really a nazi i'm just s-shitposting! please accept me!
Pathetic villain.

Yeah, imagine thinking you could talk about getting rid of White people and not get vilified.

>video taken down
What a shame. What happened? I haven't even heard about any shooting, so I guess it was a wet fart?

>/pol/ being PORTRAYED as the bad guys even though they are clearly right is accurate to reality

I mean the common consensus among 85% of the world population is to get rid of the white devil and victors write history so they won't be villified
Also you want the same thing for Niggers and yet you think you are morally in the right kek what a hypocritic villain

>but /pol/...
Yea Forums's more racist, transphobic, misogynistic, antisemitic & homophobic than /pol/. When will it be our turn?

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All chans are related idiot

pizzagate was true though. You're spreading for the establishment like the homo you are.

>among 85% of the world
I don't give a shit about non-White countries, why would I care about what they think? We're talking about people in White countries.

What the fuck are you even on about faggot?

I was actually dating a woman who was on the writing team for The Batman. I cracked some Bane jokes and suggested she include them but she "didn't get it" and my efforts to explain them to her led to me being forced to admit I browse Yea Forums.
My bad, boys. FWIW I remain a virgin to this day :(

Nice b8

>a woman couldn't understand Bane

A /pol/ poster literally just shot up a bunch of kindergartners in DC before shooting himself. They are as evil as possible. Also non-white

Fortunately they're also inept so he didn't kill anyone.

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/pol/ beat you to the punch at calling him a faggot.

>society oppresses gamers
>be surprised when gamers rise up