Meanwhile, on Coruscant Yea Forums

Meanwhile, on Coruscant Yea Forums...

Attached: Coruscant.jpg (894x894, 79.72K)

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Damn space niggers spreading space aids

i would live in a lower level eating garbage or something honestly

I'm heading to Dex's Diner. You guys want anything?

The Jedi are allowed to have sex, they just can't get attached, so it's a bunch of physically fit people who do yoga and shit, it's probably like the olympic village in there. Barris' quarters would have stunk of Ahsoka's cunt, even outside the door.

Saw that Obi wathevathefuck jedi going into Queen Amidala's apartment again.

(((Palpatine))) is controlling the war on both sides to grant himself more executive powers


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I have some extra creds this week, where can I watch an Asari pee

Trantor is suing us for copyright infringement?

The motion to execute all human females finally passed!

Bagged milk and cum


Opening up a twilek sex dungeon club this weekend, first 10 customers get in free. It's about 10 miles east of the jedi temple in the lower levels, floor 364. Can't miss it. Hope to see you there

Why is everything have to be sith with you chuds? You ever think he’s the supreme chancellor because we need him to save democracy? Anti republic hate speech has gone down 70% since he was granted emergency powers plus he promised to turn over his power when the war is over and he’s done nothing but keep his word up to this point. Face it you jedicels are on the wrong side of history

Yo did you guys see this dude just now? He was badass as hell. Hope some back dude doesn't significantly nerf him.

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For me? It’s Palpatino’s Pizza.

You call that an insurrection? Fucking weak. THIS was an insurrection (and an inside job).
A total nonthing-banthaburger, I bet some Gungan threw out a lit death stick.

Attached: 3653 BBY NEVER FORGET.jpg (1000x563, 137.95K)

Doesn't look canon to me.

They had lasers not cannons, poodoo head.

And we're all poorer for it. Enjoy Finn, mutt.

Look what just got leaked on the holonet feed.

Attached: 1633972907368.webm (608x336, 2.46M)

>lasers not cannons
Say you’re a noblasters without saying you’re a no blasters

what's this?

>if you don't like KOTOR retardation then you must love the sequels!
American hours.

Attached: retarded.png (700x331, 88.99K)

Tranny janny sleeps, post the leaks

Attached: Aayla.jpg (3000x3000, 833.27K)

Check out this ancient holorecord.

god this shit is so ugly and soulless

>They had lasers not cannons,
Explain this then

Attached: explain.jpg (1406x611, 82.79K)

Let me guess, you prefer those blatant propaganda holorecords instead.
Go space yourself, Muun.

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Anyone want some deathsticks?

Holy fucking kino. Why hasn't Disney made this into a movie?

>sexy pinups in the background
The subtleties we'll never have again, in favor of non-binary Jedi and an entire planet of strong BLACK womyn

It's all sand to me, glass it Grievous, and all the baby stealer Jedi with it

>belt fed

Based CISbro

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>it's real

That's what you get for not moving to Nar Shaddaa, the superior ecumenopolis .


Coaxium can't melt durasteel beams

good riddance. bunch of cultists with far too much power and lack of oversight


>Jewdi falseflag
Tarnishing the name of Sith everytime.

That's it I'm moving to Alderaan.


Haha! Imperial News Network + didn't even last a month

Reminder that this is the future for all Twi'lek simps.

Attached: Mutts.jpg (602x348, 37.16K)

Somebody call for aid, the clones are slaughtering us. I'm a padawan at the temple, again - the clones are slaugf sh c hftttv I j

That's what you get for being a traitor. Kill 'em all, Clones!

Get a load of this schutta. Fake and gay.

false flag. nothing but crisis actors. lightsabers dont cauterize blood

Yeah gimme some

>changes profile pic to Imperial emblem
jedi shills btfo


Yeah get me a Coke.

Why does the (((Council))) care about the droid attack on the Wookies?


Wtf a Jedi just flew over my house

Czerka corporation just announced another Earthwars holofilm. It's gonna be shit isn't it? I mean who cares about this Purtin side character, he does deserve his own spinoff.

*Doesn't. fuck to many death sticks

Earth Wars dropped off hard after the Trump saga.