ITT: stuff only (You) watched

ITT: stuff only (You) watched

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I think I watched this with my mom and sister when I was little. I don't remember it but it looks familiar enough.

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I watched for the plot

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i watched OUAT, user. evil queen was hot

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Am I the only one who watched this?

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Once upon a time is ass when you realize it's a shittier version off the comic it completely ripped off, Fables

SRK uses CGI and facial prosthetics to play a Bollywood star and his stalker. Really fun thriller.

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no tons of people like this

I prefer the Japanese original

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No Child of Mine (1997)

>fables guy had a deal in place to let them adapt his mediocre comic
>he tried to hold out for more money
>abc just laughed in his face and made it about disney shit instead
what an idiot. That shit went on for 7 seasons. Imagine all that money. Producer credits, creator credits, writer credits. All down the drain. Instead he wrote a few more comics that no one read. What was he THINKING??

both look good

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the comic is shit. once upon a time is much better

Andy Lau plays a former Buddhist monk turned bodybuilder who has the ability to see another person's karma. He tries to save the life of a police detective after seeing that she's fated to die.

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>Dave McKean
hey, i remember him

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i win

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Sleepy Hollow. It was alright but turned to shit eventually. It came before tumblrization of everything so it's lacking in the gay overbearing woke shit.

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this was prime mommy kino i loved it

Well meme’d
>I’ll just pick a foreign movie from whatever shitbox I crawled out of
2 can play at that game

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hey guys lets pretend that every scientific invention was made by benni franklin

Guy looks like hes dressed for 1700's new england, black chick looks like she just walked out of high school in modern era. Whats happening in this show

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difference is i saw the movie i posted, you haven't. so...i win (like i said)

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Are they hot?

Bullshit, I also watched it

I’ve seen all the octagon movies. They used to play them on TV Azteca on sundays.
Octagon y Atlantis
Octagon y Atlantis 2 la revancha
Pta madre. Octagon y perro Aguayo contra chiquidracula.
I’ve seen so much obscure Mexican shit I could bury the entire Iranian film industry in the vhs tapes alone.

I'm pretty sure no Americans watched this as you fucks are afraid of foreign languages

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Do you watch any lucha libre, or just the movies the Luchadors star in?

The guy is Ichabod Crane. He wakes up in current times, she's a modern day cop. They fights ghosts and demons and shit. First season was pretty good. Lots of gunplay. John Cho gets his head turned around and comes back possessed.

I'm sure I'm the only one who remembers this, let alone watched it.

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We watched this in school

Ça vaut le coup?

Looks spooky. Is it?


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It is actually genuinely creepy for the first 80% of the show, then it drops off a bit and the end is a bit disappointing. But otherwise if you are okay with French and using subtitles (I will shoot you in the face if you dub it) it is a very unsettling and clever little horror show.

i like vive l'amour. need to watch more of his films desu

Bro that soundtrack is so kino, I made a bootleg cd and play it in my car on the way to bars all the time. Makes me feel like a young gook that’s in love with another gook

Can’t forget this

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no, literally every faggot r-dditor loves that shit

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I expect Yea Forums to shit on me for it but I've always liked Tig for her sincerity and how really dry her humor is.
Didn't even know One Mississippi existed until scrounging for some shit to watch because I have to keep myself awake from 10-sunrise

forgot pic, starting to get sleepy retard brain

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I remember this show, although in my vague childhood memories the costumes looked better than this.

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My mother and I watched the first season and then stopped, we felt that it would have worked more as a miniseries, how did it go?

I always saw her in bad stuff and was interested in seeing her in something actually good, how is it like user?

this is the type of strong womenshit they should be doing
women with cleavage and hips, fighting with swords or guns or their bare feet
it would make millions