It's been 7 years, can we all agree this movie was shit now?

It's been 7 years, can we all agree this movie was shit now?

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No it was pure kino

Easily my favorite capeshit movie.

7 years????? fuck off

After LE BATMAN i am finding new appreciation for Snider's work.

all i remember from that movie was something about piss in a jar

this but unironically

Actually, it was the best Batman we've seen on film.

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if you like this you have very bad taste


>kills random street thugs for no reason

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early batman killed in more cruel ways
this one seemed like he didn't have time to waste wondering whether he killed someone or not, but didn't go out of his way to brutally murder them either
he just roughed them up to the point where they'd be seriously hurt

the entire point of batmans character is he never has killed, and if he does its an accident or something drastic and he ends up with PTSD about it

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that was written into modern batman as a result of censorship that was being established back in the day
it's never been all that important given that most film incarnations of him do kill, but whatever the case may be, i don't think he should use guns to do so because that would take away from his physical prowess

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in some ways snyder batman is more merciful
bruce can be a huge asshole if he wants to

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>modern batman

He only had a gun for his first few issues, Snyderchud.


>cherrypicked examples from an 80 year legacy.

My god Op, how do you still go on in life after having been filtered this hard?


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>the entire point of batmans character is he never has killed
lmao he runs a weapons company

>the entire point of batmans character is he never has killed
No, he made an army of paraplegics in solidarity with the special Olympic games.
Stop with that bullshit, Batman never kills in cold blood like the Punisher to name one but if you die in the middle of combat you die, get fucked.

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Pretty much. He avoids killing because he doesn't want to be like the people he's after, but anything could happen in a fight.
His dad on the other hand is a straight up murderer when he gets the mantle and I like the contrast.

>come into thread expecting contrarian retards
>it's full of contrarian retards

yeah like the bad guys are calling an ambulance to come get the guy whose lungs batman punctured

As a story it left no impression on me whatsoever. It was completely forgettable. As a collection of scenes it had moments like the warehouse fight where I was impressed but the one problem I could never get past is how Snyder cribbed scenes and lines from good to great batman stories to cram them into his not-very-good Batman/Superman story. What a waste. This guy grabbed Dark Knight, Some Death of Superman, and a few other choice bits and just cobbled them together and called it original. Fuck him for doing that.

This is just my long-winded fuck you to all the comic purists that has a cursory knowledge of Batman but still want to spout bullshit.

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>Pretty much. He avoids killing because he doesn't want to be like the people he's after, but anything could happen in a fight.
This is a lame copout that avoids accountability for Batman, who's very clearly killing dozens of people.
The whole "Batman never kills" line has been completely fabricated by fans, Batman kills poor people all the time, it's what he spends 90% of his time doing as Batman.

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you have to be a chad to understand

no it was gyno

>Batman kills poor people all the time
Commies get the rope, go masturbate with Darekekil you fagot.

Do people really not realize that Batman killing in this movie was portrayed as a bad thing? That's his whole character arc, when Superman dies he realizes he lost his humanity and changes his ways.

>Yea Forums filenames
Sounds like you don't read comics and just cherrypicked out of context examples from the many bad Batman writers/editors over the years.

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uhhh, based?

I explained that the "batman never kills" is bullshit but you want to argue, pretty sad user.

That's your argument? The fact that these comics and moments exist should be enough to tell you that you're full of shit.

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Batman never kills, dude

>7 years

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Not him but I find it funny how if it's something you dislike it's inherently a bad writer, when that may not actually be the case.
At any rate, it's not something that people should overthink and it's a shame this thread turned into one of those debates.
99.9% of superheroes generally avoid killing. The long winded debates over Batman are odd.

lmao you're rooting for a billionaire globohomo jew idiot

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Should be a farmer with all the vegetables he is making.

In that pic he just POOMed him, didn't kill him
Try again

BvS discussion is always plagued by comic book purists to autistic to accept any other than the one that lives entirely inside their own heads.

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>money bad
Anyone cleaning the streets is good in my eyes, rope for you.

it's a comic book character ffs
there's worse rich people in fiction lmao

>I find it funny how if it's something you dislike it's inherently a bad writer, when that may not actually be the case
Anything published after December 31st 1979 was by a bad writer.

This one is from Batman: Shaman, that apparently Robert Pattinson was raving about.

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Snyder hasn't made a single good capeshit movie outside of Watchmen. This flick is horrible.

>Anything [headcanon]
alright, noted

this is because you're a retard, Wayne Enterprises is causing the problems in the first place.
Ok, that doesn't mean that you should be rooting for Batman.

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It's a pretty good story, would recommend.
Didn't really see aspects of it in Pattinsons' performance, but it might've been subtle ways in which his obsession with the Batman persona blended with his real life I guess.