Maybe zoomers aren't so bad after all...
Maybe zoomers aren't so bad after all
you can only get pandered to for so long before it gets annoying.
One of those is mine.
Zoomers and /pol/tards are both NPCs who just parrot whatever memes they see on iFunny.
It is true.
True, us free thinkers consume everything and never complain.
Have sex.
Touch grass.
Trump lost.
Not if you have an average IQ of 85 and a planning horizon of five minutes. You can guess which group fits that.
People here forget that a large chunk of gen z swung right as a result of dysfunctional upbringings from having super left wing Gen X parents who didn’t know how to parent, jumped for ADHD diagnoses and shoved ritalin down their throats
Zoomers are raised by millennials, not gen X.
Gen Z is literally the most conservative generation since the Greatest Generation.
>a joke TikTok is evidence of this
LMAO. Something like 20% of zoomers identify as LGBTQ. This is the biggest cope ever.
I know it's you Chris
you're actually retarded
Because you're wrong? Okay.
Only incels comment on some cartoon for kids, real zoomers are out there being black (40% of under 20s), gay (30% of under 20) and having sex
Yeah propped up by ‘bisexual’ edgy girls and ‘queer’ people who grow out of it
>black (40% of under 20s)
No wonder test scores are cratering
Gen Z is the most POLARIZED generation, partially as a direct result of being the first generation to use online sources over television.
... /pol/? is /pol/ the right answer?
Zoomers are becoming more slutty and promiscous but also obese and mutted
>Only incels comment on some cartoon for kids
so that explains why so many liberal faggots were into cartoons like he-man, she-ra and other sjw remakes
The oldest millennials were like 15 when the oldest zoomers were born.
I’d be more worried about the Autism rate skyrocketing. That shit is gonna fuck up the whole gene pool
Millennials began in 1980. Generation Z began in 2000s. You're confused because of the number of children on this website who, seeing the offensive zoomer memes, decide they must be millennials instead. They aren't.
Nah, you can cope zoomie.
Gen z begins in the mid to late 1990s user
one of the most cringe things is when /pol/ raids a youtube videos comments or some social post, and then fucking retards who weren't there on that day screen cap it thinking "wow normies are actually based oh shit actually we're winning the culture war"
My older brother and his wife are elitist yuppie cocksuckers with portraits of Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama in their living room and devout atheists and their 11 year old son/ my nephew told me there’s only two genders and black kids are bullies and he hates Star Wars and he wants to be baptized. He’s more conservative than my conservative parents and I can’t wait to see how butthurt my faggot brother and his bitch wife will be when they find out.
That's what happens every time. There's never been an instance where average people mass downvoted a video without /pol/ interference.
>go to comment section
>see exact comment in pic related over a dozen times
Are these bots or Disney employees or lazy YouTubers that copy and paste a comment to draw attention to their own channel?
The cringiest thing ever is the continued crybaby pants-shitting by you leftie shills, on Yea Forums of all places
>People here forget that a large chunk of gen z swung right
Aren't 1/5 of zoomers LGBT?
>The cringiest thing ever is the contin-ACK
But did everyone clap?
>le zoomers will save us
I hate this meme so much.
show me a single proven example
why does he have an australian accent
Look, if you;re feeling emotional, get your phone and Dial 8
>LGBQQ shit is pushed more heavily every year
>the population becomes gayer in proportion to this
What a find
THIS, only retards would say zoomers are conservatives.
No, just everything is the same checkbox diversity quota its become cliche.
Pol makes racism look bad desu
How is a dozen comment and less than 200 likes relevant in a site with millions of people
shhhh. Let them get comfortable
If you're wondering why every movie, tv show, or tv commercial looks like this now,
Then stop pretending zooners are redpilled.
this is the first time I've ever smirked at a womans joke...
Both of these bitches have their boyfriends to do the dishes and clean the house for them, I'm sure of it.
The Black IQ is up to 91 now actually.
The power of racemixing, we'll make these evolutionary holdovers into human beings yet.
> What we see is an alternative reality manufactured to replace the bad side of black behavior usually suppressed by the media. Real-world reality is soaring violent black crime, iPhone or surveillance camera videos of blacks fighting each other in restaurants and airports, blatant smash-and-grab crime, feral blacks just hanging out or dealing drugs, as well as all the other black mischief that only occasionally goes public.
>The construction of this alternative universe is not an organized conspiracy. Nor is it likely that the mass media are convinced that hiring a few black pundits like Juan Williams will reduce inner-city shootings. The forces behind it are unspoken and probably unconscious. This is a push/pull cultural dynamic in which the more obvious bad black behavior becomes, the greater the need to convince ordinary Americans that blacks are just like us. Thus, the real product in a pharmaceutical commercial with a black doctor is not the drug; it is respectable blackness. If black misbehavior returned to manageable, 1950s levels, TV directors might no longer feel the urge to hire blacks for car-insurance commercials.
>Ignore surveillance cameras; trust the world of TV commercials instead. Perhaps the aim is that if enough Americans accept this Potemkin Village alternative universe, blacks will reform, and America will return to some fantasy recollection of yesteryear.
>This cosmetic approach is futile, but makes sense emotionally. It spares elected officials the need to be tough on crime, even though many blacks and even rich liberals would like that. At the same time, media and business executives can enjoy the moral high of promoting diversity and inclusion. It is also cheap — unlike a Manhattan Project to rebuild cities.
Having a lower IQ doesn't stop you from being a human.
What was wrong with what I said? Do you really believe that species correlates to IQ?
if i never saw another one of them for as long as i live, it would be too soon. i would pay 1k/month for a service that censored them
Socially unaware pedantry is a good sign of autism
just like old movies always pandered to whites?
it proves the based
I am autistic
in what way
>Zoomers are conservatives
>Zoomers are the right wing generation
When will this tiring meme end? I've grew up with zoomers and they're one of the most progressive generation ever
I guess he means it's some form of racism for white people to make movies about themselves and their own culture the way every other people in the world do
So because they say things you agree with you don’t have a problem with zoomers anymore
>I've grew up with zoomers
They're bots, they take a top comment and repeat it to sound like a real person. And if that wasn't obvious to you, get an IQ test, you might qualify for disability.
They're twins in a poly relationship with some alphachad gym owner, so I doubt it.
Unfortunately, a lot of zoomers are right-wing Trumpists who refuse to watch any movies before 2008. It would be nice if Gen Z had more open-minded people.
like in 55 tage in peking, relevant chinese characters were played by whites
They're mentally ill then
God women are so hideously unfunny.
Native Africans can learn any language from europe your iq chart is a horoscope for men with no achievements
Before you get too excited you should know that "netflix movie with a black x and a trans y" is a meme among normies who don't have any problem with it, but just think it's quaint. So someone saying "which one is trans" isn't actually coming from a position of hating netflix poz
If you had a daughter, would you teach to her that her life is basically "please some man and have babies"? I wouldn't, the feminist mindset sounds more dignified.
Must be why men with achievements place highly on my horoscope charts, and those that don't end up smoking menthols, abandoning their children, and living on welfare while complaining that they're being helld [sic] down.
>mentally ill
Just mormon. Though arguably the same thing.
I do. And I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t. Anyone below 110 is not human.