How come no one talks about this masterpiece?

How come no one talks about this masterpiece?

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Because it was released years ago, there was constant threads about it.

I remember some threads when it came out.

>"Islamophobia in New York City? Welp, that settles it, I'm moving to this isolated, devoutly Catholic island off the coast of New England"

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Because it's hardly a masterpiece. It was pretty good, I'd recommend it to most people, but there's not much to say (limited series, after all).
Also Riley died too early and was probably the best part second to Monsignor "Pruitt".

Yea Forums has already decided it’s bad because of chud religious schizo reasons

>no one in the island recognises the priest
Masterpiece indeed.

>contrived shit where nobody knows what a vampire is
>absolute dogshit unnatural midwit soliloquies that sound like characters reading off reddit posts
>exists just to strawman religious people and glamorise the writers cringe “spiritual” atheist shit

Halfway though it began reminding me heavily of Shiki.

• remote backwater location
• vampire(s)
• mystery
• priest character
• doctor character
• some of the villagers thinking this is the coolest shit ever, let's go all in

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the whole internet felated mike flanagan and his stupid ugle wife for a whole month about this show so there is no need to talk about it here

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she looks insane

id like to see them do this in a synagogue

It's like you've never read Salem's Lot.

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I never watched this thing but it's weird to me how some people shit on it for being too "religion le bad" and other people shit on it for being too "religion le good" and the only think they could all agree on is that it had cringy pseudointellectual monologues

Midnight Mass?
Never seen it, never will.
But it's late at night and I'm about to hit the weights. Thanks for reminding me.

Good but a few of the monologs felt like the director just masturbating to reddit "deep" posts. Namely the two talking on the couch about what they thought dieing was like. Like, are you really bold face gonna do two back to back tottaly unnatural dialouge monolog blog posts? Shouldn't have ever fully shown the vampire imo.

>and other people shit on it for being too "religion le good"

Never read anyone with that take.

>watching something netflix produced
ok groomer

I know there are people dying all over the island and it is my job to find out what is going on, but did you know I was treated badly for being a muslim this one time

Never heard of it.

its boring

>Yea yeah yeah, blood drinking vampires, whatever. We should focus on what's really important: how American Muslims were the true victims of 9/11.

I didn't really think it was that great, the dialogue was poorly written and the performances were mostly pretty stiff (the actor playing the priest did a great job though). And the slow-reveal of what was going on got less interesting as it went, like the misdirections were more intriguing than the twists/reveals. It wasn't terrible, it kept my interest enough for me to watch the whole thing, but I didn't love it

>some people shit on it for being too "religion le bad"

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The black girl and the guy who crippled her were the best part of it.


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Who else then?

I believe he said it was the best thing he ever watched. ever.
He said EVER.
>Even though Midnight Mass does still contain plenty of overt horror elements, I think the series actually pushes Flanagan quite far outside the horror genre. If anything, I felt baited by this story, which plays within the modern horror sandbox while undercutting much of the ethos of modern horror via its embrace of Christianity as a source of hope and nourishment for lost souls facing an incomprehensible crisis. Many critics have found that to be a good thing, praising the series’ emphasis on the less sordid aspects of horror. Yet while Flanagan has every right to keep writing relentlessly hopeful stories, for horror fans like me, the effect of his optimism is frustration over feeling shunned as a non-believer — by the very genre that usually protects non-believers from feeling shunned.

what. the. fuck.

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Because they sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee"? He feels alienated? That's as much a smootbrain take as the guy that wrote he couldn't relate to 'Turning Red' because he's not asian, Canadian or a woman.

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you'd never guess that the person that wrote this is a big fat slob

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>"and then uhhhhhh all the vampires just decided to kill themselves in the most painful way possible I guess"
it was shit
Bly Manor is the best of these shows and the only one with a truly satisfying ending but it has THE GAYS and isn't packed with obvious horror bait at the start so nobody gave it a fair shot and now we're just gonna get more schlock with 'le tweest' endings from now on

I think 'it' would be more approriate.

Did anyone watch this?

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Exactly what you would expect from a fedora tipping trekky.

libtards fuck off


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>it's hardly a masterpiece.
Anything that's 7/10 is considered a masterpiece now
She would not be with him if he didn't work in the industry and give her jobs


The monologues were like being trapped in a room with some retard who heard about DMT for the first time.

>NOTHINGNESS somehow EXPLODED into space, time, energy and the laws of physics
>after this random atoms flew around for NO REASON until they randomly happened to create the extremely delicate and precise conditions life could exist in on earth, thanks to the nothing that exploded exploding into just the right subatomic conditions that could support consciousness
>then the random atoms started to become alive because... well because they just randomly did, okay. they started to replicate by accident and made germs
>and the germs changed into fish that randomly by pure chance particle spasms developed extremely complex organs to capture light and represent images to a conscious brain despite being totally blind that had a precisely balanced chemical makeup that the random spastic atoms from the big nothing that created everything happened to make
>and then these water breathing fish started to breathe oxygen because... well because of the autistic whizzing aimless atoms, and then in a gorillion years the fish were monkeys because... because they just fucking were!!!!
>and that’s why you are here
>and everything you see and can conceive of just happens to be there because of the unconscious totally senseless collision of atoms that the nothing created that somehow just happened to pinball until they made an accurate representation of reality inside the most complex organ in existence and this was all meaningless and random and just happened to occur
>oh yes, and despite all this my specific political, moral and scientific beliefs about this ludicrously insane complicated world my random atom brain that exists on extremely delicate perfect conditions just happened to evolve to understand (there is no reason the data we receive should be accurate, just useful) and that the determined and causal chemicals in said brain made me believe, are undeniably true and you’re a chud if you don’t think the same

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Flannagan is a fedora fag suck in 2004
>I connected pretty intensely with Buddhism for a few years in there, even seeking out temples in Los Angeles as I tried to further explore it, but ultimately the book that impacted me the most was God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens. That led to Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. But I found more spiritual resonance reading Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan than I found in two decades of Bible study.

Joe Rogan talking about weed.

Let me guess, it's really respectful and authentic in how it portrays Christianity, in the same way every movie and show treats Islam and Judaism as if they're priceless traditions to venerate and treasure. Right? Fuck Hollywood.

>How did he get a vampire through customs?
Magic man did it.

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>sam harris

i’m agnostic but god is not great is one of the most sociopathic things i’ve ever read. it’s not just an atheist thing, he actively wishes for there to be no god because he thinks the idea of some fundamental authority to reality is not worth it. ie, he would actively rather it be the case, and WISHES, that all life and suffering is utterly pointless, that there is no actual truth or inherent beauty to anything we make, that it’s all just random hollow nothingness and that everyone dies alone in a spasm of fear and goes into an abyss of oblivion- he actively hopes this is the case for everyone- because he doesn’t like a god who tells him what is good and bad. and then he goes on to call this god evil

>"dude it's just like DRUGS"
proving my point

schizophrenia is a serious illness, user. take your meds.

Not as serious as something I just thought of.

no but seriously, there is nothing difficult to understand about the monologues, when people criticise them it’s because they are embarrassing. the writer clearly thinks they are deep but shit like that is a dime a dozen on reddit. genuinely what aspect of them do you think anyone would struggle to grasp?

A friend of mine with good taste recommended it to me but I don't watch series, too long

>literally a fat tranny who's mad at Florida's anti-pedo law
how surprising

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Yeah, that was ridiculous

Exactly. MM is like a shitty Salem's Lot and completely unnecessary because Shiki was the superior homage anyway. Hammish was great though.

Too diverse for me


That aspect was fine. There was only one super old person in the community who would have had a decent chance of recognizing the priest's younger appearance, but she was too far gone to be telling anyone much of anything. The other older characters would have been too young at the time to have clear memories of how he looked, and those memories would be further obscured by the different clothing and hair styles of the time. And it's not like this was something they completely ignored - they literally showed one character working it out after seeing an old photograph of the priest.

They set the show up so this wouldn't be a problem. If there were a whole bunch of similarly aged old-folk on the island, it would be a bit more suspicious. But the ages of everyone made sense for the deception.