Wheel of Time

They did it again WoT fans!

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No shit. You think "They hate you and they want to kill you" was ironic?

For fuck’s sake.
I binge watched the show yesterday, and I don’t understand how they fucked it up so badly. Just follow the stupid book.

Niggers are americas gods

Aviendafags on suicide watch

>is real

Reminder that the last thread autosaged before bump limit and Amazon still owns the jannies.
Aviendha best girl poster has been suspiciously silent since the news dropped.

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the people that make these sorts of shows hate the books because their creative ideas never got any attention while some nerckbeard author got millions of readers writing fantasy. They shoehorn in as much of their own ideas into these shows when they get the chance, they don't care for the source and the studio doesn't care because these exact sorts of people becuase they're cheap. All the people in charge of these big budget fantasy shows are absolute whos with barely any prior achievements.

wheres the aviendha best girl poster?

The final scene in EoTW was so much more impactful.
Why did they have the horn of Valere just stashed inside Fal Dara. Where were Aginor and Balthamel?

Why didn’t they include the absolutely kino prelude as the actual opening of the show with Lews Therin slaughtering his family and friends? Ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuaaaaaarrrrrkkk….

These hacks would get more credit and respect and the ability to do their own thing if they had done a proper job of it.

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Elayne will be alright bros. Atleast one of Rand's 3 women will be attractive right? Shame it's the worst fucking one.

The eye of the world prologue is the best fantasy intro, ever. I doubt it will ever be topped. Why the fuck would you change it? Blah blah jews, sure, but goddamn, you still have to sell a product though right?

Everyone who actually read the books has been on suicide watch since the show aired.

i hate white people
i love black people
black lives are simply more important than white lives

I made it about 1 minute in and dropped it. The only way the tone can be properly shown is through animation.

A few reasons.
>the prologue cements the Dragon as the focus of the story
The show very obviously wants to diminish his role as much as possible and give it to the women instead.
>they changed the backstory of the Breaking and the prologue doesn't fit the new story
The prologue shows the Dragon as a tragic figure who meant good but couldn't predict the outcome of his desperate actions. The show instead made him into an arrogant douche who got warned about what would happen by his wise female colleague the Tamyrlin (a role they invented for the show, in the books LTT himself was the Tamyrlin) and yet he still went and doomed everyone because of his hubris.
>complete lack of awareness for what makes a compelling story
This plagued the entire season at every turn. They simply are not good storytellers.

Replying to my own post because thinking about that last point just started making me mad again because it's so fucking true. They skipped CAEMLYN for the gay warder suicide subplot and middle aged lesbians. It's fucking infuriating how dumb these writers are.

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We will never have anything good again that isn't plagued by niggers. Fuck jews and fuck the 21st century

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I don't get it. The whole point of the Aiel was for them not to look like typical desert people, but some unique fantasy Irish looking nomads. Yet the showrunner here made them non white anyway.

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Wasn't the book woke as shit? I remember dropping it with utter disgust.
What a strange thing to cry over.

Light brown hair doesn't work with dreads, sorry to say. This lady may as well have straightened out her hair or simply turned it into an afro.

LMAO this is hilarious. The actress is actually from Ireland, Rafe Judkins actually went out of his way to get an Irish actress but of course went for a black Irish actress for a character based on a white Irish redhead. That is an even bigger fuck you to white people than if they just hired some american nog.

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>tfw no thicc forsaken gf

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That thing is so ugly.

rip avi best girl poster

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i've got to hand it to rafe, he somehow made a show with the most unattractive cast known to man

>Jordan has said that he thought it would be fun to have the Aiel as a desert culture but with Irish heritage
Exactly as the creator intended it.

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Is that real?

>fidget spinner
>freak accident

I saw the usual suspects smugly pointing out how she's half irish or something as if that was what Jordan meant by "looking irish". These people are fucking deranged.

eh idk. midnight tides prologue is the GOAT

>complain fpr mpnths straight
>still watch it and give money to them
Peak Yea Forums

We're all piratechads here.

I hate this show so much. Predictions: Faile will have a feminine penis.
The trollock attack on The Stone will be beat back by Nignaeve wielding Calandor while Rand pisses and shits himself.
An Aes'Sedai will perform an abortion with the Power.
Avienda and Elaine will be lesbian lovers and using a Wise One ritual Avienda will be the "father" of Elaine's babies.
Rand overcomes the Dark One's taint by cutting off his genitals. Many Ash'aman follow his example except for the evil ones.

It also isn't the introduction to the series though. And seeing the full course of the series then going back to eye of the world? Goddamn. Guy knew how to fucking plan.

>paying for the one-eyed electric jew
Oh I am laffin

Nope, I'm never watching it. I don't watch shows, films, tranime or streams.

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It's basically cheating to predict that a cool moment belonging to a man will be stolen and given to a woman instead. The show did it EVERY single time in S1.

>okay so the character has to have red hair and an irish accent, how else can we fuck her up?

reminder what should have been

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that damn smile!

What did they mean by this?

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>once again casting a hideous creatura

He wins again

Any book reader that doesn’t genuinely deserve to be beheaded saw the first casting promos of the niggerfied Emond's Fielders, decided against ever watching a single second of the show, and had just shitposter over casting news, promo shots, and webms we came across in the show threads

Physics isn't real because she's an Aiel warrior and also she doesn't have to veil because she's not really an Aiel.

I legit forgot WoT was getting a second season.

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Light willing it's the last.

Why did the man miss though? It would actually be a pretty impressive trick, to purposely miss a move like that.

How are all the Two Rivers characters so racially diverse when their entire backstory is that they're inbred hillbillies that have been there for 2000 years with almost no contact with the outside world?

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Good question, for another turning.

shes fast

My nipples! Ahh. They hurt when I twist them!

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The mental gymnastics about this were so fucking funny. People had to come up with all kinds of retarded and convoluted explanations to make it even remotely plausible when you could've just made them book accurate because it makes fucking sense.

>when you make a bigger impact in ten minutes of screen time you have than all the leads and other side characters
They wasted Logain WAY too early.

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I could believe that a far dareis mai could fight like that. I can't believe Tigraine could pull that shit off with only 3 years of training

Kinda funny how they forgot to edit out the modern railing in the castle during that scene.

i miss /wot/ threads

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Even a real Maiden fighting like that would be very improbable. The Aiel are simply peak human, but they are not SUPER-human. She was also in the middle of giving birth and no woman would've been fighting like that in her position. But yeah, for Tigraine it's even less believable.